Some pictures from the Foreign Mission trip to India in Feb. 2009 are now online. Feel free to view them by clicking here:
Please feel free to email me at anytime with questions you may have at
Just one more cultural difference we really noticed in India. When they agree and want to nod yes, it is from side to side, not up and down with the chin like we do it. This is very different and quite cute!
Thank you for all your prayers. Dennis still has one more week before coming to the USA so please still remember him! In His Service, John
Endeavoring to obey the Words of our Lord when He said in Mark 16:15 "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Half Back!
Unfortunetly a bug arrived with me. Hopefully all the sleep I have been getting as well as all the sauna's I have taken, will kill it very soon. I do feel a little better today already.
Thank you for all your prayers, and still remember Dennis who is still there faithfully ministering!
I wanted to show you a picture of our hosts! Pastor K and his wife Ruth on the left top and Doctor Kumar and his wife Mary-Jean on the right below. These people were wonderful hosts for us, but the more importantly, they
Pray that the Lord will be with them as they faithfully do His work in India.
Monday, February 23, 2009
5th and Last!
I promise this is my last post today!
First I want to thank our very gracious and loving hosts here in India. They have been serving us so faithfully and with such excellence. Pastor K and His wife Ruth, and Doctor Kumar and his wife Jean-Mary. Also much thanks to their very capable assistants!
(faithful supervising pastors and assistants above)
I also want to express my thanks to the Foreign Mission of the ALC for asking me, their administrator, to come to India. It has been a wonderful experience!
I want to thank all the financial supporters of the Foreign Mission for making this trip possible. These trips are very expensive due to the pastors training especially.
Mostly I thank God! I do this privately mostly, but you all know without Him, nothing is possible.
Pray for my journey home and the rest of the stay here of Dennis. He will then join us in the USA for the Mission Eductation and Preparation Seminars that are advertised in this blog in less than 2 weeks. ( Now that there are so many posts, to see them all you must click on older posts after the last post you see.) Keep checking back here for pictures or a link to where they are posted. Hopefully by Friday I can get this done.
First I want to thank our very gracious and loving hosts here in India. They have been serving us so faithfully and with such excellence. Pastor K and His wife Ruth, and Doctor Kumar and his wife Jean-Mary. Also much thanks to their very capable assistants!
(faithful supervising pastors and assistants above)
I also want to express my thanks to the Foreign Mission of the ALC for asking me, their administrator, to come to India. It has been a wonderful experience!
I want to thank all the financial supporters of the Foreign Mission for making this trip possible. These trips are very expensive due to the pastors training especially.
Mostly I thank God! I do this privately mostly, but you all know without Him, nothing is possible.
Pray for my journey home and the rest of the stay here of Dennis. He will then join us in the USA for the Mission Eductation and Preparation Seminars that are advertised in this blog in less than 2 weeks. ( Now that there are so many posts, to see them all you must click on older posts after the last post you see.) Keep checking back here for pictures or a link to where they are posted. Hopefully by Friday I can get this done.
4th Post Today
Since I awoke so long before most of the others in the house, I have time to do extra posting today, so I might as well make use of the time.
I want to just list a few cultural and other differences I have noticed.
* Every day is February has wonderul weather. 90-95 during the day and 75 at night. Nice!
* The few showers in India have 2 setting. On and Off. No hot or cold.
* Village people over age 35 or so do not tell time. They go by the sun. See next post for more on this.
* Almost all India marraiges are arranged. Even most of the "Christian" ones. Parents pick the mates and in many cases the one getting married have never seen one another until the wedding.
* Dowry must be paid for all mates. Imagine paying for your mate. Here though, the families pay, not like in South Africa where the groom pays.
* People are fully clothed on the beach and even for swimming. (always)
* The women dress beautifully at all times. Very colorful and feminine sarees.
* There is no dating couples seen ever. They cannot date in this system.
* There are cows in the middle of the city streets. Now I know where the saying Holy Cow comes from as they are holy here to the non Christians.
I could go and on. India is very cultural. Very much tradition is here. I have a lot more to say, but will not post it here in public.
In short, this place is enchanting, exhilirating, and exhausting! Maybe you can come along next time!
In His Service, John
I want to just list a few cultural and other differences I have noticed.
* Every day is February has wonderul weather. 90-95 during the day and 75 at night. Nice!
* The few showers in India have 2 setting. On and Off. No hot or cold.
* Village people over age 35 or so do not tell time. They go by the sun. See next post for more on this.
* Almost all India marraiges are arranged. Even most of the "Christian" ones. Parents pick the mates and in many cases the one getting married have never seen one another until the wedding.
* Dowry must be paid for all mates. Imagine paying for your mate. Here though, the families pay, not like in South Africa where the groom pays.
* People are fully clothed on the beach and even for swimming. (always)
* The women dress beautifully at all times. Very colorful and feminine sarees.
* There is no dating couples seen ever. They cannot date in this system.
* There are cows in the middle of the city streets. Now I know where the saying Holy Cow comes from as they are holy here to the non Christians.
I could go and on. India is very cultural. Very much tradition is here. I have a lot more to say, but will not post it here in public.
In short, this place is enchanting, exhilirating, and exhausting! Maybe you can come along next time!
In His Service, John
Village Churches
(this is one of many posts today, my last day in India. Dennis will remain here for another week or so, then he will join me in the US for the seminars) I will add pictures to all the blogs as soon a I get to a place where technology allows.
Last night we visited another village church. The drive was only about 30 minutes for a change!
When we got there we discovered it was an outdoor service. I guess the church could not hold all, so they sat on the road and there is where we preached! One of the congregation members was a downs syndrome young man. (pictured) What a priviledge to have him with his bright smile in the front row! I learned something about time in these village churches.
I was wondering why evening church start time is so late and varied in India. It is because almost no one over the age of 35 can tell time or has a watch. They have never needed one. They wake up, eat, go to work in the rice field or wherever. They work till dark, then they come home to eat. After this they go to church if there is a service scheduled for that evening. Now I know why they do not all come to church at the same time! So much to learn here!
Last night we visited another village church. The drive was only about 30 minutes for a change!
