In the Year or Our Lord, 2015
As we begin this new year, Your Foreign Mission is very humbled and thankful for your support for the work that the Lord is allowing us to participate in around the world.
We ask that God would very much bless the days that He grants you during this New Year!
Looking ahead: We know that we may plan, but God decides! That being said, the following trips are planned so far for this year. South Africa: (currently ongoing) India: January 19-Feb. 10th. West Africa: March and April Guatemala: Late April Russia: May Philippines: TBD Myanmar: TBD Other trips:TBD
If you are interested in joining with us on a trip, click here to email.
Priorities for 2015 for your Foreign Mission: To be willing servants ready to be used as the Lord sees fit. If we are used we desire to be obedient to the WORD: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. Luke 24:47
Current Events: Pastor Bob Maki, Matthew Niemela, Julie Matson, and Autumn Roberts are serving in South Africa. One severe problem we have noticed in almost every country the FM serves in, is that young men stop attending church. We pray that God can use our young people to help with this problem. The below pic of Matthew and two friends goes with the article below.

The article below is by Julie Matson:
The incredible part of traveling to foreign countries as Christians, is how quickly strangers can become friends. First of all, sometimes leaving the US, the airport may be the first time you meet a fellow traveller, but how quickly you can become a team. With a common bond of love in the Lord Jesus Christ, and with that common purpose to know Him and to make Him known. (continued below 2nd picture in the next column)
 This picture is taken at a home for children with cerebral palsy in South Africa. See an article about this visit in the next Where He Leads!

Staff Change for 2015
For the last five years, Kris Matson has been dependably serving as Editor for Where He Leads. (The Foreign Missions quarterly paper edition newsletter)
Kris has announced her intention to hand this responsibility to Liisa Seppanen, starting with this first issue of the year. The team will certainly miss working with Kris, as her diligence, attention to detail and reliability have made working with her a pleasure. We ask the Lord to continue to bless Kris and her family.
Liisa Seppanenjoins the team after working in the communications department of an aerospace company. Her former responsibilities included writing for and helping to edit an internal company newsletter. She is looking forward to the change from aerospace news to the ‘Good News.’ Welcome to the team, Liisa!
We are also very thankful that Julie Matson will be a full time volunteer for the Foreign Mission for the year of 2015! Welcome Julie! May God Bless and Protect you!
Pic isJulie in India in past yrs.
(from left column) After arriving in other countries, fellow believers quickly become friends. They welcome us into their homes, churches, and communities. In South Africa, Autumn, Matthew, and I have had some most wonderful opportunities to spend a lot of time with the youth. All of us encouraging one another, having Bible studies, outreach to local communities and praying together. We even had a bbq in the park today and through it all each of us is growing in the knowledge of the Lord, as we walk side by side on this journey of life.
Please pray for this team as they faithfully serve, as well as the larger group that leaves for India on Monday, January 19th.

Support options
Email or click on the Donate link above for regular support options.
Special projects
Only funded with earmarked funds
Church rebuilding:The Christians in Liberia are still struggling to get churches built after the 15 year civil war which destroyed the infrastructure of the entire country. Also in India several places of worship need to be rebuilt due to Cyclone damage. Many other countries need churches also.
Top five list: Please be aware that the FM administrator keeps a list of the most needed humanitarian projects around the world where the FM works! These are not funded by general FM funds, but many people often come forward asking to support special needs. You can receive this list by email for you or your group to check over and decide what you would like to work toward funding! Click here to email!
Precious orphan child in Kenya
Please note: The Foreign Mission is backing away from communicating statistics of people or numbers of churches we work with around the world. Why? Many places we preach at are NOT ALC churches, but rather places we are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Foreign Mission is not into building a huge empire of churches, but rather about prayerfully preaching the Word of God around the world.
Do you know of anyone that might like to receive these monthly emails but is not currently getting them? Please forward this to them so they can sign up by clickinghere.
Pic: Woman in church in Kingisepp, Russia 2013
Upcoming events
> Trips as outlines above. > Church visits and communications state side will be continued and enhanced as desired by you!
Prayer and praise
> Pray for our current missionaries in the field, that God would use them to share very clear and complete messages. > The little boy with the hurt leg in Kenya finally may have turned the corner we pray. He had to have yet another surgery, and now is doing much better! > Many donations have been made in the past month for the preaching of the Gospel, but also for such things as: wells, bicycles, orphan children support, dental supplies, medical supplies, micro loans, etc. God is good! *the needs are still very great and we invite you to join in even with the financial side!
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