Joy to the WORLD the LORD is come! May you have a Blessed Christmas!
Expect the unexpected.
Each day on a mission trip is an adventure. With the Lord it is a peaceful adventure, yet unexpected just the same. While in Kenya in November we had several “how did we get here moments”. Cultures can be so extreme. Sometimes in the US we live in an isolated little world. This is not necessarily a good or bad thing but it is true.
While talking with the Youth we were asked the question “Do you have witchcraft in America?” I had to think about that for a bit. Its not something we see or are tempted with on a daily basis like those in Kenya. To them it is common, “casting out demons” is very real and almost normal to them.
After explaining that yes there is witchcraft in America,I tried to share that not matter what the battle is it says in Ephesians “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places…” Our battles may look different all over the world, but as Christians the battle belongs to the Lord. He has won the victory for us. So let us put on “the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day…” Eph. 6:13 by: Julie Matson

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*Help a child go to school. *Help a family or church start a chicken business. *Monthly support Orphans. *Help to build a church (see right column for example) and many more options...

The Foreign Mission is thankful that we have now returned to Nigeria after so many years of not being able to go due to the conditions on the ground there. Pastor Frank Famiyeh, who many of you know, is there right now! Please pray for him! We are so thankful to have an African pastor who is able to serve there and give us a full report of the current state of the ALC of Nigeria, which was started in the 1960's.

Support options
Email or click on the Donate link above for regular support options.
Special projects
Only funded with earmarked funds

*These are the type of churches we like to assist with earmark funds, when most of the labor and finances are coming from their own congregation.* (FM Admin)
Dear Pastor,God's peace,
Receive greetings in Jesus name. We did the fundraising at Joseph;s church and raised money worth two lorries of sand and 2000 bricks as you will see in the photos.
This church needs to be built and as you know i told you about it this money was 55,000 Kshs (539 USD) .So please try your level best to help us complete it and as the saying goes Rome was not built in one day. Wishing you success as you help us.
Wish to hear from you,
Top five list: Please be aware that the FM administrator keeps a list of the most needed humanitarian projects around the world where the FM works! These are not funded by general FM funds. You can receive this list by email for you or your group to check over and decide what you would like to work toward funding! Click here to email!
A special thank you to the 'West coast Tea Ladies" who got together for tea and donated money for the Emergency Medical Fund, some of which has already been sent out for a very worthy cause. ______________________
(Below) FM Pioneer to Spanish Speaking countries, Carl Niemitalo, together with Alvar Helmes, who for years has been very active in missions!