- The Russian trip is now complete as you can read below.
- The Liberia trip is almost complete: please pray for safe return for the missionaries there.
- An update will be posted here within a few days about the Liberia trip
- Please scroll down this blog to see Kenya articles. Click here for pictures of that trip,, http://imageevent.com/aalchurch/kenyatrip
Endeavoring to obey the Words of our Lord when He said in Mark 16:15 "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
Friday, December 17, 2010
Home from Russia!
We have been home from Russia a week now. Both Shane and Brian have reported back to me that they made it home safe and sound as well. I arrived home late last Friday night, then went to work the next morning at 5:30am. Nothing like jumping right back into my Canadian life! I don't know why it is, some kind of mental processing perhaps, but every time I come home from Russia I spend a week or two dreaming vividly every night that I am still there. The other morning as I awoke, for instance, I lay in bed trying for a few very intensive moments to remember just where I was in Russia. When I finally realized I was home, I felt a real emptiness. The Lord has put Russia and her children so deeply upon my heart, that I am never really far from her in spirit, prayer, or thought. She truly is a very large part of my day and life, even when I am not there.
Both Brian and Shane agree with me that our 3 week trip to Russia was very blessed. We worked that time with barely a rest, from early morning to late evening, traveling, fellowshipping, encouraging and being encouraged by brothers and sisters in Russia, but also meeting with many many non-believers. Actually, there are relatively few non-believers in Russia. Of course faith in God in Russia is more a cultural phenomena than an actual living faith reality. An example of this is a story Sister Oksana Makarova related about one young Russian man she met who adamantly insisted that Russian didn't need Christians because, "We are Orthodox not Christian!"
Still, this Russian cultural faith, however shallow or misguided, offered us much opportunity to open discussion about real faith and about living for Jesus Christ. Most Russians are quite open to discussion about faith, but cultural traditions run deep. Unfortunately relatively few Russians own a bible and fewer yet have ever opened one. So this is the reason we are sent, to preach the gospel and to bring deeper understanding of the precious Christian faith to Russia. I know from experience, and by faith, that the Word we share does not return void. The Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ is certainly alive and at work in Russia.
In Photos: (explaination is above each photo)
Visiting Christian brother and university teacher, Victor Ivanov (in seat beside Greg) and one of his evening English language classes at the Chuvash State University. Below is an excerpt of a letter Victor sent me today:
"Dear Gregory!
Thank you again for being such a blessing! I am really grateful to you all for the gospel sharing. My students, especially the ones attending the evening courses, began to get interested in the Christ. For example, today at the end of the lesson we spoke about the Christ and what He has done for us to be saved. we discussed quite a number of things. They still remember your visit with joy"....
Both Brian and Shane agree with me that our 3 week trip to Russia was very blessed. We worked that time with barely a rest, from early morning to late evening, traveling, fellowshipping, encouraging and being encouraged by brothers and sisters in Russia, but also meeting with many many non-believers. Actually, there are relatively few non-believers in Russia. Of course faith in God in Russia is more a cultural phenomena than an actual living faith reality. An example of this is a story Sister Oksana Makarova related about one young Russian man she met who adamantly insisted that Russian didn't need Christians because, "We are Orthodox not Christian!"
Still, this Russian cultural faith, however shallow or misguided, offered us much opportunity to open discussion about real faith and about living for Jesus Christ. Most Russians are quite open to discussion about faith, but cultural traditions run deep. Unfortunately relatively few Russians own a bible and fewer yet have ever opened one. So this is the reason we are sent, to preach the gospel and to bring deeper understanding of the precious Christian faith to Russia. I know from experience, and by faith, that the Word we share does not return void. The Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ is certainly alive and at work in Russia.
In Photos: (explaination is above each photo)
Visiting Christian brother and university teacher, Victor Ivanov (in seat beside Greg) and one of his evening English language classes at the Chuvash State University. Below is an excerpt of a letter Victor sent me today:
"Dear Gregory!
Thank you again for being such a blessing! I am really grateful to you all for the gospel sharing. My students, especially the ones attending the evening courses, began to get interested in the Christ. For example, today at the end of the lesson we spoke about the Christ and what He has done for us to be saved. we discussed quite a number of things. They still remember your visit with joy"....
Speaking to students at the Mari State University
Some of the Yoshkar Ola Lutheran Youth Group seeing us off at the snowy train station in Yoshkar Ola - Olga, Gregory, Katya and Artem
Brian Niemitalo looking handsomely Russian in Moscow
Visiting, fellowshipping and praying with young Christian sister, Katya (in pink) at her Moscow home - Katya, Gregory, Anna - I have known both Katya and Anna since they were young girls. Anna often translates for me.
