Monday, February 23, 2009

Village Churches

(this is one of many posts today, my last day in India. Dennis will remain here for another week or so, then he will join me in the US for the seminars) I will add pictures to all the blogs as soon a I get to a place where technology allows.
Last night we visited another village church. The drive was only about 30 minutes for a change!
When we got there we discovered it was an outdoor service. I guess the church could not hold all, so they sat on the road and there is where we preached! One of the congregation members was a downs syndrome young man. (pictured) What a priviledge to have him with his bright smile in the front row! I learned something about time in these village churches.

I was wondering why evening church start time is so late and varied in India. It is because almost no one over the age of 35 can tell time or has a watch. They have never needed one. They wake up, eat, go to work in the rice field or wherever. They work till dark, then they come home to eat. After this they go to church if there is a service scheduled for that evening. Now I know why they do not all come to church at the same time! So much to learn here!

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