Endeavoring to obey the Word of our Lord...Go ye into all the lands and preach the Gospel to every creature.

From South Africa:
night we held services in this church in Ikageng in Northwest Province.
Storm clouds were gathering as we entered. I was speaking from
Revelations 7 as the storm broke over this little shack in full fury...
Jonas was translating. The
wind shrieked, thunder crashed, lightening flashed continually and rain
plummeted down. We spoke louder and louder. Finally the din was so great
and the metal sheets that held the shack together were banging so
threatenly that I could only shout, "In heaven above there will be not
more storms, fear, pain or sorrow when our robes are washed white by faith in the blood of the Lamb!!" Then
I quickly said a prayer and the benediction and we all scurried for
home. Next to where we were staying three shacks collapsed in the storm
and Leona and Jonas went to help the people try to save some of their
possessions in the deluge. "Keep me safe..." Dennis Hilman (picture by
Leona Matson)
can follow your Foreign Mission Pastor Dennis Hilman on Facebook at
Dennis Hilman. The Foreign Mission has a facebook site at Foreign
Mission where you can follow us also, as well as at the FM Newsblog at www.foreignmissionnewsblog.blogspot.com
Word from the Field:
(The below is part of the monthly Pastors Report from Guatemala)
The Lord gave us the opportunity to complete all the things we had in our program for this month.
We had all our services on Sundays and Wednesdays. We thank God because our attendance remains in both services.
Juan Ponce:
Thank God also because we see also how the attendance in Juan Ponce remains.
Piedras Azules:
We have now two new houses open for home services on Tuesdays. Praise
God for it. This new people are able to receive us in their house to
preach the Gospel.
About home visits:
I made home visits in Zacapa and Juan Ponce this month. It is always a
blessing to visit our brothers and sisters at their place and to share
time with them knowing better each other.
Support options
Email or click on the Donate link above for regular support options.
Special projects
Only funded with earmarked funds
> Main church building in South Africa (any amount)
> Bicycles for poor pastors ($80 each)
Verse of the Month:
1 Corinthians 1:18
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
Upcoming events
> Dennis and Raymond Hilman will be
going to the Philippines during the last week of this month into
Novermber. Please pray for that time of ministry!
> Gregory Greve and Brian Niemitalo are going to Russia in early Novermber. Please remember them as well!
Kenya, India, Ghana, Togo, and Liberia are upcoming trips as well. Some
of these trips may be able to accept a few more people. Email: foreignmission@comcast.net for up to date information.
Prayer and praise
> The Foreign Mission had a wonderful
yearly planning meeting in October! Please pray for the entire board as
they desire to follow the Lord's leading. The FM board members along
with their positions are: Bob Maki : Chairman, Dan Olin: Vice Chairman,
Secretary: Scott Niemitalo, Vice Sec. Gregory Greve, Treasure: Al
Traffie, Vice Treasure: Tom Lappi Trustees: Chad Kuivanen, Shane Juuti,
Brian Niemitalo
> About 17 trips were planned to 13 countries during this years
meeting. We know that the Lord decides, so please pray that His will be
> Pastor Sylvester in Kenya has been released from the hospital.
$2400 remains to be paid on his bill. Feel free to continue to help with
that bill.
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