Friday, November 22, 2019

November FM Monthly News

Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature...Mark 16:15
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By-Weekly Online Bible Study 

The Foreign Mission hosts a by weekly Bible Study online with those around the world. It is a joy to be able to share in the study of God's Word with pastors from different countries and from several different continents. One Word, One Faith, On Baptism. Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Google hangouts is used and is very effective as long as they have a network at the time! We cannot always go to all the world physically but we are using meaning of technology to peach and teach. 

From Pastor Devigan in TOGO referring to the Bible Study held on November 19th
God's Peace ! I am happy that i was at the Bible Study today

Although technology is slowly reaching all regions of the world, we have to be understanding that its not as reliable for everyone equally, as this note shows.

Sir, I am really very sorry to say that today I cannot attend the Bible study, because today in our area in Lahore the Electric power has been down for 9 hours ( from 1.00 pm to 9.00 pm. totally was break down today. I am very sorry for this. I really regret because I cannot get my Bible class.

FM Administrator Church Visits
Your FM Administrator had the great pleasure of fellowshipping with the Christians in SC during the past weekend! He was asked by the Eastside Board to come to share a bit about the FM with their congregation.  He also spent the entire Sunday School time sharing with the children.  The fellowship after the service was wonderful as well.  Thank you for the invitation.

After the events at the Eastside ALC were complete, he then went over and served at the ALC on Rutherford Road. The time there was very blessed. To be together with the Christians while gathered around God's Word is so special!

May God bless you all in SC, and we surely welcome your participation in the ALC Foreign Mission work.

Would you like to join us?
We still have space on the January/February trip to India!

The Foreign Mission has opening on trips in 2020 and invite you to join us.
(See below for more details) 
The mission training is open to anyone. Are you interested in learning more about missions, interested in going on a mission trip (soon or in the future), or just want to learn more about your Foreign Mission?

Each missionary of course should be journeying by the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ by God's Grace, before coming on a mission trip. This mission training consists of lessons about the Spiritual and practical things one encounters before, during and after a mission trip.

The first trip in 2020 which needs more volunteers is the one to India beginning January 20. Email if you feel led to come!  Work to get the Visa needs to begin very soon!
Blessings from generous hearts
Update about the family in Kenya who have five children, all boys. Their mother died about five years ago or so, and the children were all very young.  Their father is unable to work due to serious health issues. There is no social support from the Government.  Still, it is much better to keep the family together at home than for them to end up in an orphanage.   Below is a letter about this after recent support was received.

Dear beloved Disciple of Christ,
Disciple of Christ John and your team,God's peace,
Am so thankful for your support of food,Thank you for sending money for Smon's family.
Pastor Fredrick is of your leader and we love him through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Join us for sending us teachings of Christ throughout and Simon is now better than others months.
we welcome you here in Kenya to proclaim the word of God.
You have righteous heart and you know that Simon is single for many years since his wife passed away.
Thank you for supporting Simon's children and tell all donors we love them in Jesus name.
When see the Lord provides Simon's family we feel very happy in our hearts.
Thank you and give our regard to your brethren there in Jesus name.
may the Lord of mercy be with you forever and ever Amen.
Enock and James.

Note from FM: this family is supported by a generous family that felt the call to support this poor family.  They feel so blessed and give feedback every time new support is blessed to them. 

News From the Field  


Parade for Reformation Celebration
In the last 3 years, the Lord allowed us to promote a celebration for the Reformation Day. It is interesting that most of the people in Zacapa haven´t hear very much about the Reformation and what it means for the Church. Even pastors. So, as a Congregation, we took the leadership on this and organized parades thru the city in these last three years. The first year only our Church participated. The second one, another church came. But this year were four churches, almost 200 people and 10 cars, plus some bikes were on the main streets of Zacapa sharing pamphlets and singing songs about the Grace of Jesus Christ to the world. 

We are very grateful to the Lord because we can see His hand supporting us in this process of teaching His Word and to show to the people How the Lord has control of History of Humanity. We the ALC Guatemala Church had people from Zacapa, Juan Ponce and Piedras Azules. They all enjoyed to be part of the Parade because we taught them very deep about the Reformation and it consequences, so they celebrated glorifying Jesus Christ! Before we started walking I gave them another explanation about what were we doing. People from other churches could also heard and understand the purpose of the event.
Glory be to God for everything He allows us to do!!



Vacation Bible School
Held in Juan Ponce, Guatemala
This year for the very first time, Guatemalan youth did the teaching! 
To our surprise our youth did a great job! They worked like very experienced people and covered all the areas in a very wonderful way. Bible lesson, games, crafts and worship, every area was very blessed for the kids who attended to the VBS.