Shane, Anna, and Brian beneath the famous communist era "Worker with Kolkhoz Woman" Statue in Moscow
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Latest Russian Update!
.... I wrote this update below last night on the train.. now we are sitting in a McDonald's Restaurant where we can use their free WiFi.. Unfortunately we have only 30 free minutes so I will send this, then try to read and respond to some of the mail I have... below is the update I wrote last night...
It is late evening; the last time I wrote to you we had recently arrived to Cheboksary. Since then, another 5 days have passed and Brain, Shane and I are now on a warm, comfortable train, making our way back west to Moscow and to the last two days of our stay here in Russia.
You will remember that before I left for Russia, my prayer and theme for this trip was to reach out to as many people as we could who did not know or have a personal relationship with our Lord and Saviour. I know many of you were interceding for this on our behalf as well. I have to tell you with much joy and praise that our Lord answered those prayers! Over the last few days we have visited four different universities between Cheboksary, the capital city of Chuvashia, and Yoshkar Ola, the capital of Mari El, and have spoken to and shared the gospel with between two and three hundred students and teachers. I can’t tell you the energy it takes to do this;.. to speak all day long, from morning to evening, to different classes filled with young people and to keep the energy up so that each and every one of them goes away feeling like they have participated in something special, but the Lord allowed us the inspiration and spirit to do it.
One of my favourite things to do was to share songs with the students. Russian students can sing whole songs by heart!!.. and then Brian, Shane and I would return the favour with hymns of our own, which they always appreciated very much.
The universities took up much of our time over the last week, but we also visited with many Christian brothers and sister's and with village families. Shane and Brian were especially impressed with our visit to and the hospitality of one village family whom I met and became friends with last year. We actually paid a couple hundred rubles to one villager with a plow to clean a kilometer or so of snow from the road to this family’s farm so we could comfortably drive to their home and spend the evening in fellowship with them. Nina, the mother of this family, has repented and become a Christian and the children are attending church, but Vadim, the father, though very open and welcoming of our visit and the sharing of the Lord’s gospel, is still struggling between the ancient forest worship of the Mari people and the new Christian faith of his family. At the end of our evening with this family we all stood together in their living room and prayed, Vadim included. I hope to include some photos of Vadim, Nina, and their children in this post.
Now we are on our way to Moscow. We will spend a bit of time showing Shane the city, but have plans to visit with some Christians and our dear sister and translator, Anna Kyzmakova is trying to arrange for us to visit the music academy where she studies to speak with her peers and teachers. I’m not sure if this update will be posted before then, but if it is posted, please do keep this academy and Moscow visit in prayer.
May the Lord of Love and Grace bless each and every one of you,
Gregory.. with Brain and Shane in Russia.
It is late evening; the last time I wrote to you we had recently arrived to Cheboksary. Since then, another 5 days have passed and Brain, Shane and I are now on a warm, comfortable train, making our way back west to Moscow and to the last two days of our stay here in Russia.
You will remember that before I left for Russia, my prayer and theme for this trip was to reach out to as many people as we could who did not know or have a personal relationship with our Lord and Saviour. I know many of you were interceding for this on our behalf as well. I have to tell you with much joy and praise that our Lord answered those prayers! Over the last few days we have visited four different universities between Cheboksary, the capital city of Chuvashia, and Yoshkar Ola, the capital of Mari El, and have spoken to and shared the gospel with between two and three hundred students and teachers. I can’t tell you the energy it takes to do this;.. to speak all day long, from morning to evening, to different classes filled with young people and to keep the energy up so that each and every one of them goes away feeling like they have participated in something special, but the Lord allowed us the inspiration and spirit to do it.
One of my favourite things to do was to share songs with the students. Russian students can sing whole songs by heart!!.. and then Brian, Shane and I would return the favour with hymns of our own, which they always appreciated very much.
The Dean and Teacher in the University
Now we are on our way to Moscow. We will spend a bit of time showing Shane the city, but have plans to visit with some Christians and our dear sister and translator, Anna Kyzmakova is trying to arrange for us to visit the music academy where she studies to speak with her peers and teachers. I’m not sure if this update will be posted before then, but if it is posted, please do keep this academy and Moscow visit in prayer.
Shane and Brian (you guys look like you really belong!)
May the Lord of Love and Grace bless each and every one of you,
Gregory.. with Brain and Shane in Russia.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Ongoing Russian Trip!
