Mark 16:16 says: He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. In so many places in scripture we can see the importance of believing and of baptism. Baptism is a sacrament of God and given by God, which has wondrous, marvelous, and mysterious (to us humans) God given power! However in non-Christian countries baptism is not always possible, although needed. What happened on this trip in India is something no one in our group will ever forget.
We went for a walk through the village to speak to and pray for and with those in need. We came into a home where our faithful local pastor and guide on this walk, Pastor K had visited often. Now this family had an eighteen year old daughter who was dying of cancer. What a sad sight to behold. Here was this young lady, who professed to be a Christian, so young, yet so fragile.
As she lay in her bed watching us come in, her dark eyes followed us. To me they seem to be pleading eyes, yet not eyes of fear or panic. As I began to pray while we were laying hands on her, the connection between her and our entire team quickly blossomed into something very special.

The men on our team did the same with the father. O what a bond was formed with this family.
Upon leaving that home we continued on to a few more homes before returning home. When we arrived home, I asked the pastor if that girl was baptized. He said no. The reason is, since she was so young and living at home, the mother and grandparents (Hindus) had absolutely forbidden her to be baptized. I asked the Pastor to call over there and ask once again! He did so, but the answer came, no, the mother and grandparents will not allow such a thing.
While many on our team wanted to continue to visit this girl, (it was obvious to see she was close to the end) we had to leave her village to go far away to our next location for services. I told Pastor K to please allow us to go to visit her when we come back on Sunday night if she is still alive. He said fine.
However, the faithful pastor he is, he continued to visit her for the following days. Finally he called me and told me that the girl appears to be hours from death. I asked him again about the baptism. He said that now the mother has given approval. I believe that God could have worked through our ladies weeping and praying with her, to soften her heart.
However, the mother’s parents were still downright refusing baptism for her. Remember, we are dealing with a culture that is thousands of years old, with cast systems, and many other customs that we as westerners cannot know or understand.
Upon getting off the phone and hearing this sad news, I called our entire team together, and we prayed to the Lord about this situation. We felt so helpless, but at the same time knowing that our God is one of miracles.
About 2 hours later, the pastor called me back and said that the grandparents finally have given in, and allowed her to be baptized. The Pastor promptly had baptized her! What joy we all experienced when we heard this wonderful news! See, not only did this precious soul get to experience for her own heart and soul the benefits and wonderments of Holy Baptism. The fact was that now that she was baptized, this caused her entire funeral service to be conducted in a Christian manner with a proper burial, which also was a testimony to the community as they witnessed the entire happening. Due to the culture without Baptism she would have had to have the Hindu ceremonies, cremation and then her ashes would have been dumped into the “holy” river.
Shortly (within hours) after her baptism, sweet little Mina, went to be with her Lord! What a New Day for her! What an experience for our entire team. Such pain, sadness, yet so much joy for her. All who are believing, when they pass for this life, enter into His Rest and Glory! No more pain or suffering!
I am so thankful for faithful pastors abroad, and may the Lord continue to allow us to be in fellowship one with another, encouraging each other to walk in the Victory of the Lord!
May God Bless you all! John Ruotsala
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