Gracias a Dios!
Thanks to God! The convention in Guatemala went well, and was a blessing. There was good attendance of people with a large variety of ages represented!

Did You Know: (Random facts to think on and pray about)
- The Foreign Mission shares the Weekly Diner all around the world on a weekly basis.
- There are over 4500 different languages in India, currently we only minister in only one of them.
- 75% of Guatemalans live below the poverty line.
- About 40% of the worlds total people groups are unreached.
- The USA has about 35 people per sq km, the Philippines is much more populated with about 332 people per sq km.

Follow up on Children's Donation!
The Tapio children (Nels and Janine's) having worked so hard raising funds, have now received pictures of what their work has accomplished! The yellow pails will only have to haul water from the tanks instead of the far off brook! Pictured is the girls dorm at St. John's Orphanage in Kenya! The building was built solely with the help of 2 yard sales held by the ladies in Sylvan Lake.You are welcome to visit this place with us when we travel there Lord willing in November. Contact us if you are interested in joining us in Kenya.

Reports from the Field in South Africa:
Above: The Church service held in a new bilding a Ikageng, where God is drawing many men to a living faith than in any of our congregations. A two day convention was held in this building attended by men from all the congregations. Myself and other Pastors delivered a Bible studes and also preached at this convention.We thank the Lord for all the contributions we received from the brothers and sisters who made it possible for the building of this church. Bishop Lois M.

Above: Baptism of small Children at Ikageng congregation.

Support options
Email or click on the Donate link above for regular support options.
Special projects
Only funded with earmarked funds
Top five list: Are you looking to donate for specific most needed causes? Ask for the administrators top 5 list! Click here to email!

UPCOMING TRIPSWould you like to join us? November - Kenya January - India Interested in these or other options?CLICK HERE