When we got there we discovered it was an outdoor service. I guess the church could not hold all, so they sat on the road and there is where we preached! One of the congregation members was a downs syndrome young man. (pictured) What a priviledge to have him with his bright smile in the front row! I learned something about time in these village churches.
I was wondering why evening church start time is so late and varied in India. It is because almost no one over the age of 35 can tell time or has a watch. They have never needed one. They wake up, eat, go to work in the rice field or wherever. They work till dark, then they come home to eat. After this they go to church if there is a service scheduled for that evening. Now I know why they do not all come to church at the same time! So much to learn here!
We went to the Orphanage (children pictured) yesterday that was started by Ryan Ruotsala and Randy Questad several years back. Doctor Kumar is in charge of this. The children are being well cared for. They sang us many Christian songs in English! These were taught in great part by the Doctor's wife. It is always wonderful and I always love the children. So much life in them, so much hope in their eyes! They showed great decipline and many are doing excellent in the public schools they go to. This orphanage is not supported by the Foreign Mission, but we are thankful to see these children being supported by other American Christians not the least of which is still Randy Questad.
Mission Hospital
God's Peace to All!
Yesterday Dennis and I experienced another first. We were in the operating room (pictured) and watched a major operation close up. Very interesting. This was at the Alvar Helmes Mission Hospital. I thank Alvar and his family for their great sacrifices for building and funding this hospital. This great work has comforted hundreds of thousands if not millions of people in the last 9 or so years. Many have come to Jesus after being healed. This is another reminder of the Bible for me. Remember, these are very poor people, and all this care they could never afford. Here it is totally free to them. Wow! Yesterday there were 3 operations performed. Plus about 40 examinations (one pictured)
for all kinds of problems. We sat in the room for a few of these. I thank the Lord for this wonderous work! I have heard and even have one on video, testimonies of people helped here greatly! Please ask me for Alvar's contact info if you wish to learn more!
Yesterday Dennis and I experienced another first. We were in the operating room (pictured) and watched a major operation close up. Very interesting. This was at the Alvar Helmes Mission Hospital. I thank Alvar and his family for their great sacrifices for building and funding this hospital. This great work has comforted hundreds of thousands if not millions of people in the last 9 or so years. Many have come to Jesus after being healed. This is another reminder of the Bible for me. Remember, these are very poor people, and all this care they could never afford. Here it is totally free to them. Wow! Yesterday there were 3 operations performed. Plus about 40 examinations (one pictured)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
There are signs in India that say Enchanting India. It surely is. Someday I will write about some of the cultural things I have learned while here. There are new wonders everyday. New things that I am learning that would be hard to learn and impossible to feel without being here! Some are wonderful things and some are not. For now I will keep to recording the days for the record.
I want to first thank the Lord that He has allowed our church to begin work here in India many years ago.
I would like to thank those willing servants that have come during these years. Many have donated much to India and the needs here. I will not name names, since all Glory goes to God and I surely would forget someone, but I still say thank you for your heart and kindness. Dennis and I would not have had this wonderful trip if it were not for your groundwork and the Lords allowing.
I will also in a later post let you know some of the needs here. For now, let me just say, I have warned them our country is in a deep recession and that money is tight. They are now being funded by the FM on a month to month basis with no promises beyond one month. They would be very content if we can continue the meger support we now give. This is usually less than $30 per month per pastor in India. So please dear reader, remember the Foreign Mission. If each ALC member in the USA gave only $10 per month, this would more than cover our needs. It would keep hundreds of pastors preaching through out the world, and allow us to do pastor training and other preaching trips at least once a year to each country we work in. It does not take much, just a steady small donation from many people! Let's pray together that the Lord would provide for these needs.
Well now I have gotten long already and did not speak of yesterday. I will give a short version. Our day started by going to the river and baptizing 10 new believers. (pictured) This was done by immersion into the river. They know it is not the amount of water, but so do we, and therefore we knew it was ok to use this method. It was a wonderful experience for us, and I am sure it was one that these new believers will remember forever. They believe in infant baptism here just like we do for Christian babies, and they do not baptism people if they have already been baptized. What a joy it is when new believers are baptized! I pray we can see more of this in our USA churches. One man saw what was taking place from afar, and trudged through the sand to ask for us to pray for him.
We then had a church service in the original (first) church that was started with our group. It is not really a church, but more like a porch and a street. It was filled inside and outside. Dennis and I were feeling a bit tired from so much preaching, that we took turns and only had one sermon at each of our services yesterday. This gave us a much needed break. Our translator as well is having problems with his voice. He needs to slow down a bit also. He says the devil wants to stop the word from going forth, so our faithful translator and host keeps going forward despite it all. We have no other options for translating so we are so thankful for his attitude.
In the evening we took 2 hour ride to a village church. Again we had a totally packed church. The church was small, but as always no chairs or benches, so well over 100 people packed in tight! It was a blessed time we had together! On the way home, we found out our Hindu driver sat and listened again. This was his second sermon in a few days. The only two of his life. Let's pray that he continues to hear and one day becomes a believer!
I must close. This is too long. Blogs are supposed to be short. God's Peace! John
I want to first thank the Lord that He has allowed our church to begin work here in India many years ago.
I would like to thank those willing servants that have come during these years. Many have donated much to India and the needs here. I will not name names, since all Glory goes to God and I surely would forget someone, but I still say thank you for your heart and kindness. Dennis and I would not have had this wonderful trip if it were not for your groundwork and the Lords allowing.
I will also in a later post let you know some of the needs here. For now, let me just say, I have warned them our country is in a deep recession and that money is tight. They are now being funded by the FM on a month to month basis with no promises beyond one month. They would be very content if we can continue the meger support we now give. This is usually less than $30 per month per pastor in India. So please dear reader, remember the Foreign Mission. If each ALC member in the USA gave only $10 per month, this would more than cover our needs. It would keep hundreds of pastors preaching through out the world, and allow us to do pastor training and other preaching trips at least once a year to each country we work in. It does not take much, just a steady small donation from many people! Let's pray together that the Lord would provide for these needs.
