Endeavoring to obey the Words of our Lord when He said in Mark 16:15 "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
FM Latest Developments
Just a quick note about a few of the very latest FM developments.
* Dennis Hilman has now finished a three month FM tour in South Africa, and is back in Finland. Pray for him as he spends the next month or so moving from the apartment he and his beloved late wife shared. This will be hard on him, so prayer will help!
* There will be four separate regional Mission Training seminars held in the USA in March and early April 09. Congregations in South Carolina, Minnesota, or WA that would be willing to host these, please contact the FM administrator at jthree16@comcast.net There will also be one session in NH. Dennis Hilman will be the Pastor doing the training, and the FM administrator will assist him. Exact dates and locations TBA!
* Pastors training in 4 West African nations have been moved from January to April and May due to the time needed to get Visa's lined up and all the plans laid. Dennis Hilman and Frank Famiyeh from Ghana will be teaching.
* John Ruotsala will be accompanied by Dennis Hilman and probably not Carl Lamppa as originally planned for the India trip in February. One or two other people can join in if you decide very quickly. Just emial me at jthree16 @comcast.net if you are interested.
* There are 7 people going from the 13th of January to the 23rd of Jan to the Philippines. They will also try to secure hard to get tickets to Vietnam, but have not been able to yet. Pastors training will be held by Colin Kinnunen and others on this trip.
* There is a Pastors training seminar coming up in the summer of 09 in Guatemala.
* There is a youth mission trip to Guatemala in Summer of 09. Jay Wirkkala is the Team Leader and Scott Niemitalo is the pastor.
May more developements will be posted here as time goes on.
Thanks, John
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Fall/Winter Fund Campaign

Dear Christians everywhere!
We want each Christian to know that your help and assistance is greatly appreciated. We encourage you to join us in the mission field. There is so much to do and so little time to do it, that the Foreign Mission desires and needs your help! The fields are ripe for harvest!
Unfortunately, this work comes with a high financial cost. The Foreign Mission is experiencing a financial struggle due to our slow economy. We are attempting to be good stewards of His treasures and continually take a close look at all of our expenses. We have cut our budget at least 22%. We have redoubled our efforts to be sure that the maximum percentage possible of our spending goes toward the actual preaching of the Gospel.
However, even with this effort, we must make a plea for funds! Would you be able to help the Foreign Mission financially? Whether your gift is large or small it will be a great help in this battle. For instance, you can support a pastor for as little as $30 a month in
During this Christmas Season, would you consider a donation to the Foreign Mission? Perhaps this could be done in lieu of a gift for that person that is so difficult to buy for, and many Americans fit this category. By contacting us, we can plan a donation gift for you on behalf of that person so that he/she will be able to have the joy of giving also! All donations are tax deductible and a receipt will be issued.
Thank you for your generosity! Please remember this is the Lord's Foreign Mission; therefore, as a Christian, it is Your Foreign Mission!
John Ruotsala Foreign Mission Administrator
The reason for this blog is to allow all readers the ability to quickly be able to see the latest news and happpening in regards to Your Foreign Mission!
The stated goal and desire of the Foreign Mission in to be obedient to the words of our Lord when He said, " Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15
This Blog may have articles from time to time, but that is not the real purpose. It is just to inform of the happenings and maybe show a picture or two. Other places on the website and the Where He Leads Me newsletter will deal more with articles.
So please check back here often for the latest news! Thank You! John Ruotsala FM Administrator