Izhevsk, Kazan, Cheboksary
Brian Niemitalo preaching in a university in Russia
The last time I had any chance to sit and write a post to you was on the train to Izhevsk over a week ago. We left that night from a rainy Moscow and woke to a sparkling, snowy, subzero, Udmurtian winter wonderland. Over the last days, Brian, Shane and I have since covered hundreds of miles and visited three major Russian cities and many small villages. In each place the Lord has been opening wonderful opportunities for us to encourage brothers and sisters, but also to share the gospel with many who have not known or heard of His wonderful grace and salvation.
In Izhevsk, the capital city of Udmurtia, we were met at the train station by sister Oksana Makarova, (in picture with Brian and Shane) who was very instrumental in planning and organizing our time in Udmurtia. Oksana took us straight to the home of sister Diana Chetvertnikn, who had graciously offered us her home to use as our base for the time we were there in the city.
With Diana we visited and shared the gospel with many students and teachers at the university where she has taught English. We also visited the university English club with Oksana, who is a member of the club, and on Sunday we held a afternoon service in the city centre in a book store called, Slova, or “Word” in English. For our time in Udmurtia, Brother Kolya Fedash came from his home in Samara to serve as a translator for us.
Sunday evening Brother Marat Fazloulline, who serves as a pastor in the villages around Izhevsk, picked us up in his van and we spent the next two days visiting villages, holding services, and meeting with different Christian groups and denominations to share and encourage them in their faith.
On Tuesday morning we left in Marat’s van for Kazan, a 1000 plus year old city, where we hooked up with Brother Misha Ustjuzhanin who came from Ekaterinburg to provide translation for us, and then we spend the evening in fellowshipped with the Kazan Lutheran congregation and lodged the night at the home of Lutheran Pastor Anatoly Pegassi. In the morning we loaded the van once again and Marat has brought us to Cheboksary where we are now.
Here in Cheboksary we have spend one day already visiting and fellowshipping in the main language university. We are visiting the English students in these universities and so we are able to work without a translator for the most part. Yesterday we spent the evening with sister Lena Mihaylova and Anna Pavlova and one of their small cell groups. I met Lena and Anya last spring when I came to speak to the students. (Lena found faith in Jesus Christ this summer while living with the family of Mark and Suzy Beal in the USA!)
We were going to stay in a hotel here in Cheboksary, then decided we would save money and travel back and forth between here and the Yoshkar Ola mission church, which is about 80K distance, but when we met with, Larisa Nikitinskya, the Dean of the Language Department yesterday, who I met and became friends with last summer, she and her husband, Val, invited us to lodge in their home while we are here. It’s so amazing how graciously people are helping us along the way.
So now I will ask Val if I can send this note via his Internet. Thank you so very much for your prayers and please continue to intercede on our behalf while we are here. Today we will meet with more students, then on Friday evening we will leave here for Yoshkar Ola, the capital city of the Mari El Republic, and the surrounding villages. Hopefully I will be able to post to you from there.
May His love, which is ever gracious and true, be ever near to our hearts,
Gregory... With Shane, Brian, Misha and Marat in Cheboksary:)..
Monday, November 29, 2010
Kenya Videos
Below are some random videos taken in Kenya! For pictures click here: http://imageevent.com/aalchurch/kenyatrip Also, see an article by Chad K. below.
The first one is Pastor Simeon. A wonderful man who has a wonderful smile! God has given him a wife and 5 boys. And oh, by the way, in Kenya, they pay usually 3 to 5 cows for their wives, sometimes more. When I told them we do not pay for our wives, they were so shocked!
So many people wanted to send messages to America! They were so thankful that we came to visit to share the Word of God with them! These are just a couple of these messages!
Sorry about the Darkness! Chad and I were already in bed one night, when we heard singing. I went to investigate. This is what I found. I was then asked to hold a sermon in the dark for them..... That was different to say the least!!!!!
Chad K. was teaching the children to sing in English.
Written by Chad Kuivanen
I feel that it was a special calling from God that I was not even aware of, starting earlier this past summer. It happened that I was motivated to speak to some people from Kenya here locally, not realizing that this was the beginning of a journey to a far-off land. As time went on, we, as a Foreign Mission Board, talked about Kenya and perhaps someone going there to answer the call that had been made by these groups of people who had no actual church name but were searching for the truth of God's Word. They had found our website and had read about us there. Hence, the call.