Well now I have gotten long already and did not speak of yesterday. I will give a short version. Our day started by going to the river and baptizing 10 new believers. (pictured) This was done by immersion into the river. They know it is not the amount of water, but so do we, and therefore we knew it was ok to use this method. It was a wonderful experience for us, and I am sure it was one that these new believers will remember forever. They believe in infant baptism here just like we do for Christian babies, and they do not baptism people if they have already been baptized. What a joy it is when new believers are baptized! I pray we can see more of this in our USA churches. One man saw what was taking place from afar, and trudged through the sand to ask for us to pray for him.
We then had a church service in the original (first) church that was started with our group. It is not really a church, but more like a porch and a street. It was filled inside and outside. Dennis and I were feeling a bit tired from so much preaching, that we took turns and only had one sermon at each of our services yesterday. This gave us a much needed break. Our translator as well is having problems with his voice. He needs to slow down a bit also. He says the devil wants to stop the word from going forth, so our faithful translator and host keeps going forward despite it all. We have no other options for translating so we are so thankful for his attitude.
In the evening we took 2 hour ride to a village church. Again we had a totally packed church. The church was small, but as always no chairs or benches, so well over 100 people packed in tight! It was a blessed time we had together! On the way home, we found out our Hindu driver sat and listened again. This was his second sermon in a few days. The only two of his life. Let's pray that he continues to hear and one day becomes a believer!
I must close. This is too long. Blogs are supposed to be short. God's Peace! John
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Mountain Top
On our long drive home last night, Pastor Dennis told me that we had another mountain top experience tonight. I surely agreed! We have had so many of these though that it is like going from one to another. I thank our Lord however, that he is also God of the valleys. The same God who gives us these highs, is there with us in the lows that we all have as well. We can rejoice even in our tribulation scripture says!
The mountain top Dennis spoke of last night was our late evening service outdoors. This time at least 1000 people showed up! (picture above is part of them) God provided for food from the word! Then after the service we personally laid hands on and blessed each person. That took time, but it was a blessing also for us. We were very happy that at least probably 2 to 300 of the people were men. This is a high percentage of men for here. Remember, these are poor villagers. Not one car came except ours. They all came by walking, bike, or rented motor rikshaw taxi. They came for 3 straight nights, many from long distances (for their forms of transportation) to listen to God's word. They were not given anything to eat, and almost half last night had to sit on the ground. But this did not stop them! Praise God for this!
Yesterday we also had a service in a village church. Two congregations. In this group were certain young women had a talent for smiling as they sang. A nice sight! One of these girls could find scripture faster than anyone else in the room including the pastors. (keep reading the below articles if you have not yet, they are in backwards order like all blogs.)
God Bless you all!
The mountain top Dennis spoke of last night was our late evening service outdoors. This time at least 1000 people showed up! (picture above is part of them) God provided for food from the word! Then after the service we personally laid hands on and blessed each person. That took time, but it was a blessing also for us. We were very happy that at least probably 2 to 300 of the people were men. This is a high percentage of men for here. Remember, these are poor villagers. Not one car came except ours. They all came by walking, bike, or rented motor rikshaw taxi. They came for 3 straight nights, many from long distances (for their forms of transportation) to listen to God's word. They were not given anything to eat, and almost half last night had to sit on the ground. But this did not stop them! Praise God for this!
Yesterday we also had a service in a village church. Two congregations. In this group were certain young women had a talent for smiling as they sang. A nice sight! One of these girls could find scripture faster than anyone else in the room including the pastors. (keep reading the below articles if you have not yet, they are in backwards order like all blogs.)
God Bless you all!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Dedication and Gifts
God's Peace from India again!
I am learning the meaning of dedication in Indian terms. I will give a couple examples of this and of gifts I have seen in the Christians here.
* The children in Pastor K's orphanage during their devotions. Everyday, many times a day, at the same times. Never skipping, alway waking at 5AM to have time.
* The man who volunteered to guard the church. Enemies were burning churches. He said I will do the job every night for the rest of my life. 7 years later he is still faithful! He also prays for at least one hour every morning.
* Here in the city, the supervision pastors are so dedicated. Wherever we go, whatever the time, however far the trip, they stand at the ready. They travel by motorcycle or a different car. I have never even opened or closed the car door since I have been here. These faithful pastors are alway there. On both ends of the trip. Always supplying water and whatever else they can think of.
* Finding scripture. Many of these people can do this in far beyond record time, faster than anyone I have ever seen. What a joy. You say the scripture and they almost immediately start reading. Amazing. A true gift, but also shows dedication to study.
* Translating. Both of our translators never miss a beat. So good and so fast. A true gift.
* Clapping: This is one thing I never in my life would have called a gift. Until yesterday that is. Upon arriving in the village, we could hear the singing even before we got out of the car. When we got in the church, immediately I heard what I thought was a new instrument. They usually only have the one simple drum. This time there was something extra. I looked around and quickly discovered it was a teenage girl clapping.(pictured above)
I am learning the meaning of dedication in Indian terms. I will give a couple examples of this and of gifts I have seen in the Christians here.
* The children in Pastor K's orphanage during their devotions. Everyday, many times a day, at the same times. Never skipping, alway waking at 5AM to have time.
* The man who volunteered to guard the church. Enemies were burning churches. He said I will do the job every night for the rest of my life. 7 years later he is still faithful! He also prays for at least one hour every morning.
* Here in the city, the supervision pastors are so dedicated. Wherever we go, whatever the time, however far the trip, they stand at the ready. They travel by motorcycle or a different car. I have never even opened or closed the car door since I have been here. These faithful pastors are alway there. On both ends of the trip. Always supplying water and whatever else they can think of.
* Finding scripture. Many of these people can do this in far beyond record time, faster than anyone I have ever seen. What a joy. You say the scripture and they almost immediately start reading. Amazing. A true gift, but also shows dedication to study.
* Translating. Both of our translators never miss a beat. So good and so fast. A true gift.
* Clapping: This is one thing I never in my life would have called a gift. Until yesterday that is. Upon arriving in the village, we could hear the singing even before we got out of the car. When we got in the church, immediately I heard what I thought was a new instrument. They usually only have the one simple drum. This time there was something extra. I looked around and quickly discovered it was a teenage girl clapping.(pictured above)
I have never heard such a beautiful clap!
