The last three days have been very busy. Each day we drove 1.5 hours over terrible roads to get to where the Pastors seminars were held. After a day of teaching and preaching, we would drive back home and rest for a couple hours and eat.
Then in the evening about 8 or 8:30 we would do the drive all over again. 15 hours total in a tiny car with 9 people. However, these tight conditions do lead us to get to know each other! These conditions are good "character builders."
The Pastors appeared to be very interested and informed from God's Word. Pastor Dennis Hilman is a wonderful teacher. There were also inter active sessions. It is so good and precious to see pastors humbling themselves in repentance and receiving absoulution. They humble their hearts often in prayer and in testimony of what God has done in their lives! One MUST be here to feel the power. There are also sermons during these Pastors trainings as well.
It was so wonderful that last night, there was 2000 people at the late night service. The sermon was about the woman and Jesus at the well. This time together was a true blessing for all. Afterwards, almost all 2000 people came for a personal blessing and prayer. It surely was a good thing that we had the whole group of 7 of us traveling Christians to work together in this process. If it was just Dennis and I, we may still be there. It is so humbling for us to lay hands on so many people all all ages. These people came in such sincerity. I will stop discribing this now, since only by being a part of this would allow one to fully comprehend the moments.
After this service was over, right around midnight, we set out for home. It was not long down the road that our Pastor/bodyguards car broke down. We tried to fix it but to no avail. After about an hour delay, we set out for home. Our driver dropped us off and went back to get the pastors. We pray they made it safely. This is a good lesson for us for the two cars. Where we broke down was in the middle of rice fields, a half hour on mostly dirt and pot hole filled roads from a more main road. These rice fields contain many cobra's which can very easily come to the road in the middle of the night.
We are so thankful God has been with us through His Holy Spirit, keeping us safe and feeling the Power of His Love for us and all of the Indian people.
Your continued prayers are appreciated.
In His Service John R. Greetings from our entire group and hosts.