Celebrate the true spirit of Christmas!
Need unique gifts to those who have everything?
Want to bring more meaning to your giving?
Give one of these gifts in the name of your loved ones, or give a gift together as a family.
Order by the email link on the click here spots below, or by sending a message to foreignmission@comcast.net. We will then send you all the information. A Christmas card with a picture and description of your gift are available with each purchase.
Each item will be delivered to the recipient in the year 2018. If you would like a follow up photo of your gift being delivered we are happy to sent them to you upon request.
Bible Fund
Many people around the world do not own a Bible. Bibles are needed in all the countries we work in: Myanmar, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Liberia, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Togo, and Vietnam. $10 buys 1-2 Bibles click here Note: The cost of a Bible can represent up to one months entire salary. Often their entire salary is needed to provide food for the family. Hence, often no money is available for Bibles.
General Fund
The mandate of the Foreign Mission is to preach the Word of God. Help support our mission to preach and teach the Gospel Message. Onetime gift of any amount or monthly support click here

Chicken's for a Family
Purchase 5 chickens for a family. This would provide eggs and in time several meals also. This could also help give much needed income to a family if they are able to sell the eggs. $45 click here

Blanket for a Child
Your donation of provides new thick blanket for a child's bed. Keeping them warm for years to come. $15 click here

Literature printing
Gospel tracts, Sunday School material, Catechisms, and hymn books help support evangelism and discipleship efforts around the world! $20 goes toward priority materials for congregations. You can specify which item you want to give! click here

Child support Support a child to stay in the ALC Home in India. Children receive room and board, tuition and supplies to attend the village school, and Biblical teaching at the ALC Home. Within this option you can also choose to help to supply the basic needs such as food and clothing for children in other countries who are poor and destitute. $40/month click here

Give the gift of mobility to pastors in remote regions. Motorbikes allow pastors to travel between their different congregations and to spread the Gospel more widely in the surrounding villages. $1200 buys one motorbike click here

Church buildings Many congregations around the world worship under trees, in small tin shacks, or in old buildings. All of the countries we work in could use help building churches. $100 builds 1/20 - 1/50 of a church, depending on country click here