Monday, August 20, 2018

August FM Monthly News



In June a group of youth from the USA, joined Scott and Karen Niemetalo in Guatemala for the annual convention of the ALC Guatemala. The people from all three of our Guatemalan congregations gathered in a fashion similar to our convention here in the states!  It is always a blessing to be part of these events.  
Thank you! 

Thank you everyone who was part of the ALCA Annual Convention in Tri-Cities, WA. The Foreign Mission is thankful for the encouragement, support and visits we had with so many of you. If you were not able to attend the convention and would like to see this year presentation. A perspective what its like to go on a trip with the Foreign Mission. Click on the photo or CLICKHERE
Ministers at the 2018 Annual ALCA Convention
God is Good! 
With a loving donation from a particular USA congregation of $5000, which was earmarked for church building assistance, 8 churches in Africa received substantial help to get their buildings ready for holding services. It is much better to stay dry and out of the hot sun while sitting for hours in the services!  God is good! 


(Through this section in each Monthly News, we hope you can feel better connected to some of your brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world.) 
Dr. Gabriel Solomon
Dr. Solomon is a servant of the Lord in India.  The Doctor is also a Pastor.  He is married and has two daughters who are now getting their education in schools away from home. He is the brother in law of Pastor MP, whom many of you know!  He has been one of our faithful translators for many years in India.

Doctor Solomon has a heart for outreach, and is very concerned about the prosperity preaching which has gained such a foothold in India, even among the poorest people.  Imagine being in absolute poverty with very little education, being told that if you come to a certain church, or follow Jesus, that you will surely become into money, and your life on earth will become easy.  Such cruelty inflicted by pastors should never happen, but we are thankful to have Indian Pastors fighting against these false teachings with the Truth of the Word of God.

 An email received from him recently, is below.

News From the Field 


The Photo below is of Pastor Frank Famiyeh in Togo holding Pastors Seminars.  Pastor Frank goes several times per year to conduct Pastors Seminars in this country which borders his own country of Ghana.


Dear Sir,
Greetings to you all in Jesus Name.
Hope that this would find you all in good spirits.
By His Grace,I am fine and busy with the Evangelistic camps and Bible study teaching programs.Right now I am near Chennai for a two day meetings.These congregation is complete from fishermen community and were excommunicated by their community because of their allegiance to Jesus Christ.Wonderful people.

A Brief Report:

Bible classes were held in the month of March.Could not  do in April  and May months as the heat waves were very severe, about 42 degrees Celsius.The Church, where we are conducting classes was not that suitable for aeration and ventilation ( you have seen it,in your February visit).

Topics taught:
Seven Churches in the book of Revelations.
The following toipics were dealt from the 2&3rd chapters
-Christ and His title when addressing each Church
-Each Church's commendations
-Each Church's exhortation
- Church's Repentance (five Churches)
-Gods blessings
-Gods rebuke
- Contemporary issues in the Churches
- Role of the Shepherd/elders.

   It was a blessed time for everyone of us.We spent for about 4 hours on this topic.
Discipleship topic too continuing simultaneously.

This month Bible classes will be held on 30th onwards.From this month on a new topic will be dealt with the tribal pastors.The topic is Christology apart from the regular topics from the book of Revelations.
By the Grace of our Lord we are able to put up sincere efforts.God is gracious towards the work.Your faithful support is enabling me to carry on with the tribal pastors teaching program.
In the history of the tribals,no one so far initiated this kind of perodical, systematic black board Bible teaching program. God gave us this wonderful opportunity to attempt and continue successfully.I praise God for your contribution
Continue to pray and support the work.Its the best Kindom investment we are putting in.I need your loving involvement.The transportation is the major problem.Kindly look for some Generous individuals who can help me to have a second hand vehicle.
Few of the tribal pastors are fell sick due to Malaria.I have told you that malaria very much prevalent in that area.Pastors Joseph,John and Mattai are now suffering.Pastor John and his wife both were hospitalized right now.Monsoon season, specially very dangerous.

I'm sorry for the late communication.My mother's death and the  meetings Itenary made me tired physically and little mentally.Pray for my father, who is alone there.
Thank you sir for the patience

His servant

   Other Highlights or Events

>  Bibles were distributed in several countries this month from the Bible Fund. Want to donate to the bible fund? Click here

>  Once again, during June and July, the FM Administrator visited churches around the USA and Canada. Thank you for your encouragement, questions and input! We always enjoy communicated with you, feel free to contact us anytime.

> The Annual Delegates meeting for the FM at the convention was such a joy to serve at!  You had good questions and input. We love to get the feedback and questions from you,  as we are in this together as a church body and as Christians! Keep the communication lines active!

> World Wide Bible Studies are being held Bi-Weekly on Google Hangouts! We are thankful that there has come technology that allows us to teach and preach around the world when we cannot be there in person.

UPCOMING MISSION TRIPS:  Trips will be planned at our September FM meeting.  However, some trips that can be announced now, include Kenya in November, India in January, and South Africa in January.
 CLICK HERE for information if you have an interest in these or any other trips.  Watch this publication each month for updates!

 The Foreign Mission fully understands that nothing can be accomplished except that God through His Holy Spirit would move His children to help in their individual capacity.  We certainly give all Honor, Praise, and Glory to God.  Items are put here only so you can see the various ways that you can help in the Lord's Vineyard, even if you cannot leave your home! Prayer is of top importance of course! 
O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.
Psalm 107:1

Upcoming Trips 

Would you like to join us? 

Trips this year that have availability for you to join!  
Fall/Winter 2018
South Africa
Support Options
Email or click DONATE link below for regular support options. 
Click Here to Donate

Top 5 List

Are you looking to donate for a specific most needed cause? Ask for the administrator top 5 list! Click Here to email

Church building fund:  We have a small specially donated church completion fund set up.   So far several church roofs have been completed.  The FM believes it best for the local congregations to put their own prayers, sweat, and treasure into their own church so that each congregant takes personal interest in the church.   We do enjoy helping such congregations finish their building, hence the fund.

Emergency Medical Fund:  This fund is currently out of money.  It is so nice to have some funds available in the event a child or some other church member in our churches abroad is met with sickness or accident.  This fund has helped so many in the last several years.   We are so thankful to be able to occasionally help when the funds allow. 

The Bible Fund; we get many requests. It is such a blessing to give the WORD of LIFE! Click here to donate.
F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
News Blog 
Praise & Prayer section: 

>  Pray for the flooding currently ongoing in India to subside.

>  Pray for the Children without parents, or with parents that are not Christians worldwide.  Pray for the homes that are attempting to care for them, and pray for the leaders those orphanages and children's homes.

>  Pray for our Pastor, Leaders, families, and friends in all the congregations we work in around the world.  God is with them always.  We miss our friends during the months we are not together.

> Pray for the FM Organizational and planning meeting to be held in High Point, NC on September 28-30.

May God Bless Your Month!
Mailing address for DONATIONS:
The Foreign Mission of the ALC
1601 NW 4th Avenue
Battle Ground, WA 98604

Mailing address for CORRESPONDENCE:
The Foreign Mission of the ALC
63 Poor Farm Road
New Ipswich, NH 03071

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