Loud, distinct, certain pitches, and she changed the tempo and timing, but every one she used was wonderful. After the service I talked to her, and told her the next time I am in India, I want to listen to her clap again! What a gift!
Last night we again took a long drive. 600 people attended. The service went until 10:30 PM or so. Afterwards there was almost of mob scene as people want to approach the visitors. One thing here that I am not used to is that the people want to be blessed personally. Sometimes over half to three fourths the congregation. Pray that they receive the blessings given as from the hand of God and by His words and not mans.
God Bless you all! John
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Seminar and India
Before I write todays wonderment from India, I want to remind you of the mission seminars that Dennis and I will be conducting in the USA right after this trip is complete. Scroll down this blog until you see the picture of Dennis with the group from South Africa, and you will see the announcement! We hope to see you there, and we are excited to share!
Yesterday produced more wonder and amazement at God's work in India. In the afternoon we went to a service at a church. They had invited an extra congregation so the church could not hold. The service was outside. When we go out of the rig, a baby pig led the way toward the s
ervice before he ran off.
Then in the evening, we took a 2 hour drive. Our first drive at night in India. We will not forget it. I am just thankful to God we safely made the trip both ways. When we arrived at 8:15PM there were lots of empty chairs and only 20 people. Singing was going on. I noticed that they kept singing. I was told there were more people on the way. This was an outdoor service as well. Wow, were we suprised. By 9:10 PM there were 500 people! These people worked hard all day, and traveled from 10 congregations. What a testimony to their dedication and love for the Lord. We preached in the open air until 10:30 or so. God was with us!
We will return to this place for the next 2 nights as well! Pray for the Lord to use us to preach all that He would want these people in this large group to hear! Our driver last night was a hindu man. He had a stroke one week ago. He was healed in the our mission hospital by way of a miracle. He was paralysed on one side. He could not stand or walk. Now he is like new. (his picture is above, taken less than a week after his stroke.) A wonderful thing. But even more wonderful, this man confessed to us on the way home, that he had never in his life sat in a Christian service. Last night he was moved to do so. Pray that this work continues in this man and that he would recieve grace to repent and believe!
May God Bless you all!
In His Service! John
Yesterday produced more wonder and amazement at God's work in India. In the afternoon we went to a service at a church. They had invited an extra congregation so the church could not hold. The service was outside. When we go out of the rig, a baby pig led the way toward the s
Then in the evening, we took a 2 hour drive. Our first drive at night in India. We will not forget it. I am just thankful to God we safely made the trip both ways. When we arrived at 8:15PM there were lots of empty chairs and only 20 people. Singing was going on. I noticed that they kept singing. I was told there were more people on the way. This was an outdoor service as well. Wow, were we suprised. By 9:10 PM there were 500 people! These people worked hard all day, and traveled from 10 congregations. What a testimony to their dedication and love for the Lord. We preached in the open air until 10:30 or so. God was with us!
We will return to this place for the next 2 nights as well! Pray for the Lord to use us to preach all that He would want these people in this large group to hear! Our driver last night was a hindu man. He had a stroke one week ago. He was healed in the our mission hospital by way of a miracle. He was paralysed on one side. He could not stand or walk. Now he is like new. (his picture is above, taken less than a week after his stroke.) A wonderful thing. But even more wonderful, this man confessed to us on the way home, that he had never in his life sat in a Christian service. Last night he was moved to do so. Pray that this work continues in this man and that he would recieve grace to repent and believe!
May God Bless you all!
In His Service! John
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
India trip update!
First of all, for those not familiar with blogs, notice that the latest post is on the top. You can either start lower down at the place you last read and read in order, or read the posts from the top, newest to oldest. However you prefer is fine.
Just a quick little update email from India. I thank the Lord that He has kept us safe and healthy to this point. As those of you that have read the updates online know, it is only Dennis Hilman and I on this trip due to the risk of danger from the Hindus at this particular time. (our host insisted on only two, especially here in the city) The portion of the trip that the pastors were most worried about is now over. That was the pastors seminars portion. (pictured)
The first with Pastor K had about 50 pastors and now this one that just finished yesterday had 170 pastors. We surely had a blessed time with all these pastors. They were very attentive and responsive. I was totally amazed at their bible verse finding skills. The pastors liked to read the text out loud. The first one that found it often read. It seemed that the instant you finished saying the text, a pastor was reading it. I have never witnessed such a thing in my life. What a wonderful lesson for Dennis and myself! I know at least I would never be able to do this. Even small books like Micah were found instantly. And believe me, they have no Franklin electronic bibles!
I was also very encouraged by the joy with which they sing. All the pastors together singing from the bottom of their heart! Yes, they clap and use the drums! This is their culture. We are so happy that they are free to worship! The drum here is like our organ. We would not stand for our organ being taken out of our churches. Therefore we will not remove their drum. Besides, with no or poor electricity, and such a lack of money, other instruments are out of the question anyway. Trust me when I say, their music and singing is beautiful and a great joy to witness.
Mostly I am thanful that the Lord has provided from His word. Pray that this would continue. We now start church visits in this area. We will hold services for about 36 more congregations in the next three days. Fortunately, there are joint services many of the times, so we will not have as many places to go. Then on Sunday we will be doing baptisms along with church services in several places. These are new converts being baptized. We thank the Lord that people are turning to the Living Lord!
I will stop for now. Remember that I have posted some notes at when there click on the Latest FM newsblog. Once that is open, you could add that page to your favorites so you can go there directly to check the latest FM news.
In His Service! John
Please keep praying. We can feel those prayers!
When I get back, I will notify all as to where to see the pictures.
Just a quick little update email from India. I thank the Lord that He has kept us safe and healthy to this point. As those of you that have read the updates online know, it is only Dennis Hilman and I on this trip due to the risk of danger from the Hindus at this particular time. (our host insisted on only two, especially here in the city) The portion of the trip that the pastors were most worried about is now over. That was the pastors seminars portion. (pictured)
The first with Pastor K had about 50 pastors and now this one that just finished yesterday had 170 pastors. We surely had a blessed time with all these pastors. They were very attentive and responsive. I was totally amazed at their bible verse finding skills. The pastors liked to read the text out loud. The first one that found it often read. It seemed that the instant you finished saying the text, a pastor was reading it. I have never witnessed such a thing in my life. What a wonderful lesson for Dennis and myself! I know at least I would never be able to do this. Even small books like Micah were found instantly. And believe me, they have no Franklin electronic bibles!
