Friday, March 1, 2013

Dennis and Bob in Ghana

Dennis Hilman and Bob Maki have been in West Africa for almost a month. They started their trip in Ghana, then went to Togo, and are currently in Liberia. Here is an overview of their time in Ghana taken from Dennis Hilman's Facebook posts!

A CITY SET ON A HILL..... Pastor Bob with some of the young people at the service tonight at the Gbawe Church - high on a hill above Accra, Ghana. No windows and virtually no upper walls...just columns to support the roof. Wide open - for the Word as well.

IT'S WORKING - BY GOD'S GRACE!! The central board of the Apostolic Lutheran Church of Ghana. We have visited Ghana many times but when Pastor Bob and I came two years ago our mission was to facilitate unity and reconciliation in a disparity of churches. Since then this board has functioned effectively, leading the way in uniting the churches and working toward common goals. Our seminars this week focused on the central goal of salvation, with the overriding theme of "Forgiveness". The response was wonderful!

Y O U T H - BE AN EXAMPLE OF THE BELIEVERS IN WORD, IN CONVERSATION, IN LOVE, IN SPIRIT, IN FAITH, IN PURITY!! 1 Tim.4:12. Today we spent a wonderful day with these youth and children at the Gbawe (no real walls) church here in Accra, Ghana. Very involved kids. Serious about their faith!! Wish you could have been here!

WOW!! THIS IS HISTORICAL!! ALC Ghana past president Rev. Frank Famiyeh (r.) hands over all the official documents for the church van and deed for the church property to current president Rev. Emanuel Basie after years of contention. After very open discussions earlier Pastor Frank asked forgiveness of the board members present whereupon they blessed him in the wonderful name of Jesus and the cleansing power of His blood by laying their hands on him. They then asked forgiveness of him and he did the same for them personally. Plunging the past into the sea of grace!! What better way for a church to move ahead?!

The man in the bright shirt in the middle is Mr. Ben Eghan, cabinet secretary to the president of Ghana, who is also an adviser to the church board. This special board meeting was held at his home today. Some other board members are wearing more traditional Ghanaian dress.

More updates to follow on Dennis and Bob's time in Togo and Liberia! 

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