When I volunteered to go there with Dennis Hilman, that was our original plan. As Dennis had to go back to Finland, I, therefore, asked John Ruotsala (our FM Administrator) to go with me. There was only one week for John to get ready to go with me; even the Lord was with him in that, for all was accomplished and he was ready to go.
So, John and I left, and then met in Amsterdam to continue the journey to Kenya together, landing in Nairobi and being met there by Pastor Charles and members of his congregation. They welcomed us with open arms, and we spent the night there. Then, off to their part of Kenya, southeast from Nairobi. John and I had no idea what we were getting into; everything was so different from what we've experienced before.
When we arrived at Pastor Charles's congregation, the love and kindness that was shown us surpassed anything that we could have expected. These people live without electricity, running water, or any kind of refrigeration; they live from land to mouth, preparing meals anew each day. The land was totally cultivated, lush and green beyond imagination. John and I began to take pictures of the area and the people, which we did for the two weeks of our stay.
We visited two different congregations which were some distance apart, keeping devotional services and instruction each day, to guide them in the way that they should go. John and I were so amazed at their reception of the Word that we both said that God had prepared their hearts for the receiving of it. It warmed our hearts to no end, as we journeyed through the Word as God led us. There was so much thanks given unto God on our behalf, and they themselves said that God had sent us to them. So it was with pure joy that we served them, as God led us through His Word, preaching repentance and the forgiveness of sins in Jesus' name and blood. This is the command of Christ, to go unto all nations and preach this Gospel message, that they might come to know Christ and His love for them, also. Many were the repentances, as God gave them faith to believe the mighty work of Christ on the cross and His glorious resurrection, even in their behalf that they might know the true God and how much He cares for them. John and I were overwhelmed at the joy and happiness of these people at the receiving of His Word.
These people live in such humble surroundings that it was hard for John and me to believe that people in this world yet live under such circumstances -- poor and without earthly possessions, but yet with great love in their hearts. May God be praised and glorified for sending us there, for truly John and I felt His hand upon them and us as together we worshipped.
In conclusion, they were in awe that "this old man", as I was called, came from so far to preach unto them. It was at times kind of humorous the way they spoke of us, but they didn't want us to leave, either. They said they have a "home" for us in Kenya, and even gave us each a key to it. This was such an opportunity that God gave to us that it will live in our hearts forever. We pray that God would continue to feed them and water their hearts with the Water of Life. Their desire is for the second coming of Christ, and they want to be ready.
On this trip, John and I went by faith, God leading us, and how wonderful it has been. May God bless and keep these wonderful people, that their journey through this life will be successful to that Eternal Shore.
God's Peace.
Pastor Chad Kuivanen
Written by Gregory Greve
Shane Juuti, Brian Niemaitalo and I all arrived safely to rainy, warm Moscow last Friday and have since spent 4 days holding services and meetings in Schekino, Pervomaisky and Bogoroditzk, cities a few hours south east of Moscow. Other than Shane’s baggage not arriving with him to Russia, all has been very blessed... (We will pick up Shane’s luggage today as we are heading back to Moscow and on to Izhevsk)
My wife wrote to me this morning via the Internet from Vancouver Island, where she says they have had a blizzard and much snow.. seems a little ironic that they our mild coastal rainforest are getting snow and cold and we in Russia are having warm, rainy weather…
But it has been anything but mild for us as far as the Spirit is concerned. Our meetings have been very blessed. During our visit to the Boy’s Detention centre a few nights ago, for instance, we met and spoke with about 30 to 40 boys between the ages of 12 and 17. I only recognized two of the boys from my meeting with here last summer. The rest were new to me. Brian, Shane and I all spoke to the boys about life, about Jesus, about what He as done for them and about their need for repentance. At the end of our service I asked the boys if any of them wanted to hear the blessing of forgiveness of sins in Jesus name and blood. Some boys put their hands up right away and began to come forward and then the whole group of them came up. We prayed with and blessed each of them! It was really a blessing and though only our Lord knows what was going on in each of their hearts, I have no doubt that eternal seeds were sown.. and now we pray. It is just such a difficult life for these boys, both in the prison and when they get out.
In the city of Bogoroditzk, we preached to about 20 people, mostly Russians of German decent. At the end of that meeting, after Brian, Shane and I spoke very similar sermons of repentance, I asked the group if they wanted us to pray for them or if they wanted to hear that blessing of forgiveness of sins. About 6 or 7 ladies came forward and we laid our hands on them, asking them if they believed that Jesus had died for them, praying mightily for them, assuring them of God’s love for them through the remission of their sins in Jesus name and blood. Many tears were shed and again we saw the Lord working and planting his eternal seeds of love in their hearts.