I was also very encouraged by the joy with which they sing. All the pastors together singing from the bottom of their heart! Yes, they clap and use the drums! This is their culture. We are so happy that they are free to worship! The drum here is like our organ. We would not stand for our organ being taken out of our churches. Therefore we will not remove their drum. Besides, with no or poor electricity, and such a lack of money, other instruments are out of the question anyway. Trust me when I say, their music and singing is beautiful and a great joy to witness.
Mostly I am thanful that the Lord has provided from His word. Pray that this would continue. We now start church visits in this area. We will hold services for about 36 more congregations in the next three days. Fortunately, there are joint services many of the times, so we will not have as many places to go. Then on Sunday we will be doing baptisms along with church services in several places. These are new converts being baptized. We thank the Lord that people are turning to the Living Lord!
I will stop for now. Remember that I have posted some notes at when there click on the Latest FM newsblog. Once that is open, you could add that page to your favorites so you can go there directly to check the latest FM news.
In His Service! John
Please keep praying. We can feel those prayers!
When I get back, I will notify all as to where to see the pictures.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Thanking God in India
I just had to write a couple more quick notes. As Dennis and I were being escorted by to home base from the seminars just now, there were pastors on motorcycles as our unknown by others guards. God is taking care of every detail.
These trips are life changing. I am so amazed at all the details that God is providing for. When I have not felt strength to speak, He has provided. Even though I have not slept well, He has seen that I am not sleepy during the day either. Even though I was worried about the food, I am enjoying it greatly. I am realizing that I have not always trusted in Him to provide all as much as I should. Pray that this lesson would stay with me forever.
Here is another small matter that God has done for me on this trip. Finally after many days of services, we had a little break one afternoon. We went to the river, crossed it in a boat that looked very much like the boats in the bible I am sure. While there on the otherside, I was horseplaying with the orphange boys. Here I pulled my hamstring. If you have any idea what this is, you know what I am taking about. Remember, we came about a mile by walking to get to the river. I was in pain. Now I had to just stand or sit with no more horse play.
During this time, our fisherman pastor friend that had alone rowed us to the other side, explained his fishing to me. How interesting. This must have been how the fishermen in the bible did it. All the old ways with a small wooden boat, paddle, and nets for the fishing. After this, when it was time to go back to the house, I hobled and was helped as needed.
When we got there, it was only a few minutes and what do you know, a doctor walked in the door. This doctor was not called, but was a member of the congregation. He had to move to the city from this village in order to make a living for his family. But now he came back and he came into the house! I have never in my life had a doctor walk into my house. But this does not stop here.
This was the end of my stay here, and where to we go next. To a doctors home. I have never stayed in one before! Wow, See, God is in charge of all even the little things in our lives. This Doctor has greatly helped my leg already. I noticed that I was able to climb steps slowly now with both legs.
All Praise, Honor and Glory be to God! God's Peace! John
These trips are life changing. I am so amazed at all the details that God is providing for. When I have not felt strength to speak, He has provided. Even though I have not slept well, He has seen that I am not sleepy during the day either. Even though I was worried about the food, I am enjoying it greatly. I am realizing that I have not always trusted in Him to provide all as much as I should. Pray that this lesson would stay with me forever.
Here is another small matter that God has done for me on this trip. Finally after many days of services, we had a little break one afternoon. We went to the river, crossed it in a boat that looked very much like the boats in the bible I am sure. While there on the otherside, I was horseplaying with the orphange boys. Here I pulled my hamstring. If you have any idea what this is, you know what I am taking about. Remember, we came about a mile by walking to get to the river. I was in pain. Now I had to just stand or sit with no more horse play.
During this time, our fisherman pastor friend that had alone rowed us to the other side, explained his fishing to me. How interesting. This must have been how the fishermen in the bible did it. All the old ways with a small wooden boat, paddle, and nets for the fishing. After this, when it was time to go back to the house, I hobled and was helped as needed.
When we got there, it was only a few minutes and what do you know, a doctor walked in the door. This doctor was not called, but was a member of the congregation. He had to move to the city from this village in order to make a living for his family. But now he came back and he came into the house! I have never in my life had a doctor walk into my house. But this does not stop here.
This was the end of my stay here, and where to we go next. To a doctors home. I have never stayed in one before! Wow, See, God is in charge of all even the little things in our lives. This Doctor has greatly helped my leg already. I noticed that I was able to climb steps slowly now with both legs.
All Praise, Honor and Glory be to God! God's Peace! John
Monday, February 16, 2009
Greetings from India!
Hello and God's Peace!
Well, Dennis and I have arrived to our next location in this beautiful country! I just wanted to make a special mention at the first chance I got, that those of you who are supporting a child at Pastor K's orphange can be very happy!
Those children are much loved and are taken very good care of. I have taken videos of each one so that when I get back, I will post them on youtube so you can see your child personally. Well the pastors training in this area start tomorrow. It will be 2 very long days of doing that. Then start many services in many different churches. It seems that these people have lots of energy. Pray that Dennis and I will be able to keep up with all the schedules. Please read more below, as now I just wanted to post this short note.
Thanks, John
Well, Dennis and I have arrived to our next location in this beautiful country! I just wanted to make a special mention at the first chance I got, that those of you who are supporting a child at Pastor K's orphange can be very happy!
Those children are much loved and are taken very good care of. I have taken videos of each one so that when I get back, I will post them on youtube so you can see your child personally. Well the pastors training in this area start tomorrow. It will be 2 very long days of doing that. Then start many services in many different churches. It seems that these people have lots of energy. Pray that Dennis and I will be able to keep up with all the schedules. Please read more below, as now I just wanted to post this short note.
Thanks, John
Greetings from this beautiful country. God has blessed everything so far! Pray that he will continue this. I have not had time to get to a internet cafe until today. The below is just stuff I quickly typed here and there. It is not intended for a spiritual article, that will have to wait for time.
The below I typed earlier with the very limited time that I have. Please do not mind the mixed up dates. However, maybe this will give you a little flair of what India is like.
