Many have wondered what it's like to travel around the world full time and share the Gospel of Christ with people in many countries. Well, first of all, I've got to tell you that there is somebody who is very aware of what I am doing and that is Satan himself. Before a major trip he invariably pulls out all the stops in his "Resistance Plan" like I call it. This time when I arrived in Ghana I was feeling pretty pummelled. Returning from breakfast at my hotel the first morning I saw that the door to my room was open and I wondered what was going on! Then I heard the sweetest melody coming from inside. It was the maid, little and very black Joyce, singing to her heart's content a song of praise to God as she did up my room. "Do you believe in God?" I asked almost unecessarily. "With all my heart!" she said enthusiasically. That changed everything! The clouds were rolled away, the sunshine of God's grace flooded over me again. After that I called her "Re-Joyce".
I often stay in modest hotels when I travel here in West Africa since it is usually totally impossible for the locals to accommodate us in their humble homes. Meals served outside the hotels and restaurants are an experience. The basic staple here is rice. This is usually served with some kind of thick grainy sauce which is dark brown, dark green, or black with chopped up chunks of chicken or fish in it, bones and all. It staves the hunger.
Maybe I don't always have the best appetite for the local food but the locals do seem to have a great hunger and thirst for the Word of God. The seminars God has given me to teach are about themes such as God's Plan, God's Will, Salvation (new one this time around), Spiritual Conflict, the Holy Spirit and so forth. He also gave me one on "Lasting Change" that seems to make the greatest difference practically. I think I've mentioned before how I have everyone write down on a paper a list and explanation of their current difficulties, doubts, fears, guilt and especially sins. Then in groups of about six each person chooses one or more of these things to make an open confession about to the group. The other members of the group then lay their hands upon him/her and bless him/her in the almighty name of Jesus and the power of His blood. It has proven to be life changing as the participants learn and practice the office of the keys and the washing of the feet and leave their burdens to Jesus in the process. That's why I call it "Lasting Change". The papers and everything upon them are then committed to the Lord and subsequently destroyed - into the sea of grace.
The circumstances of these seminars,however, are not always ideal. Last Friday and Saturday I conducted one with Pastor Frank Famiyeh, a most faithful servant of the Lord here, at the Liberian Refugee Camp in Buduburam, Ghana. Sixty people were in attendance in a church where the electricity had been shut off. That meant that the fans, lights and PA system were not working either day. The temperature was easily 120 degrees. Already by the second hour it looked like I had taken a shower in my shirt, but when the blood of Jesus began speaking and souls were washed and cleansed by His Spirit there was no longer a power shortage!.
This week I am now out in western Ghana conducting two seminars with Pastor Frank - one for two days and another for three in the city of Tarkwa. The venue is a beautiful big church in the city - with fans that work. There are almost 200 pastors and church workers attending. A very special experience. I will include some pictures taken today. Starting next week we will also be holding similar seminars, but this time in Togo and then later in Liberia, if God so wills. Speaking of God as you know He is incredibly good! Before going to bed last night I flipped open the Gideon Bible on my nightstand. Hebrew 6 verse 10 kind of jumped out at me::
"For God is not unjust to forget your work and labour of love which you have shown towards His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister.!"
In God's love and peace,
Dennis (please see pictures below)
Pastor Frank Famiyeh, President of the Apostolic Lutheran Church of Ghana, with his translator Cecilia at the seminar. He spoke in English, which most of the people understand. She translated into Akka, a language common to the people in that area, who also have their local dialects and languages. I also spoke in English of course and then Pastor Frank translated for me most of the time.
Group shot of many of the almost 200 pastors and church workers who attended the seminar in Tarkwa.
The ladies present wanted a photo with me. A real thorn among the roses!
Endeavoring to obey the Words of our Lord when He said in Mark 16:15 "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
Monday, March 29, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
To God Be the Glory
This was the song that our group sang to the Indian people many times! Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, let the earth here His Voice, Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, let the people rejoice!....... They could catch the Praise the Lord phrase after a couple times and some would join us for that part. What a joy!
We are thankful that the entire group that went to India has safely arrived at home! All Glory and Praise be to God for His great grace afforded to us on this trip. We pray for those left in India that the work that was done on the trip would be a blessing to all. We know that God does the work in the heart, not man, so we pray that He would continue to work in their hearts.
This trip was so wonderful in so many ways. It had times of large services with up to 2000 people like pictured below, and it had times of individual praying and speaking to people one on one. There is so much spiritual movement in India that each moment is another oppurtunity to share and witness of Jesus Christ. Many times this can be to people that are Hindus and have maybe never heard the name Jesus. In all about 10,000 people attended the services. Around 300 pastors were in the pastors training classes. About 800 to 1000 people received help at the free medical camps. Please thank the Lord for His great grace during this time, and pray that God would continue to work in the hearts of the people in India.
