Rooted and Grounded. These are two words that come to mind when speaking of many of the Christians in India. Some of the congregations are large in number and the people are hungry for the "meat" of the word. It was a blessing for our team who visited in January/February to see that many of the congregations are thriving and reaching out to their communities and beyond to share the gospel.
 While in India our team served in various ways. Pastors Seminars, church services, medical clinics, woman's bible studies, Sunday School, prayer walks, and visiting many people. The next Where He Leads Newsletter will feature much more about this trip.

In India it is very common for a respected elder to name your child. "Victory Princess" is the translation of the name of the baby in the photo below. Her father was once a child at the ALC Childrens home and is now married. Pictured below are his wife and daughter. When their baby was born they asked Pastor K to name her.

The Ashburnham ALC confirmation and 8th grade classes made a trip to Guatemala in February, along with several parents. They had opportunities to meet and fellowship with many people. The team visited new mothers in the hospital, learned of life in Guatemala, and spent time with the youth in our churches there. Many stated "we went to bring something to them, but it was us who received"


Reports from the Field:
Togo: During the four days of seminars, all the topics we have studied in the past from the "Doctrine of Christ" were revisited with greater emphasis on"Justification by Faith in the Gospel of Christ; Confession and Forgiveness of Sins, and the Sanctifying work of the Spirit in the lives of believers. As usual, the teachings were interspersed with the actual preaching of the Gospel. We could not have brought our seminars to a close without the usual "Challenge" to ourselves to go and preach Repentance and Forgiveness of Sins as directed by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Pastor Philippe of the Church in Aklotsi on behalf of the participants thanked the FM and myself for organizing and leading regular seminars for the leaders of the their churches and prayed that the Lord would sustain the program in Togo so their people will grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. In my opinion, the Togo pastors and Church need to hear the Gospel very often to help them pass it on to many dying souls in their predominantly animistic societies
Thank you for your time and the Lord bless your day In His Grace,
Pastor Frank Famiyeh
Haiti Dear Pastors,
Please don't forsake us, we do need your teaching. Please keep coming to teach us, we are so thirsty of your teaching, because your teaching changed the hearts of people and we believe if this teaching continues we will make an impact where ever there is an Apostolic Lutheran Church of America and step by step we will have a better Haiti tomorrow.
We do keep you in prayer, we are fast for you all of Apostolic Lutheran Church of America
May Jesus Christ bless America
I look forward Respectfully in Jesus Christ
Pastor Julian