Spotlight on Kenya
The Foreign Mission trip this November was our fifth one to lovely Kenya. Each year a new and different team has joined in serving there. For reasons outlined at the end of this column, we will look at three first timers to Kenya.Ryan: (pic above) We were thankful to have Ryan Ruotsala along this year. He has been stationed as an FM missionary for the past eight years in Guatemala. Many of you have worked under his leadership there. The people of Kenya really appreciated Ryan, just as they do in Guatemala. Ryan's teaching and preaching gift was very well received (they are already begging for him to return), as well as his gift of working with children and youth. God is good all the time! All the time God is good! (that is a very popular phrase in Kenya!)David: David Niska heard a presentation by the FM administrator in Sweden and was moved to come with us on a mission trip. He is 25 years old, and surely was a pleasure to be with in Kenya. David worked well with all he came in contact with. Below he is teaching the children. David has already signed up for India 2016! We thank God for willing workers!
Marilyn: Since our very first trip to Kenya in 2010, they have been asking for a woman to come to teach their women. In Africa, one must be married to be considered a woman. We have had 33 year old women along before, but they could not teach on family and children issues because they were not married. God saw fit this year to allow us to have a mature, solid, and loving Christian woman along. The Kenya women fell in love with her, so while the conditions in Kenya are sometimes very harsh, it would be very hard to go without Marilyn Hilman in the future! (the white one in the middle is Marilyn!) The other two people on this trip, you have seen plenty of in the past, and Lord willing will in the future as well. The purpose of highlighting the above three individuals, is not to give glory to man, but rather to show that the Lord can use people of various ages, backgrounds, and talents. This includes you if you are a Christian! Jesus said, "so send I you!" You are sent! Where will you go? Most of you are needed right where you are! Your mission field could very well be right in your own family and town! Some are also needed abroad! If that is you, or you want to learn more, email foreignmission@comcast.net
May God Bless your Month! Always the best clothes for church!

Notes from the field:
Dear pastor, God's peace.
First i thank God for His great protection that you arrived home safely. Glory to Jesus. I would like recommend that you dearly did good work this year. Send the information to the directors that the Lord led you well right from Nairobi in the sermons delivered and teachings.
Pastors training was so good that we need days for that to be added next round. Let me thank whoever donated for the success of the trip and for preaching equipments.
I have supplied the bibles to four churches and soon will be going to Joseph's church and one here at Samuel's. Thank you and wish to hear from you. Pastor Fredrick. (pictured above with Bibles to give out) Pictured is the St. John's Children's home which is currently under construction in Kenya. This was made possible by Christian ladies in Canada who were given the top five list (referenced on right) and chose this project! This home will greatly improve the health and welfare of the 32 children that call this compound home. Who are the children? Most have no parents and some have Aids themselves. Why does the pastor take the children in when he has very little means to support them? He asked me, what am I as a Christian pastor supposed to do when they have no one else in the world to care for them? This year I was able to have three different sessions with groups of pastors about the possible pitfalls and hardships that come with opening a children's home. When poverty is so prevalent, people are often tempted to begin a home in order to better their own financial situation. They were told this is NOT a reason to start a home. Children are so precious in the sight of God, and must be cared for with great love, never to be used as an income source. This question is often asked: If God created us in His image, why are you white and I am black? Red or Yellow, Black, Brown or White, Jesus loves all the children of the world! 

Support options
Email or click on the Donate link above for regular support options.
Special projectsOnly funded with earmarked funds
December is another time for caring: Here is an alternative way to gift. The Foreign Mission gift catalogue: Click here to open. Top five list: Please be aware that the FM administrator keeps a list of the most needed humanitarian projects around the world where the FM works! These are not funded by general FM funds, but many people often come forward asking to support special needs. You can receive this list by email for you or your group to check over and decide what you would like to work toward funding! Click here to email! Other news items:
God is our protection! Many of you have heard of the mob that attacked the missionaries in Kenya this year. The mob was on their way to perform an ancient circumcision ritual down at the river. They surrounded the car and threatened with machetes, canes, and shear numbers of people,(between 50 & 100)! They wanted money! Thankfully, the Lord heard all the prayers for safety, and watched over us. The mob only managed to get away with few shillings!
 Some of you helped this poor child when he was about to lose his leg. The father brought his five boys for a special visit to say thank you! The leg has a long ways to go, and therapy is needed, but the poverty of this family is just so great, every last thing is so difficult for them. After I met with them, these boys who lost their mother this year, have now lost their aunt who was their main helper and caretaker after their mother died. Please pray for Simeon and Jackson (the boy with the bad leg) and his other brothers. There is so much pain in this world. Jesus wept.
 This church was officially dedicated on November 5, 2014. It was built with funds donated by the Ashburnham ALC, who provided matching funds for a "sister church" when they did some renovations on their church! Thank you kindly! Cost? $1700 USD. Just a few more of pastor Timothy's 84 children. See more with Ryan above left.
Upcoming events
As always, we know that we may plan, but God decides! So if it be His will we plan on:
> The South Africa mission leaves on January 6th. Please pray for Bob Maki and the team as they go forth in obedience! > We are thankful and excited that Julie Matson begins here tenure with the Foreign Mission as Youth Leader on January 1st! Please pray that God would guide her as she embarks on this new chapter in her life of faith. >The trip to India begins January 19th. The team is quite large, but due to some cancelations, if you really want to come it may still be possible! Otherwise, start signing up for January 2016, should God give days!
Prayer and praise
> We are thankful for your prayers for the Kenyan mission trip, and that God answered those prayers in dramatic fashion!> Pray for the people of India that are still devastated by the Cyclone of two months ago. > Pray for our country, politicians, and the preachers of God's Word everywhere. > Pray for the unreached, and the people we worth with abroad that desire to reach the unreached in their own counties. > Pray for additional pastors willing to serve in Foreign countries!