Monday, February 23, 2009

4th Post Today

Since I awoke so long before most of the others in the house, I have time to do extra posting today, so I might as well make use of the time.
I want to just list a few cultural and other differences I have noticed.

* Every day is February has wonderul weather. 90-95 during the day and 75 at night. Nice!
* The few showers in India have 2 setting. On and Off. No hot or cold.
* Village people over age 35 or so do not tell time. They go by the sun. See next post for more on this.

* Almost all India marraiges are arranged. Even most of the "Christian" ones. Parents pick the mates and in many cases the one getting married have never seen one another until the wedding.
* Dowry must be paid for all mates. Imagine paying for your mate. Here though, the families pay, not like in South Africa where the groom pays.
* People are fully clothed on the beach and even for swimming. (always)
* The women dress beautifully at all times. Very colorful and feminine sarees.
* There is no dating couples seen ever. They cannot date in this system.
* There are cows in the middle of the city streets. Now I know where the saying Holy Cow comes from as they are holy here to the non Christians.

I could go and on. India is very cultural. Very much tradition is here. I have a lot more to say, but will not post it here in public.

In short, this place is enchanting, exhilirating, and exhausting! Maybe you can come along next time!
In His Service, John

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