Dear Christians everywhere!
God's Peace!
Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15)
These are the words of our Lord. Your Foreign Mission is endeavoring to be obedient to His calling. The Lord has blessed us and has allowed us to be used in this capacity in many countries, such as India, Myanmar, Russia, China, Ghana, South Africa, Guatemala and many other countries. We pray that He will continue using His servants here on earth to bring the saving message of the Redemptive work of Jesus Chris to the multitudes.
We want each Christian to know that your help and assistance is greatly appreciated. We encourage you to join us in the mission field. There is so much to do and so little time to do it, that the Foreign Mission desires and needs your help! The fields are ripe for harvest!
Unfortunately, this work comes with a high financial cost. The Foreign Mission is experiencing a financial struggle due to our slow economy. We are attempting to be good stewards of His treasures and continually take a close look at all of our expenses. We have cut our budget at least 22%. We have redoubled our efforts to be sure that the maximum percentage possible of our spending goes toward the actual preaching of the Gospel.
However, even with this effort, we must make a plea for funds! Would you be able to help the Foreign Mission financially? Whether your gift is large or small it will be a great help in this battle. For instance, you can support a pastor for as little as $30 a month in India, Myanmar, and some other countries. You can even support 50% or 25% of a pastor's needs if that is what is right for you! ...and how shall they hear without a preacher? (Romans 10:14)
During the first seven months of this fiscal year, the Foreign Mission received $134,000, which is well off the pace needed to operate as usual. As we strive to utilize your generous contributions in the most efficient ways in our current and future efforts, we recognize that we may have to operate for the present time with a reduced budget from what he have grown accustomed to in recent years. However, let us remember, that even a small contribution given by many people, multiplies quickly into a large amount. For instance, when you consider that there are probably around 6000 members in the Apostolic Lutheran Church alone, plus any number of other interested Christians, and if each contributed 12 dollars per month, contributions would amount to $72,000 on a monthly basis. (based on only 6000 people) We realize not everyone can afford even this much, but we pray this could be balanced through the giving by those who would be able to contribute more than 12 dollars on a monthly basis.
During this Christmas Season, would you consider a donation to the Foreign Mission? Perhaps this could be done in lieu of a gift for that person that is so difficult to buy for, and many Americans fit this category. By contacting us, we can plan a donation gift for you on behalf of that person so that he/she will be able to have the joy of giving also! All donations are tax deductible and a receipt will be issued.
Thank you for your generosity! Please remember this is the Lord's Foreign Mission; therefore, as a Christian, it is Your Foreign Mission!
John Ruotsala Foreign Mission Administrator
1 comment:
To anyone reading this: if you are planning to give, either a one-time donation or regularly, letting the Foreign Mission know how, when, and how much you plan to give will help them budget.
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