Monday, February 27, 2012

A Change in Myanmar?

Myanmar seems different than it did last time I was a cautiously optimistic way.

The people say, "Slowly, slowly things are better here. Slowly, slowly...and things will get better if the April election goes well.

Will it be fair? We hope so."

For those who don't know, Burma (or Myanmar) had been ruled by an illegal military junta since the 60's. It was considered the second most repressive regime in the world. Last year that supposedly changed and they are now ruled by a nominally democratic government. It's a very far cry from a true democracy--the election, for example, was rigged so the government party won, but even still things are beginning to change for the better. We hope and pray the change continues and reaches to all areas of the country!

The team spent just a short time in Myanmar and enjoyed seminars, a graduation ceremony, and lots of fellowship. Here are a few pictures of our time in Myanmar!

                                                  A time of singing before the seminars started.

                                                   The graduating students at the Bible College.

                Local kids who were drawn to the weird foreigners...and the free soft drinks!

                                           Many locals still worship here at the Buddhist temple.

 We enjoyed lots of fellowship!

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