Bienvenido (Welcome)
The ALC churches of Guatemala invite you to join them in their annual convention. June 4th-5th. If you are unable to attend we ask you remember them in your prayers. May The Word be spoken in truth and reach the hearts of all who hear it.

Joe Bodanza, (Mr. Joe), selflessly served, and was an example of the hands and feet of Christ. The Foreign Mission had the privilege to work along side him many times in Vietnam and in the US. Mr. Joe passed away...and will be greatly missed by many. There was a large multi-cultural memorial service held at the New Ipswich, NH ALC on Sunday, May 15.

The Foreign Mission and I (John R.) would like to thank all of the wonderful folks out West for your great hospitality during the communications trip of the last couple weeks! Thank you to the tens of families that took time for a personal visit, and to the many Christians in the various churches and areas who briefly chatted. Thank you to the many gracious overnight hosts, and to the family that donated the use of the vehicle! I was truly blessed to be with you all! Your input, suggestions, questions, and assistance are surely welcomed and appreciated by your Foreign Mission!

Children are also involved!
The Tapio children (Nels and Janine's) in the photo above, recently hosted sales, made cards, and held various other activities to provide 2 water tanks at the St. Johns Children's orphanage in Kenya. Those at the orphanage are delighted! You can see the difference it will make below!
Your children, or home school group can get involved also! The administrator always has a list of needs that could use funding. Your children can pick from the list just as these children did, and they can make a real difference in peoples lives.
Here is a quick comparison of the lives of our children and the children in much of the third world, including in Kenya where the Tapio children helped! Baths.. are done there by walking to the brook, carrying water home, heating it on the fire, and going out back with soap to wash up. Toilets and other plumbing: None. Outhouse for toilets. Food: Breakfast is most often coffee or tea with milk in it. Nothing else. Electricity: None Windows: No Glass Beef: rarely and maybe only at Christmas and Easter Transportation: Walking only. Some children have sandals.

Reports from the Field:
Pastor Giovani - Guatemala (partial April monthly report)
A. Home visits. Thanks to God for the opportunity I have to visit our people in their home. It is the only way we can really understand them. When we see the world in the same way that they see it, to understand and to accept each other comes to be easier. We also can understand the difference between living in each of the three communities we work with. Praise God for the privilege!
B. About services. We Praise God for way how our people are attending the services in our congregations, especially in Piedras Azules, but also in Zacapa and Juan Ponce. This last Sunday we had a great time in Zacapa. People sung happy, hear the Word with joy and meet to each other after the service. It was a very blessed time.

 Matthew 10:42; And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward
Dear most respected Pastor John in Christ,
God's Peace,Greetings in Jesus name. Thank you so much for your prayers and support for the Mission work in India to save the lost souls by preaching good News and serving the poor and needy through Humanitarian work.
India had been experiencing very Hot heat waves in this summer. The temperature has been increased to over 115 Degrees , it will further go beyond 120 Degrees F. Many died in heat waves because of Dehydration/Sun stroke/Heat stroke. Government says deaths are hundreds in Number but the actual deaths will be more in thousands.
In our area there were many Destitute Children who Live at the temples by begging. They do not have parents. These destitute Children will not live full life and to Know the Jesus. Their life will end before 15 years of age. These destitute Children will not be cared by Government as they do not have right to Vote and age to vote.

Support options
Email or click on the Donate link above for regular support options.
Special projects
Only funded with earmarked funds
Emergency Medical Fund: The emergency medical fund was recently used in many places and is currently empty.
Top five list: Are you looking to donate for specific most needed causes? Ask for the administrators top 5 list! Click here to email!

Have you seen this poster? The Foreign Mission would love it if someone in each church that does not already have this poster, would volunteer to get one printed and put up in your church! We want to be able to share that which the Lord is allowing His Church to participate in within His Vineyard! CLICK HERE if you are willing to help put one in your church.

Because of heat waves these Children have No Food and No water to drink. They all dying with Dehydration but their deaths will not come into records. We identified over 900 of these Children and trying to locate them in Summer Shelters to protect them from heat waves.
We are providing Food, drinking Water and Shelter to save these Destitute Children from death and heat waves. This heat will increase, remain until June 15th. We humbly plead you to join with us to pray and to share your Love and Compassion by providing food, drinking water, shelter and cloths.
Your prayers will save these helpless needy Destitute Children. May God bless you,
Thanking you,
Dr.Kumar and Jean Mary. India