
The Foreign Mission Board.(those present at the time of photo!) From Left: Ansten Tretten, Gregory Greve, (secretary), John Ruotsala (Administrator), Carl Aho (assistant sec), Brian Niemitalo,(treasure) Misha Krupinov,(assistant treasure) Scott Niemitalo (assistant chairman). Missing: Robert Maki, (chairman) Raymond Hilman, Tom Lappi. Feel free to contact those whom may live in your area should you desire! We want to be accessible for communication! Please pray for your Foreign Mission board as they serve in the Lord's Vineyard, both in making leadership decisions, and as they Go in to all the World to Preach the Gospel.
Foreign Mission Operation Notes:
> THANK YOU to the National Sunday school for donating money which will be used for Children's Sunday School books that will be distributed around the world.
>The Foreign Mission annual meeting was held in late September. Thank you Plymouth MN ALC congregation for hosting us. The below items are just a few of the developments from decisions made at that meeting.
>Your board has requested the administrator to visit the ALC churches for enhanced communication. Also, if you are hosting special services or events, please feel free to contact us and we can provide you with presentation materials.
>Due to the response of the people to the gospel in Haiti. The mission board has agreed to take 2 trips back to Haiti in the next 12 months.
> Pastor Frank Famiyeh of Ghana will be traveling to visit the Nigerian ALC Churches in the near future.
> Plans were made to continue service to many other countries previously visited. We understand that we plan, but God decides!
> Much other discussion was had by the FM Board, and to our great pleasure and with thankfulness to God, the meetings were very pleasant as the board was in full unity in all the major decisions! God is good.
Psalm 133:1Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.

From South Africa: In a place called Maskiet, This man with me (above) has just being released from prison after 20 years for murder. We shared the gospel together, and he found peace in his heart after hearing that his sins are forgiven in the name and blood of Jesus Christ. Even if one sinner repent there will be joy in heaven. Bishop L. Mphahlele
From Ghana:
Dear Bob and John,
God' s peace!
Your report about your mission trip to Haiti has really refreshed my spirit. I thank God for giving you the courage to 'venture' into Haiti with the Living Water to quench thirsty souls, and am even more thankful for how the Spirit moved hearts to receive the message. I wonder how far from wrong anybody could be if he ruled Haiti as capital of world voodooism, and what a place to take the Saving Gospel of Christ! I can't wait to preach the Gospel there too. Bravo, guys, and may the Spirit continue to lead you to where even angels fear to thread.
Thanks. In Christ,
Frank Famiyeh

Support options
Email or click on the Donate link above for regular support options.
Special projects
Only funded with earmarked funds
Bible Funds and Sunday School book funds are always needed!
Emergency Medical Fund: - This fund is very low on funds. This month we helped by medical supplies to treat many sick people in India, as well as providing some small help with medical bills for a person in Kenya.
Top five list: Please be aware that the FM administrator keeps a list of the most needed humanitarian projects around the world where the FM works! These are not funded by general FM funds. You can receive this list by email for you or your group to check over and decide what you would like to work toward funding! Click here to email!

Pastor Giovani Sinay and Ryan Ruotsala from Guatemala, were the guest speakers in the Ashburnham, MA ALC this month. The church invites you to listen to the sermons. Click here
Upcoming events
> It is time to sign up for a future FM trip! You are welcome! Click here
> Class number 20 of the mission training is currently happening. You can join the next class if you desire by emailing foreignmission@comcast.net
Prayer and praise
> We are so very thankful the Pastor Bob Maki is well on his way to full recovery from the illness that he had which started in Haiti. Here is a note I just received from Bob Maki:
My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord.
I want to thank all of you who remembered me in prayer to our Heavenly Father when I was in the hospital in very serious condition.
John Routsala and I been in Haiti for a short mission trip. In the 25 years I have been in the mission field, I have never gotten sick on or after a mission trip. But we are frail and things can happen very quickly despite the precautions we take. While in Haiti I wasn't feeling real well. My stomach had been bothering me and at times I felt light headed.
When I got home I was really feeling sick and I thought maybe I had the flu. My dear wife insisted I see the doctor, which I did. The doctor admitted me to the hospital immediately. Both my kidneys had stopped functioning, I was 80 percent dehydrated. I had a severe blood infection and a urinary track infection along with other problems. I was much worse off than I thought and if I didn't see the doctor when I did, today I might be but a memory. God still has plans for me and I am thankful that the team of the FM picked up the slack especially through the efforts of John R. and the FMB meeting in Plymouth,Minnesota went well while I was in the hospital and the FM trip to SA is going well wth Pastor Frank Famiyeh, Mathew Niemela, Julie Matson and Melody S.(some of whom are still in transit)
We are all the body of Christ and God wonderously gifts us and utilizes us for his purpose. If one member is hurting, God all the more stregnthens the other members, We work together as one in the Lord Jesus Christ, not as individuals in self, always raising Him up as we go forth in the mission field bringing forth the saving Gospel to the lost and dying and encouraging the fellow travelers along the pathway that leads to eternal life. May God continue to bless this mission work and each of you who support it in prayer and otherwise.
With Love and God's Peace!
Pastor Bob Maki
>A trip to Kenya begins on October 20. Please keep this trip as well as the above SA trip in your prayers.