Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Report from South Africa

Every month, we ask the foreign pastors we work with share what they have been doing in their congregations. Here is the March 2013 report from South Africa:

Sunday School
Sunday school teacher training has been done, where a teacher from each congregation attended, the aim being to equip the teacher better in teaching the children and to use the Bible material provided for them by the foreign mission. The teachers also had a chance to discuss different problems they encounter in the congregations. Teachers suggested that this workshop should be held once everything three month.

Preaching the Word of God

We manage to organize and preach the living Word of God in places which we have never visited through contact of one women called Alinah we preached to the people in Kagiso where several people attended and some asked to be baptized. We also shared the Word of God with people at Kokcsoord and we were also request to make visit to them.

Youth Bible Studies
With the assistance of the youth committee, we conducted Bible studies for the young people I several places and conducted lectures on HIV/Aids at two high Schools. In these schools we met several young people who are involve with Satanist worship and practices. The principal asked us to conduct Morning Prayer once a week at this school.

Easter Service
All our congregations and Pastors met together on Easter Sunday to celebrate the Risen Lord with Songs and the Word of God in the remotearea of Ikageng, under a big tent.

Future Plans
On the 27th April – 29th April, Pastors and other leaders of the congregation will meet in Mohlakeng for a three-day retreat, sharing the Word of God and Prayers.

Problems we need to work on
The church need more trained pastors in other places, in other places their are women leaders as there are no cable men. Secondly even if most of our people are very poor, as stewardship teaching is needed for the people to know that even the little they give the Lord will bless it. We suggest that in future our visitors from the foreign mission should also assist us these two matters.

 Bishop Louis Mphaplele

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