The Philippines
This team of five has recently returned after 2 weeks in The Philippines. Pictured above are from left, Randy Kinnunen, Brinna Myllymaki, Brian Niemitalo, Carl Aho, and Julie Matson.
The gospel was spoken in many churches, homes and villages. We pray that the Word would continue to reach those in The Philippines for we know "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12.
Just 2 weeks before the team arrived the Senonis' daughter Givethlyn passed away of cancer at age 9. Please continue to keep Pastor Bert Senonis and the family in your prayers as they continue to grieve this great loss.
( all pics in this column are from this trip The Philippines)
Houses near the sea need to be on stilts!
Love for the children is always a joy to see. (next 3 pics)


All of God's created people fall into one of two categories. Those who are saved believers, and those who Jesus died for, but who do not know Him yet. Hence the urgency for going into all the world to preach the Gospel.
Personal visits are always a blessing.
In the mission field, even the open air at the ocean is a fine place to preach. Jesus often preached and taught in open settings.

Reports from the Field:
Above: John came to the saving faith after we visited his home at Ventersdorp during our work of house visit and distribution of tracts, we shared the saving gospel with John and told him that he too his sins can be forgiven, John wanted desperately to hear that his sins are forgiven, We laid hand upon him and assured him that if he believe in what Jesus Christ did for him. John invited us to start Sunday service at his home and we promised him that God willing we will arrange that in the future.
Bishop Louis M. South Africa

Good News!
The following is an except from a letter that the FM Chairman and Pastor Robert Maki sent to Nigeria recently. This is shared here, as no matter where we live, we need the Good News of the Gospel! May God Bless your week!Dear Elder...(e) God's Peace!
May the love of God through His son Jesus Christ and the communion of the Holy Sprit be with you now and forever.
As a Foreign Mission, we go forth as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has commanded when He said "Go forth through out the whole world and preach the Gospel, the good news to all people....... TO CONTINUE READING: CLICK HERE

Articles Welcomed!
The Foreign Mission is always looking for Spiritual articles to publish in the Weekly Diner. These writings should be short, between 400 and 750 words. The Weekly Diner is published to our list of people in Foreign lands every Tuesday. If you would like to contribute or receive this weekly encouragement, click here.


Support options
Email or click on the Donate link above for regular support options.
Special projects
Only funded with earmarked funds
Emergency Medical Fund:
The emergency medical fund was recently used in many places and is currently empty.
Top five list: Are you looking to donate for specific most needed causes? Ask for the administrators top 5 list! Click here to email!

Have you seen this poster?
The Foreign Mission would love it if someone in each church that does not already have this poster, would volunteer to get one printed and put up in your church! We want to be able to share that which the Lord is allowing His Church to participate in within His Vineyard! CLICK HERE if you are willing to help put one in your church.

The Bible Fund
Thank you to all who have donated to the Bible Fund. Bibles were recently distributed in Pakistan. The fund is always low since we distribute as fast as we safely and economically can after receipt of such funds!
"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12
Thought: This is a perfect time of year to host a yard sale to benefit the purchase of Bibles or other special causes!

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