It was during one of these large services that a Hindu man came with a stick and chased his wife home. So sad to see. We preached also at another church, (no building but a street church) where just a few years ago a pastor was beheaded during the service in front of the congregation. When he was caught by the police, he still had the pastors head with him. There are very real enemies in India, but God knows this and He is surely present. The level of dedication of the true believers is something that we in America know nothing about.
Bicycles were supplied to five pastors with money donated by the individuals on this trip. These are such a blessing to poor pastors who prior to this had to walk up to 25 kilometers to hold services or visit congregation members. With a bicycle, so much more work can be done. You can help by donating a bicycle. The cost is $80 each. Just email if interested! You will be supplied the pastors name and you will receive a picture once he gets the bicycle.
The below was taken during a session at the pastors training called lasting change. In the below picture the pastors are blessing each other in prayer and or the forgiveness of sins in Jesus name and blood. Many pastors testified that they were relieved of burdens after they confessed their sins to their fellow pastors and they heard the assurance of forgiveness through Jesus Name and shed Blood.
The colors and smiles are so beautiful. The default position of the Indian Christians faces is a smile! How wonderful!
Eleven new Christians were baptized. It is such a life changing event when one repents and believes in Jesus Christ, coming from the darkness of those false religions so prominent in India. Once they are believers, they are baptized in due time. Becoming a Christian can cause them to be considered outcasts, and they are often in even physical danger. Therefore, a public baptism in this way is a huge event in their lives. It is so good to know that they do not fear man, but rather they want to share the good news!
These water buffalo came during the baptism. It is quite fitting though, because they are everywhere, and they are a very meek animal, which is a good picture of how a Christian is. Remember, meek is not weak, it means under the control of another, God in the case of a Christian.
There is so much more to see and learn about India. Feel free contact us for more information, or if you would like a presentation done at your church! is the email.
Carl Lamppa also had a wonderful trip to Sri Lanka. We will post here about that trip when it is ready. Alslo, Pastors Colin Kinnunen and Raymond Hilman are now in The Philippines. Please keep that trip in prayer as well.
Monday, March 1, 2010
India from the eyes of Dennis!
Hi everybody and here's the latest from the most populous "peninsula" in the whole world.
Jesus is Lord! Dennis
Team India!
Note from JR. (I am sorry but for safety concerns, for the online version all last names had to be removed.)
Things are going great here in India, by the great grace of God and with the addition of a wonderful team which arrived here on February 18th when we began serving together in Pastor K's area. Heading the team is of course John, the administrator for the Foreign Mission of the ALCA. His son Bruce has also joined us - a young man with an awareness, interest and perception of everything happening around him that is par none. Then came Emily from Canada, and Carmelle, a nurse from WA.. And of course there had to be more of my relatives, Terri Ann from Canada who is also a nurse as well, and Shandra, currently from Idaho, completed the group.
Team India, from left to right Terri Ann, John, Bruce, Carmelle, Dennis, Emily and Shandra
Talk about powerful!

Youthful exhuberance and energy on a firm foundation - a stockpile of a million or so bricks at a brick factory where all is done by hand.
The women at the well in their new saris arranged by Pastor K's wife Ruth
Now all of the pastors seminars have been completed - in four different areas.- the largest one being with over 150 pastors. The response to them has been very inspiring and encouraging. This year I included sessions on (1) "God's Plan" (for our lives, ministries and salvation), (2) "Living in God's Will", (3) "Lasting Change" ( a participant-oriented walk through of confession, forgiveness and absolution), (4) "Spiritual Conflict", (5) "The Office of the Holy Spirit" and as an inspirational conclusion (6) "The Example of Daniel". One short seminar and a big meeting was even held in Pastor MP's area.
Smallest pastors seminar in Vizag. Pastor K and his wife Ruth on left.
Another area that the young team has been particularly involved in is the Medical Clinics.that we have had in many areas. In each area one or more doctors have been involved to diagnose the needy (and colourful!) groups of those lining up for the free medical services. The young ladies in our team have then dispensed the medicines prescribed with the nurses taking blood pressure and administrating the necessary injections. "Making people cry", like Carmelle puts it. Over 500 people have been treated at these five clinics, which have always been arranged in conjunction with services. "The Great Physician was so near, the very healing Jesus!"
In readiness for one of the many free medical camps - this one on a housetop.
Some of the over 500 people who have lined up and been treated at these free medical services in the many different places.
