Endeavoring to obey the Word of our Lord...Go ye into all the lands and preach the Gospel to every creature.
Monthly News
> Did you know that through Thrivent for Lutherans you can make donations to the Apostolic Lutheran Foreign Mission without spending any money? Check out their website for more information!
> There will be at least three trips this fall. They will go to South Africa, Russia, and Kenya. Please pray that preparations go smoothly.
> There are two new videos on the website: one about Burma and one about Pakistan. Click here to view them.
> Missionary Dennis Hilman is currently out west and will be attending the Western Fall Services and the ALC Youth Camp.
> Anna Mattila volunteered to set up a Foreign Mission table at the Western Fall Services; please stop by and visit!
Word from the field:
I am absolutely happy to send you my heartfelt greetings. I feel as if my feet are not touching the ground because of what I have received from you and to crown it all the wonderful beautiful and uplifting conversion in the word of your website. I was so touched and I really embrace your life changing website I have read it and it has indeed convicted my heart and a burden has been laid in me until I have been forced through the grace of the Lord to write to you, thank and encourage you for what the Lord is using you for...
Pastor Gideon Mambo (Kenya)
Support options
Email or click on the Donate link above for regular support options.
Special projects
Only funded with earmarked funds
> Pastor Sylvester is a friend from Kenya who probably knows the Scriptures better than anyone! He has a growth on the back of his head and will probably need surgery. any donation amount appreciated
*Pictures and other feedback supplied, if desired.
Pastor Sylvester
Support a Pastor--Help spread the Gospel!
The Foreign Mission cannot be in the field all the time in as many places as we aught, the cost is too high and the people are too few. However, we desire to do our best by visiting once a year to preach and hold pastors seminars to help and encourage the local pastors who are working there full time (see large photo at top of page). Most of these pastors are struggling to be full-time because, in many countries, if a pastor doesn't give his entire life to the Gospel, he is not respected. Therefore, the FM tries to support at least a few of these pastors financially. However, some months we aren't able to keep this commitment due to lack of funds. Would you consider supporting one of these pastors?
Should you choose to support a pastor, you will be given his name, a picture (this may take time because in many places no one has a camera), and a description of his work in the Lord’s vineyard. He will also:
> be a Bible-believing man who has repented and believes the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
> have a good report among his fellow pastors and peers.
> have attended pastors seminars put on by your Foreign Mission.
> be a full-time pastor.
> be from a poor area where the church cannot yet support a pastor.
One hundered percent of your donation will go to the pastor you support each month. In many countries the cost to support a pastor is $30 per month; certain countries like South Africa, Guatemala and Russia the cost is much more. If you are interested, please contact the FM Administrator foreignmission@comcast.net. You may want to consider using PaySimple--this will allow automatic deductions from your account to the FM each month. FInd out more by clicking on the Donate link at the top of the page.