It is my second full day in India. I have been advised to leave out names of people and towns until I leave the country for safety reasons, as there are radical factions amount the 98 percent of people that are not Christian.
My senses are overwhelmed from my first day and a half here that I felt I had to write some of it down.
My days here have both started at 3 45 AM This is probably or a number of reasons, not the least of which are our neighbors very noisy roosters, I would say next door neighbors, but the row of homes just over the fence, are thatched roof and adobe structures with no doors or windows, just some openings, At 5 AM the alarm for our complex goes off. It is a piece of steel which is used as a bell.
This morning as that went off, I got up to come to type out this note. I am sitting on the stoop of the house. Already some people are milling about. At 5 after 5 the children in the orphanage break into song. The first song I hear during the girls morning devotion is This is my commandment that ye love on another. I can now hear the boy singing songs as well. However that is currently being overtaken by the very loud Hindu music that is broadcast over large speakers so the whole village can hear. Our complex plays Christian music in similar fashion, but they cannot start theirs until 6AM because of all the complaints from the Hindus.
The mosquitoes are quite bad as I type this. I have been assure that they do not carry malaria. I trust this is true. Now the girls have come to the well to draw water for their bathes and the ladies of the kitchen are drawing water for the kitchen duties.
This pastors conference that is its second day know, has about 50 pastors in attendance. It is now about 5 15 and the pastors who have slept on the concrete floor of the church are now singing praises to God in their telegu language. Quite beautiful it is I must say, even though it is very different from my culture. The instruments are only a set of bongo drums. The rest is singing.
The level of church dedication here is unheard of in America. I see a man praying on the church step. I inquire from our host of this man. I am told that in 2002 there were church burnings in the area. Our Pastor announced in church that they need a guard to stand by overnight to guard their church. A man got up and stated that he will spend every night for the rest of his life guarding the church. 7 years later he is true to his word. HE arrives at 9 at night and stays till 6 am. He prays for at least the last hour out loud in the kneeling position. What dedication.
Yesterday I climbed to the roof of the church just after 5 am. From there a beautiful view of the sky was to be found. The same moon, stars are above Gods children here. Right around the house here are many palm trees and there is water on 2 sides of the property. I have been told I can swim in the canal, but my doctor strictly forbid that so I will hold off. Also, after seeing the 3 foot long fish that were caught yesterday that to me looked like catfish, but I was told they were sharks, this also takes the urge to swim down a bit.
These fish provided lunch yesterday for all 75 or so of the people present. Standard fair is a plate full of white rice, along with fish or chicken. The ladies work so hard. Imagine doing all of this prep on a fire or gas grill. The power here is off and on. It goes out at at least 3 times per day for 20 minutes to 3 hours a day at this time of year. In the summer it goes off for 6 hour stretches because the rivers are low and they cannot produce enough. This is for the fortunate ones that have power at all.
At five thirty now that fire is being lit. The well is now very busy with people coming from all over the compound to draw water. They have recently modernized to a hand pump from the water bucket and rope days. They still have that well for backup though. My host has just delivered me tea. It is good,, but it has caffeine which I do not use in America but I cannot argue with the kindness. It is still every dark.
This is the cool time of year, so it is only in the 70;s at this time of day. Very humid and misty also. It gets up to about 90 during the day, but I have yet to see a thermometer. I am not sure they have those here. The every morning sweeping of the sidewalks and courtyard have begun. The brooms they use do not have handles. I inquired as to why, and am told that it is easier for the people to use on without handles. It is also interesting how they sweep the dirt courtyard every day. They want things neat and in order.
Curious children have now come over to watch me type, Probably have never seen a laptop before. They are most beautiful.
It is still long before 6 and there is very much action here now. Yesterday
as I sat a little later that this when it was light, I see the neighbor carrying two small pigs by the feet. I inquire as to why this is. I am told that they are about to get whacked, butchered. This neighbor butchers pigs and he is from the lowest of the cast system. This is the same one that has the cock fighting roosters that are my welcome to the day. The cast system is different for us. One cannot marry into another cast, or they are totally cast out from both families. Pear pressure is great.
I got so into telling you this story now, that I forgot to let you know how I could tell we were getting close to our destination. I am the first American of the people we know to land at the close airport. When we land, the plan turns around and taxis on the same runway that we land on. I was hoping that no other planes were coming. I look out the window and construction is being done by a group of men with baskets that carried sand on their heads. The luggage was unloaded into hand pushed carts to the baggage claim area, which was a spot near a small building out in the sun. Interesting!
Then began the task of finding my hosts. There were about 100 men around, but none looked like our host to me. I figure he would find me by asking all of the few white people he saw. Sure enough he did, although he was just a few minutes late in getting to the airport.
Then starts the ride in the car. This is about one hour fifteen minutes or 2 hours if driven by an American. The driving is the the wrong side of the road, by our standard. For the feint of heart this trip is not. Constant horn beeping and high speeds, three wide on a two lane road, there are no traffic laws, stop signs, or police. Not seatbelt, helmet laws or inspected vehicles to be found anywhere on the roads. I could see very few if even one that would pass our pollution or safety standards.
The Lord watched over though, and we arrived at our final destination after traveling for over 30 hours from home with no real sleep. I think I got one hour total sleep after Monday AM US time and before night here on Wednesday. Then the roosters. Boy this is getting long and I have not even touched on so much. I will quickly list a couple.
After the walk through the village, the girl who cannot talk acting our her story of faith. The crippled girl I was able to hug that maybe seldom gets a hug because the handicapped here are not held high. My friend Jonathan a teenage boy that tries English and has taught me 3 Telugu phrases. He loves life and can climb palm trees to pick coconuts. The seminars for the pastors. Pray hard for these. Our trainer and teacher is Dennis Hilman. Then I am required to have a sermon each session. 3 per day. I need your prayers very much. 2 more girls just come up to say good morning uncle. I am now an uncle to 35 more children. Lovely. Well I have to run now to read, pray, visit, eat and shower before our first session starts at 9 AM. God be with you. Love John Internet is non existent, so when you see this I know not, but will try my best John
This is now the end of Sunday February 15th. All the pastor training was over yesterday in this area. There will be more of that in another area starting Tuesday. Today was very busy. We had 3 different church services before noon. We visited I think 4 churches in the afternoon. So very interesting. At one service the people in the community go door to door during the week, and sure enough new people came to church today. Most of these were Hindus. Several are beginning to convert to Christianity. Pray that this continues. At another service a Hindu Communist was there. He is searching.
