A Month of Going to the Nations!
> Thank you for your past and future prayers for all the mission teams deployed around the world. Your prayers are so coveted and appreciated, since we know that we only go forth by the Grace and Mercy of God.
> FM Team of Tom Lappi, Ansten Tretten, John R., Leona Matson and Ariann Somero completed the India Mission on Feb. 14th. It was wonderful to have been joined for various lengths of time by Cal Niemela and also by Ken Helmes from Finland. It surely was nice to have extra preachers, since 3 weeks of preaching many times per day is very intense for just two speakers, even if they remain healthy the whole time, which has been rare.
> Bob Maki, Al and Kathy Traffie, and Leona Matson have finished up in Pakistan and in Myanmar. Blessed times were had. They are now in another difficult country, their last one on this trip. More on that later.
> Dennis Hilman has been in Guatemala and will be finishing up 2 months there on March 7th.
> Brian Niemitalo is currently on an FM trip to Russia. He is joined by Mischa K. from Canada. Shane Juuti will join him on March 11th.
> Thank you for your many and continued prayers for your Foreign Mission. We desire to be humble servants in His Vineyard.
Up Coming Events
> Dennis, Bob, and Leona will be going, Lord willing, to Ghana, Togo, and Liberia in April. If you act very quickly you are welcome to join them!
> The Philippines trip is scheduled for May 1st. Colin Kinnunen will be leading the team. Perhaps one or two more could still join this trip.
> The Philippines team will also visit Vietnam.
> Anyone interested in going to Guatemala, please email the address at the bottom. Since so many individuals want to go to Guatemala, the FM feels it very important that people go in organized groups rather than individually. The FM always has a future group trip planned there, so please email!
> Lord willing, there will be at least one more trip to Russia coming up this year. You are welcome to come!

God Given Blessings!
2000 Bibles have been printed and are being distributed in Myanmar. This comes after 11 years of work translating into a language that previously had no Bible.
> Four bicycles were donated to poor pastors in India. These pastors will now be able to reach their congregants and churches much more efficiently than by walking.
> Three additional water wells with pumps are currently being drilled in India. These wells open the door to preach the Gospel to Hindu villagers, as the Christians are happy to share their water, showing the Love of Christ to the village!
> The ALC Home in India has received gifts this month that will allow for new mattresses for the children, as well as other maintenance projects!
> Candy, pencils, crayons, soaps, sandals, hats, and other such small items were donated and distributed during the recent mission trips.
The Foreign Mission extends a sincere THANK YOU to all who lovingly gave for these causes and for the Foreign Mission general fund.
Volunteer oppurtunities:
Last month we put forth a call for volunteers to help with various tasks. Some wonderful people have come forward! There is still room for you! Video editing is one of the areas that help is still desired in, as well as various other tasks. Just email foreignmission@comcast.net Your help is greatly appreciated.
Joshua and Sadisha are siblings in the ALC Home in India
Large Services at night with over 1000 people are common in India
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