..preach the Gospel:
This month we have all been united in the observance of Holy Week and
Easter. What a blessed time of year it is for Christians! We
were reminded and we focused once again on these most important and
blessed events. However, for all true believers, these events are
not just one week per year, they are our very life and being! What
Jesus has done and accomplished for us, has become our reality, and our
Some of the first words that Jesus spoke when He showed himself after the
resurrection were: Go ye into all
the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15
This month the Lord has allowed us to once again go into the following
places: Pastors Robert Maki and Dennis HIlman finished up in West Africa.
(Ghana and Togo). Dennis Hilman has moved
on to India where
he will serve together with his wife Marilyn until May 20th. It is
nice to have them there only a few months after our larger trip to
India. They will be doing individual congregational visits, as
opposed to the large gatherings and pastors seminars held earlier.
At the current time, the Foreign Mission is honored to have in Guatemala, the
confirmation class from the Ashburnham, MA ALC, together with some of
their parents, Pastor Colin Kinnunen, and the FM country leader for
Guatemala, Pastor Scott Niemitalo. They are serving in all
three of our churches in that lovely country, as well as doing home
visits and so forth. This is another testament to the fact that one does
not have to be a pastor to serve in the mission field. (the picture above
is this group together with others in our Zacapa, Guatemala
church.) Please feel free to join us as the Lord leads you!
Click here to begin an
email conversation should you desire.
May God bless all the efforts done around the world, and may we each of
us be a willing servant should He choose to use us in His Vineyard!
May God Bless your Month!
Word from the
Dear Pastor John, God's Peace !!!
I am sending greetings to you in the mighty name of Jesus.
The Lutheran Church of Christ of Togo,The Board , all the members and the
Sister Churches through this mail are sending their thanks to you ,to
FMB/ALCA for the help and making everything possible for the success of
this seminar in Togo.
Personally I thank you within my heart in the name of Jesus.Everything
went on well and all the Participants,Pastors are very happy and equipped
by these Teachings and Preachings.We keep our relationship in prayer so
that God help for the work in Togo.
Pastor Bob and Pastor Dennis will give you the report of their wonderful
seminar.We look forward to working closely for the sake of the Gospel as
it is writen in Matthew 28: 18--20 and in Romans 10 : 14---15.
May the Lord bless your day ,your family and all your collaborators.
Thank you for your call last week.
ALC Churches
The above ALC mission church is in a most
wonderful location. It is in one of the worlds largest slums in
Nairobi, Kenya. Notice the large speaker outside so the
sermons are broadcasted to the countless poor people living
close-by. This year we endeavor to have many special services
in this very impoverished area.
Special Needs Section
All the items posted here each month are
funded by your special earmarked donations, not from the FM general fund.
This month the below needs were brought forth during the recent trip to
Liberia. (same as last month since the needs are not met yet)
1) Motorbike for Pastor O. (to reach more people than is possible by
2) Bibles,
Catechisms, other books badly needed.