At all services, people afterwards ask for prayers for various illnesses or problems. On young lady wanted me to pray for her because she had just received her first bible ever. She wept a lot during the prayer. This girl was a fairly new Christian also. What a joy this is.
As we walk through the villages, very often people come running and they want us to pray for this one or that one. Day is so interesting. I cannot continue now. Leona and Amanda and Milo Matson have been with us as well for the past few days.
God’s Peace to all! John
The below I typed earlier with the very limited time that I have. Please do not mind the mixed up dates. However, maybe this will give you a little flair of what India is like.
It is my second full day in India. I have been advised to leave out names of people and towns until I leave the country for safety reasons, as there are radical factions amount the 98 percent of people that are not Christian.
My senses are overwhelmed from my first day and a half here that I felt I had to write some of it down.
My days here have both started at 3 45 AM This is probably or a number of reasons, not the least of which are our neighbors very noisy roosters, I would say next door neighbors, but the row of homes just over the fence, are thatched roof and adobe structures with no doors or windows, just some openings, At 5 AM the alarm for our complex goes off. It is a piece of steel which is used as a bell.
This morning as that went off, I got up to come to type out this note. I am sitting on the stoop of the house. Already some people are milling about. At 5 after 5 the children in the orphanage break into song. The first song I hear during the girls morning devotion is This is my commandment that ye love on another. I can now hear the boy singing songs as well. However that is currently being overtaken by the very loud Hindu music that is broadcast over large speakers so the whole village can hear. Our complex plays Christian music in similar fashion, but they cannot start theirs until 6AM because of all the complaints from the Hindus.
The mosquitoes are quite bad as I type this. I have been assure that they do not carry malaria. I trust this is true. Now the girls have come to the well to draw water for their bathes and the ladies of the kitchen are drawing water for the kitchen duties.
This pastors conference that is its second day know, has about 50 pastors in attendance. It is now about 5 15 and the pastors who have slept on the concrete floor of the church are now singing praises to God in their telegu language. Quite beautiful it is I must say, even though it is very different from my culture. The instruments are only a set of bongo drums. The rest is singing.
The level of church dedication here is unheard of in America. I see a man praying on the church step. I inquire from our host of this man. I am told that in 2002 there were church burnings in the area. Our Pastor announced in church that they need a guard to stand by overnight to guard their church. A man got up and stated that he will spend every night for the rest of his life guarding the church. 7 years later he is true to his word. HE arrives at 9 at night and stays till 6 am. He prays for at least the last hour out loud in the kneeling position. What dedication.
Yesterday I climbed to the roof of the church just after 5 am. From there a beautiful view of the sky was to be found. The same moon, stars are above Gods children here. Right around the house here are many palm trees and there is water on 2 sides of the property. I have been told I can swim in the canal, but my doctor strictly forbid that so I will hold off. Also, after seeing the 3 foot long fish that were caught yesterday that to me looked like catfish, but I was told they were sharks, this also takes the urge to swim down a bit.
These fish provided lunch yesterday for all 75 or so of the people present. Standard fair is a plate full of white rice, along with fish or chicken. The ladies work so hard. Imagine doing all of this prep on a fire or gas grill. The power here is off and on. It goes out at at least 3 times per day for 20 minutes to 3 hours a day at this time of year. In the summer it goes off for 6 hour stretches because the rivers are low and they cannot produce enough. This is for the fortunate ones that have power at all.
At five thirty now that fire is being lit. The well is now very busy with people coming from all over the compound to draw water. They have recently modernized to a hand pump from the water bucket and rope days. They still have that well for backup though. My host has just delivered me tea. It is good,, but it has caffeine which I do not use in America but I cannot argue with the kindness. It is still every dark.
This is the cool time of year, so it is only in the 70;s at this time of day. Very humid and misty also. It gets up to about 90 during the day, but I have yet to see a thermometer. I am not sure they have those here. The every morning sweeping of the sidewalks and courtyard have begun. The brooms they use do not have handles. I inquired as to why, and am told that it is easier for the people to use on without handles. It is also interesting how they sweep the dirt courtyard every day. They want things neat and in order.
Curious children have now come over to watch me type, Probably have never seen a laptop before. They are most beautiful.
It is still long before 6 and there is very much action here now. Yesterday
as I sat a little later that this when it was light, I see the neighbor carrying two small pigs by the feet. I inquire as to why this is. I am told that they are about to get whacked, butchered. This neighbor butchers pigs and he is from the lowest of the cast system. This is the same one that has the cock fighting roosters that are my welcome to the day. The cast system is different for us. One cannot marry into another cast, or they are totally cast out from both families. Pear pressure is great.
I got so into telling you this story now, that I forgot to let you know how I could tell we were getting close to our destination. I am the first American of the people we know to land at the close airport. When we land, the plan turns around and taxis on the same runway that we land on. I was hoping that no other planes were coming. I look out the window and construction is being done by a group of men with baskets that carried sand on their heads. The luggage was unloaded into hand pushed carts to the baggage claim area, which was a spot near a small building out in the sun. Interesting!
Then began the task of finding my hosts. There were about 100 men around, but none looked like our host to me. I figure he would find me by asking all of the few white people he saw. Sure enough he did, although he was just a few minutes late in getting to the airport.
Then starts the ride in the car. This is about one hour fifteen minutes or 2 hours if driven by an American. The driving is the the wrong side of the road, by our standard. For the feint of heart this trip is not. Constant horn beeping and high speeds, three wide on a two lane road, there are no traffic laws, stop signs, or police. Not seatbelt, helmet laws or inspected vehicles to be found anywhere on the roads. I could see very few if even one that would pass our pollution or safety standards.
The Lord watched over though, and we arrived at our final destination after traveling for over 30 hours from home with no real sleep. I think I got one hour total sleep after Monday AM US time and before night here on Wednesday. Then the roosters. Boy this is getting long and I have not even touched on so much. I will quickly list a couple.
