Sunday, January 27, 2013

A vision of heaven

We had a beautiful Sunday service here in Kapilasvaraparum. When it was over, Pastor Marty Seppala shared with us one how the beginning of the service had been quite a profound experience for him. Here’s his testimony:

“When our team stood up this Sunday to sing our song and I looked out at the congregation and I think it’s one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen! There were hundreds of people with their hands raised their in the church. It reminded me of my first wife, Barbara. When she knew she was dying she was on her bed and suddenly her face lit up and she started, well, dancing there in her bed. She said, ‘Look at them! There are thousands and thousands of them and they are so happy! They are all there with their hands raised! Come everybody! Come everybody!’ It was only a week later that she went home to be with Jesus. The people in the church today reminded me of her vision. It was beautiful!”

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