It looks like when they were students (our youth), they were watching everything we did with them and took the lessons to heart. Now they can use everything they learned to share with the new generations of students.
  Pastor Giovanni

From students to teachers!!
Wrapping up a blessed VBS! This year we encouraged and guided the youth to lead the VBS, and they did an excellent job! So blessed to see them as kids, receiving classes, and now as young adults, passing on what they have received! So proud of them all! Our topic was: The Word of God is.. Ryan Ruotsala

People helping their own country folk! Below: Magali & Carmen gifting boxes of medicine donated to the local hospital through Pastor Geovanni and Magali's daughter and her husband.

"People from the Hospital were so grateful and we explained to them how God moves the heart of the people to do donations, so is only Him who deserve Glory and Honor." Pastor Geo


Sir, God's Peace . we have visited a small village place and share the Word of God with them last night and give them Bible gift to them. many people received the gift of Bible. they were so happy to receive. Please pray for our ALC mission work.
Pastor John Feroze


Pastor Frank Famiyeh at work in some of his home congregations.



Bibles to the Nations

Each month we attempt to distribute Bibles around the world through your donations to the Bible Fund.  This month we sent Bibles to Pakistan, Rwanda, and Togo.

(Response after last months request) 
Dear Pastor John,
Yes, we received the Bible Fund.
We shall send those pictures after we distribute them to Christians.

God bless you man of God.
Pastor Jean Claude, Rwanda, Africa

   Other Highlights or Events

Did you know the Foreign Mission Sends out a Christmas Catalog every year? 

There are many great organizations that send Christmas giving catalogs out this time of year. This is such an incredible way to give at Christmas time! Did you know the Foreign Mission has a gift catalog, we follow up each gift with a photo and a note. You can personally see where your gift was given. You could also come with us some year to see those you blessed, should you so choose!

Click on the banner below to be directed to the catalogue. (But since this Catalogue is currently on this same blog,,, you will need to just scroll down to the end of this monthly news and then you will see the Catalogue!)


 The Foreign Mission fully understands that nothing can be accomplished except that God through His Holy Spirit would move His children to help in their individual capacity.  We certainly give all Honor, Praise, and Glory to God.  Items are put here only so you can see the various ways that you can help in the Lord's Vineyard, even if you cannot leave your home! Prayer is of top importance of course! 
Praise & Prayer and Upcoming events section: 

*  Pray that a group of people come together to make a trip to India in January not only possible but very effective in the work to be done there in the Lord's Vineyard. 

*  Pray that the thousands of people we work with worldwide, would be able to understand that we cannot afford to send each person a Christmas gift.  We love them so much, but we just cannot send even a small gift of love since there are so many thousands that we know and love.   Pray that they could understand this situation, and look to Jesus, the real gift of Love!   Christmas is a special time to them and to us!  We pray that the Light of Jesus and the real reason for Christmas would shine upon all of us! 

O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.
Psalm 107:1

Upcoming Trips 

Would you like to join us?  
Trips that are happening in the coming months!  

South Africa - January 2020 (this trip is full) 
India - January 2020 (STILL ROOM AVAILABLE)
Philippines - May 2020

Praying for God to send laborers for other trips in the near future, if it be His will that we go.  Stay tuned for further announcements in this section each month!
F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
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Support Options
Email or click DONATE link below for regular support options. 
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Top 5 List

Are you looking to donate for a specific most needed cause? Ask for the administrator top 5 list! Click Here to email

Church building fund:  We have a small specially donated church completion fund set up.   So far several church roofs have been completed.  The FM believes it best for the local congregations to put their own prayers, sweat, and treasure into their own church so that each congregant takes personal interest in the church.   We do enjoy helping such congregations finish their building, hence the fund.  We have many current needs for church buildings!

Emergency Medical Fund:  

Poor Family Fund: 
Help in those situations where a family is not able to educate, feed, or otherwise support their children due to death, injury, sickness, or poverty.  Each situation is monitored closely.

The Bible Fund; We get many requests for Bibles. It is such a blessing to give the WORD of LIFE! Click here to donate.
May God Bless Your Month! 
Mailing address for DONATIONS:
The Foreign Mission of the ALC
1601 NW 4th Avenue
Battle Ground, WA 98604

Mailing address for CORRESPONDENCE:
The Foreign Mission of the ALC
63 Poor Farm Road
New Ipswich, NH 03071
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