After the walk through the village, the girl who cannot talk acting our her story of faith. The crippled girl I was able to hug that maybe seldom gets a hug because the handicapped here are not held high. My friend Jonathan a teenage boy that tries English and has taught me 3 Telugu phrases. He loves life and can climb palm trees to pick coconuts. The seminars for the pastors. Pray hard for these. Our trainer and teacher is Dennis Hilman. Then I am required to have a sermon each session. 3 per day. I need your prayers very much. 2 more girls just come up to say good morning uncle. I am now an uncle to 35 more children. Lovely. Well I have to run now to read, pray, visit, eat and shower before our first session starts at 9 AM. God be with you. Love John Internet is non existent, so when you see this I know not, but will try my best John
This is now the end of Sunday February 15th. All the pastor training was over yesterday in this area. There will be more of that in another area starting Tuesday. Today was very busy. We had 3 different church services before noon. We visited I think 4 churches in the afternoon. So very interesting. At one service the people in the community go door to door during the week, and sure enough new people came to church today. Most of these were Hindus. Several are beginning to convert to Christianity. Pray that this continues. At another service a Hindu Communist was there. He is searching.
At all services, people afterwards ask for prayers for various illnesses or problems. On young lady wanted me to pray for her because she had just received her first bible ever. She wept a lot during the prayer. This girl was a fairly new Christian also. What a joy this is.
As we walk through the villages, very often people come running and they want us to pray for this one or that one. Day is so interesting. I cannot continue now. Leona and Amanda and Milo Matson have been with us as well for the past few days.
God’s Peace to all! John
Friday, February 6, 2009
ANNOUNCING: Mission Education and Preparation Seminar
Sponsored By: The Foreign Mission of the Apostolic Lutheran Church of America
Instructor: Pastor and full time FM Missionary: Dennis Hilman
Assistant: FM Administrator John Ruotsala
Where: Eastside Apostolic Lutheran Church 2200 Mays Bridge Road. Greer, SC, ALSO Ironwood, MI Apostolic Lutheran Church and on the WEST COAST location TBA
When: Eastside ALC South Carolina: March 12th and 13th 7PM to 9 PM and March 14th (Saturday) 9AM to 4 PM
Ironwood, MI: March 19 & 20 7PM-9 PM and Saturday March 21st 9AM to 4PM
West Coast: Church to be announced. April 2 & 3 7PM to 9PM and Sat. April 4th 9AM to 4PM
Intended Audience:
Christians who have an interest (a) in participating in short-term foreign mission visits, (b) in supporting foreign mission work, or (c) in learning more about foreign mission endeavors d) people of all ages are welcome
The purpose of these sessions is to prepare individuals for short-term mission visits and to inform participants in general about the nature of the foreign mission field.
We look forward to sharing, and we invite your participation in that which the Lord is allowing The Foreign Mission to do around the world as we endeavor to be obedient to the words of our Lord Jesus when He said: “…go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Please feel free to email me at or with any questions that you may have!
There is no charge for these seminars (donations will be accepted) and will cover a whole range of topics pertaining to work in the mission field.

Sponsored By: The Foreign Mission of the Apostolic Lutheran Church of America
Instructor: Pastor and full time FM Missionary: Dennis Hilman
Assistant: FM Administrator John Ruotsala
Where: Eastside Apostolic Lutheran Church 2200 Mays Bridge Road. Greer, SC, ALSO Ironwood, MI Apostolic Lutheran Church and on the WEST COAST location TBA
When: Eastside ALC South Carolina: March 12th and 13th 7PM to 9 PM and March 14th (Saturday) 9AM to 4 PM
Ironwood, MI: March 19 & 20 7PM-9 PM and Saturday March 21st 9AM to 4PM
West Coast: Church to be announced. April 2 & 3 7PM to 9PM and Sat. April 4th 9AM to 4PM
Intended Audience:
Christians who have an interest (a) in participating in short-term foreign mission visits, (b) in supporting foreign mission work, or (c) in learning more about foreign mission endeavors d) people of all ages are welcome
The purpose of these sessions is to prepare individuals for short-term mission visits and to inform participants in general about the nature of the foreign mission field.
We look forward to sharing, and we invite your participation in that which the Lord is allowing The Foreign Mission to do around the world as we endeavor to be obedient to the words of our Lord Jesus when He said: “…go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Please feel free to email me at or with any questions that you may have!
There is no charge for these seminars (donations will be accepted) and will cover a whole range of topics pertaining to work in the mission field.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Prayer Requests
There are so many things to pray for, but here are a few current items that pertain to The Foreign Mission that we covet your prayers for.
Please pray for the Wife of Pastor Van Cung Tum in Myanmar. (pictured with the Pastor and family) She has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. She requires medicine that is too expensive for them to purchase. This pastor and his wife are supported by The Foreign Mission and run an orphanage and bible college.
Please pray for the Sri Lanka Christians, as that government seems to be turning more and more against the preaching of Christianity. They are attempting to implement new conversion laws, creating even stiffer penalties for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Pray that the precious Word of God can be brought to the countless people around the globe that do not have access to it currently. .
Pray for the mission trip to India that is beginning on Feb. 9th. Pray that the Word would be spoken, and that the listeners would be fed according to their needs.
Pray for our Missionaries everywhere for safety, and that inspiration would be given by the Holy Spirit.
God Peace! John
Please pray for the Wife of Pastor Van Cung Tum in Myanmar. (pictured with the Pastor and family) She has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. She requires medicine that is too expensive for them to purchase. This pastor and his wife are supported by The Foreign Mission and run an orphanage and bible college.
Please pray for the Sri Lanka Christians, as that government seems to be turning more and more against the preaching of Christianity. They are attempting to implement new conversion laws, creating even stiffer penalties for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Pray that the precious Word of God can be brought to the countless people around the globe that do not have access to it currently. .
Pray for the mission trip to India that is beginning on Feb. 9th. Pray that the Word would be spoken, and that the listeners would be fed according to their needs.
Pray for our Missionaries everywhere for safety, and that inspiration would be given by the Holy Spirit.
God Peace! John
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