Terri Ann - a shot is serious business. "Making them cry"
This week we have been serving in Dr. Kumar's area. Big meetings and clinics will continue until we leave on Friday, March 5th. Keep us in your prayers. There are many hair-raising drives still ahead of us, the need for health and rest is always before us, and so is our daily dependence on our Heavenly Father to open His Word and make the reality of Jesus love living each day in our own hearts and in the hearts of our listeners. We have been encouraged to find out that our audiences often consist of up to thirty percent "outsiders" - mostly interested Hindus invited by Christian friends.
Dr Kumar diagnosing a patient at his hospital where free medical clinics will also be held.
All in all both Pastor K and Doctor Kumar, their wives and staffs have demonstrated great compassion towards us and almost amazing skills at coordinating our schedule, arranging meetings and being ultimately responsible for the Pastors Seminars. We owe them a great debt of gratitude!
Team India in traditional dress with the every present flower garlands - draped around our necks as a sign of welcome and honour on virtually every occasion.
May God keep you in His peace and love!
Jesus is Lord! Dennis
Team India!
Note from JR. (I am sorry but for safety concerns, for the online version all last names had to be removed.)
Things are going great here in India, by the great grace of God and with the addition of a wonderful team which arrived here on February 18th when we began serving together in Pastor K's area. Heading the team is of course John, the administrator for the Foreign Mission of the ALCA. His son Bruce has also joined us - a young man with an awareness, interest and perception of everything happening around him that is par none. Then came Emily from Canada, and Carmelle, a nurse from WA.. And of course there had to be more of my relatives, Terri Ann from Canada who is also a nurse as well, and Shandra, currently from Idaho, completed the group.
Team India, from left to right Terri Ann, John, Bruce, Carmelle, Dennis, Emily and Shandra
Can you imagine opening one of those many huge outdoor meetings - with up to 2000 people in attendance - and having this very engaged team of young people each come forward with a greeting and/or a Bible verse and all of us joining together singing "To God Be The Glory" through the powerful PA system, with the whole audience involved. And then as God opens His word with John or I preaching - just having all of them backing us up in prayer on the dais behind us is a wonderful feeling. When the sermon is over that is not all. At the end of the meetings the whole crowd comes forward and we pray for them individually!

Youthful exhuberance and energy on a firm foundation - a stockpile of a million or so bricks at a brick factory where all is done by hand.
The women at the well in their new saris arranged by Pastor K's wife Ruth
Now all of the pastors seminars have been completed - in four different areas.- the largest one being with over 150 pastors. The response to them has been very inspiring and encouraging. This year I included sessions on (1) "God's Plan" (for our lives, ministries and salvation), (2) "Living in God's Will", (3) "Lasting Change" ( a participant-oriented walk through of confession, forgiveness and absolution), (4) "Spiritual Conflict", (5) "The Office of the Holy Spirit" and as an inspirational conclusion (6) "The Example of Daniel". One short seminar and a big meeting was even held in Pastor MP's area.
Smallest pastors seminar in Vizag. Pastor K and his wife Ruth on left.
Another area that the young team has been particularly involved in is the Medical Clinics.that we have had in many areas. In each area one or more doctors have been involved to diagnose the needy (and colourful!) groups of those lining up for the free medical services. The young ladies in our team have then dispensed the medicines prescribed with the nurses taking blood pressure and administrating the necessary injections. "Making people cry", like Carmelle puts it. Over 500 people have been treated at these five clinics, which have always been arranged in conjunction with services. "The Great Physician was so near, the very healing Jesus!"
In readiness for one of the many free medical camps - this one on a housetop.
Some of the over 500 people who have lined up and been treated at these free medical services in the many different places.
Terri Ann - a shot is serious business. "Making them cry"
This week we have been serving in Dr. Kumar's area. Big meetings and clinics will continue until we leave on Friday, March 5th. Keep us in your prayers. There are many hair-raising drives still ahead of us, the need for health and rest is always before us, and so is our daily dependence on our Heavenly Father to open His Word and make the reality of Jesus love living each day in our own hearts and in the hearts of our listeners. We have been encouraged to find out that our audiences often consist of up to thirty percent "outsiders" - mostly interested Hindus invited by Christian friends.
Dr Kumar diagnosing a patient at his hospital where free medical clinics will also be held.
All in all both Pastor K and Doctor Kumar, their wives and staffs have demonstrated great compassion towards us and almost amazing skills at coordinating our schedule, arranging meetings and being ultimately responsible for the Pastors Seminars. We owe them a great debt of gratitude!
Team India in traditional dress with the every present flower garlands - draped around our necks as a sign of welcome and honour on virtually every occasion.
May God keep you in His peace and love!
March 1, 2010
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