Sharing the Good News in Africa! South AfricaAbove the South Africa team of 4 is sharing a message of Jesus, our only hope to an assembly of several hundred high school students in South Africa. One of the fellow students had passed away over the weekend and the team was asked to share a message with them and pray for them and the family of the student who passed away. Matthew Niemela was asked by the FM to go to South Africa from Liberia, where he is currently serving the Lord for an expended period of time. He filled in for Pastor Bob Maki who could not make the trip to SA due to doctors orders, resulting from the sickness he picked up in Haiti. Pastor Frank Famiyeh (center) of Ghana was asked by the FM to visit South Africa as one of the pastors for this trip. It is wonderful to be able to use an African pastor to minister to other Africans!
Kenya A group of six people went to Kenya in October and November. The trip was very blessed, and as usual very interesting. This year again we had to deal with people who were said to be possessed by the devil due to witchcraft. We had to deal with lots of mud caused by daily rain, and once again experienced being robbed as we traveled. However, through it all, God was faithful. Many souls came to repentance and faith.
Among these was a Muslim man named Peter, who repented, believed, and was baptized. Also baptized were many orphan children, and a few other new believers. A story about the conversion of Peter will be in the next issue of WHERE HE LEADS. (pic below is of Peter and his family) As part of our teachings on Baptism, we instruct the pastors that we work with around the world, that as soon as a person repents and believes, they are ready for baptism. There is no point in waiting for us to arrive in their country to hold baptisms. Baptism is the work of God, so once a person repents and believes, there is nothing to hinder them from being baptized.
As you can see pictured throughout this report, services were held in churches, orphanages, village squares, schools, and even one time in a hotel for their staff. God is good and worthy to be praised! Or as we say in Kenya, Buena Asafeeway. (phonically spelled) 
Please be greeted from the brothers and sisters in Christ in Kenya and SA. Many wished to send their greetings, and they assured us that they pray for us often.

Reports from the Field:Dear pastor, God's peace.
Thanks for the visit. We were greatly blessed by the tram this year. We thank the ALCA for sending us such a team.
Thanks for the board member whom you sent to us and he became such an inspiration to pastors and all churches here. We thank you for the bibles we received and for the support of our meetings here. Thanks for the PA system that was purchased.
We further request for more Bibles for the increasing number of new converts. Your coming to our country is a great blessings which cannot be uttered by words. May God keep us in this love as we continue showing people Christ.
Thanks and may God bless you.
Pastor Fredrick.
Dear beloved in Christ,
First of all I thank the might Highest Father gathered together the Holy Spirit of God all over nations.
Beloved John tell your beloved servants of God, Joel, Brain, David, Julie, Melody that my fellow church they greeted them in the of Jesus Christ.
Beloved apostle John you have done a grateful work of God in my church, the old men and women, they were very happy for your message from the word of God, from the book of john 11:1-5 about Lazarus of Bethany.we filed with joyful and our hearts was very full with GOD'S WORD.,AND as you love us( like Jesus love Lazarus)apostle John remember us in your daily prayers,and give your family our warm greetings, tell them we love them in Jesus name.
Beloved apostle John thank you for the gift from God,( the Bible) God bless you and give you many days to spread God's word all over the world. God has brought you here to plant the seed and you continue to encourage us in the kingdom of God.and we can get more harvest fruits of God. Please pray for my injuries and help where God direct you in the holy spirit. Please pray for widows and widowers and the orphans in Jesus name..we are praying for you all the time God to give you strength peace and love to everyone in the world.God bless you as we are looking forward to hear from you soon.
Yours in Christ
Pastor Simion and Andrew
 ALC in Nairobi Slum.

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Special projects
Only funded with earmarked funds
Bible Funds and Sunday School book funds are always needed! The below pic of at the ALC in India, where the Children received new Sunday School books recently.
Emergency Medical Fund: - This fund is very low on funds. Please note that fund operates solely on special donations. It is such a blessing to have a few dollars to use in those specific situations that God shows us that we must help out with. Other items that are in need of special funding:
Top five list: Please be aware that the FM administrator keeps a list of the most needed humanitarian projects around the world where the FM works! These are not funded by general FM funds. You can receive this list by email for you or your group to check over and decide what you would like to work toward funding! Click here to email!



Repentance and reconciliation is so very sweet! These two dear friends suffered for five years with a broken relationship. However, God was so gracious as to allow these men to each humble themselves and seek forgiveness one from the other while we were there this month! Now they once again travel together in the Army of God!

