Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January FM News and Budget Report

…. behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. John 4:35

Dear Monthly Readers! God’s Peace! May God Grant you a most Blessed New Year!
December News:

• Pastor Dennis Hilman returned from an extended mission trip to South Africa.

• Final plans for Mission trips to India, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Togo, and Liberia were made.

• Skype sermons were done to India and Pakistan

• Foreign Mission trained indigenous pastors proclaimed His Word!

• The Guatemalan ALC held vacation bible school with about 100 youth in attendance.

• Special Christmas services were held in many countries that the FM works in, with live translated sermons done to two of these gatherings by Pastors in the USA.

• Weekly Spiritual Blogs and emails were sent into all the world!

• For all other Foreign Mission news, feel free to check in at anytime during the month at www.themisssionsite.com or at any of the other links below and click around! You are most welcome and encouraged to take part in the Mission!

Feedback from December Budget/News email sent in early December: No response was needed last month since we had met our financial needs and that email was only informational! Thank you!

Note: The budget of Your Foreign Mission has been set up to support the mission trips, pastors training, foreign pastors support stipends, literature mailings, Skype sermons, etc, that the Foreign Mission board has prayerfully deemed as priorities. If the income from the month prior, (December in this case) does not meet the budget, then several of these very important priorities have to be slashed for the month.

The chart below indicates the December Income and the January Budget needs.  (seen only in email form)
As you can see, unfortunately we are $6285.25 short this month. Would you help?

Here is an exciting new way to easily contribute:  CLICK HERE TO DONATE   Here you can very easily donate electronically from either your checkbook or credit card. You can also set up recurring monthly donations should you desire.

Point of interest: if 300 people would donate just $21, the budget gap would be closed for the month!

Note: if donating in response to this request, please indicate as such: For Jan 2010 Budget gap

Contact and Resource Information:

Just click on the links below!

Donate online: http://themissionsite.com/needs.html     PayPal or Credit Card

Website: http://www.themissionsite.com/  See all the new updates!

FM News blog: The FM news updated regularly


FM Spiritual articles: sent to foreign contacts via email


The Foreign Mission Store: A place to buy gifts! CD's, Books, pens, shirts etc.!




Donate via PaySimple:  CLICK HERE TO DONATE  electronically by check or cc., incl. recurring

To Donate by check in response to this email: The Foreign Mission 1601 NW 4th Avenue Battle Ground WA 98604 Please Write on check: for Jan 2010. Budget gap

Other programs available for special funding by request * Indigenous Pastor support * Full time Missionary support * Orphan and children support * Bible and other book purchase * Bicycles for pastors * Pastor and mission training Emai: Foreignmission@comcast.net for more info!

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