Missionary Dennis Hilman is currently in India. He also recently joined Facebook! Here are some of his status updates from the last few weeks and he served in the Indian mission field.

September 11: PERSONAL PRAYER OPEN HOUSE. Today members of the congregation and other villagers were invited to the church sanctuary in Kapileswarapuram for personal prayer. For hours Pastor K and I received a small but steady stream of villagers - about 50 in all - in need of petitions before the throne of the living God in the name of Jesus and the power of His blood. The burdens were many and often heart-wrending but the Spirit of a mighty God was with us! What a powerful day!
PERSONAL PRAYER REQUEST? In my post below (I hope you can see it or them, 'cause I can't yet here) you can see how individuals brought their personal prayer requests to the church here today. In the hours we had we took all the time that was necessary with each person. But this openness to believers and unbelievers alike is not limited to today or to those here in Kapileswarapuram. DO YOU HAVE
A CARE, CONCERN OR EVEN BURDEN TOO HEAVY TO CARRY THAT YOU NEED TO SHARE? you are welcome to post your private message on my wall and as soon as possible Pastor K and I will take it most confidentially into the privacy of that same sanctuary where we were praying for about 50 individually today. There before the throne of the same living God we will plead your case with you through Jesus Christ our Advocate! God's hand is not shortened. Believing is receiving!! (NOTE: Dennis wrote this on Facebook. If you have a personal prayer request and would like to get it to Dennis, feel free to add it to the comments section below, find Dennis HIlman on Facebook, or email it to the FM Administrator foreignmission@comcast.net and he will forward it to Dennis.)

September 13: LITTLE DRUMMER BOY - Seriously, this miniature drummer kept right up with the older guy through all of the songs at our special services today, the third day of day-long prayer and fasting services in a neighboring village. I spoke twice, once on James 2:14-26 (faith without works) and then on 2 Corinthians 4:5-15 (we have this treasure in earthen vessels). The church was packed, the responses spontaneous and in the Spirit.
September 14: TEMPLE OF PRAYER. In the sanctuary of this church Pastor K and I spent much time before the Lord this morning - praying for the requests we have received on Facebook and for other needs. "That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven". Matt. 18:19. We trust in that promise and look forward to more of your requests.
September 15: INDIAN SURPRISES - Morning pancakes laced with onions and spiced with chili. Then last night in another church when a girl came forward for prayer with a lovely light green sari draped gracefully over her head. I was just reaching out to lay my hands on her when I suddenly discovered there was a huge light green preying mantis right there under my hands on the top of her head, all nice and calm and camouflaged. Preying or praying?!
Please pray as Dennis completes his last few weeks in India.