The Foreign Mission received updates and photos from Pastor Frank Famiyeh's recent trip to Nigeria. He visited there in the month of December and has given a full report to the Foreign Mission. The FM board will prayerfully discuss how to more forward in Nigeria at the upcoming FM board meeting.


Above are 2 photos of a new church in India. (see a note to the right from Dr. Kumar) The team going to India soon will be visiting this church and many others, Lord willing. There will be medical clinics in many of these areas which helps to outreach to the community and show the love of Christ. Those attending the clinics will be invited to a church service where they may well hear The Word of God, the message of the Gospel, for the first time in their life. Please keep the team in your prayers and pray that the hearts of the people in India would be strengthened in Faith and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that the message will also reach the hearts of many unbelievers, so that many will come to repentance and salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Reports from the Field:
Nigeria I had schedule the trip to be at the ALC Nigeria church convention which began on 9th to 13th December. Everyone at the convention who knew me was surprised to see me there because my visit was unannounced. That not withstanding, I was warmly received and introduced as a very important guest, and given the opportunity to give a solidarity message on behalf of the Church in Ghana. In my message I took the opportunity to remind the congregation of God's wonderful love for the world which finds expression in the giving of His Only begotten Son through whose merits we have been justified through faith and so have peace with God. I stressed the urgent need to preach this message of reconciliation in and out of the Church.
Pastor Frank
(this is just a small excerpt from his full report to the FM Board)
India God's Peace, Greetings to you Pastor in the mighty name of God.
We thank you for your prayers for our Ministry, through which God is blessing us, strengthening us allowing us to go forward for his name sake.
Thank you Pastor, Dr.Kumar.

South Africa Above: Young preachers who are promising future pastors from different congregations gather together in Magaliesburg for a 2 day Bible study which I conducted with them "The Saving Gospel"
Bishop L.Mphalele

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We invite you to The Philippines!There is a trip planned to The Philippines late March. CLICK HERE if you would like more information.  
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