Our short time in Schekino was packed full of services and home visits. We held a meeting with many of the youth in town, praying for them, blessing them, assuring them of God’s love for them. Some of the kids were new to the word and confessed their desire to know Jesus!
My friend and Christian sister, Lyubov Timofeyeva, from Ryazan also came to Schekino by bus to visit with us. Lyubov has a full time prison ministry for girls in Ryazan. I first heard of Lyubov and her work through mutual friends who sent me articles she had written, which impressed me very much, and so I contacted her, then went to visit her the summer before last with Amanda and Leona Matson. Since that time I and some other friends have been contributing support to her wonderful ministry. Unfortunately, the government has really cracked down on any foreigners visiting the girl’s prison, and in fact only a few Russians have any access to the prison at all, but Lyubov says that despite this, the Lord has blessed her with much freedom for her to personally work with the girls. She holds bibles studies for both the younger groups and the older groups of girls in the prison each Sunday, and also visits them different times during the week to talk with and counsel them personally. Lyubov has seen many of the girls come to the Lord and continues to help them, not only with spiritual things, but with material things as well. When the girls leave the prison, for instance, Lyubov buys them needed jackets and clothes and makes other arrangements to help them survive on the outside.. and survival is not an exaggeration. So many of these girls have come from abusive backgrounds, or are orphans, and so when they come from prison, they are extremely susceptible to being caught up in that abuse again.
I want to thank you all so very much for your intercessory prayers. The Lord has truly blessed us by them. Now we are heading for Moscow and the night train to Izhevsk where we will again hold services and meet with as many people as the short time will allow us.
. As our train approached Izhevsk this morning we woke to find a winter wonderland passing by out our compartment window. It turly is beautiful to see; certainly much better than the rain in Moscow!
Now we are at Diana Chetvertnikh's home (arriving only about two hours ago) which will be our base for work here in Udmurtia. Please do keep us in prayer as we reach out with the gospel here in Udmurtia,
God is Good!
Gregory.. with Shane and Brain, from wintery Udmurtia:)...
A picture story will be posted here this week! In the meantime, please click on the following link to see pictures with captions from the recently completed trip to Kenya!
Here are some notes sent from the Kenyan's since we arrived home!
Read 1 John 3:1-10
Dear beloveds,
Grace to you and peace be multiplied .We are so happy to hear that you arrived safely at your place well, we give thanks be to God ,for this love he has to you and us ,we are praying God to take of your health and give you a lot of energy upon your bodies and souls .
We give thanks to the board of the ministry in U.S.A. to allow our beloved brothers to come and hear the wounded hearts and bring them back to life .And as Moses uplifted up the serpent in the wilderness,even so our dear Rev.John and Chad uplifted the son of God here in the nation of Kenya .And many we believe that the word of life to our hearts now as they ministered to us in the congregation .
We also thank God for the entire community ,church believers and well wishers from the USA for the great support for making this trip very successful here in Kenya ,we a lone we couldn’t make it but through your hand of mercy God made the trip very successful .
We can not forget to thank the family of our dear and loving brothers allowing them to come and minister here in our nation ,may God bless their families abundantly .Rev. John and Chad they shared your faith with us and it became very effective by the acknowledgement of every good which is in you in the name of our savior Jesus since we were been like orphans but we have parents now .
Nevertheless, God used our brothers in the first day every one opened their hearts to allow the spirit of God to move into their hearts, how beautiful God is ! for we know that this a stand to our salvation through prayers and the supply of Jesus Christ as they were preaching and teaching the large multitude here in the church .
God is God ! and all His promises are through ,Yes ,wonders and miracles were perfomed by God ,by using our Rev. John and Chad through their preaching’s and teachings the congregation of which more and more members were coming to receive the word of healing from God .And the third day our beloved brothers in one faith prayed for the sick ,the lame and the non believers to confess their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior .
In the second day our dear brother John managed to preach the gospel in my parent’s house where believers and other pastors were gathering and sharing the word of God and he pared for them for everyone `s burdens to be loosened from the chains of Satan .Again the following day they ministered at night in the church which is made of three branches .During the day times we experienced how the spirit of God led among us through their teachings ,blessings and prayers ,and every face smiled of love ,also the same days at night brother Chad minister to some leaders ,on how they should be strong in faith and how one to be called in ministry .
If you could be here you could have seen on how busy our brother Chad and John ,because many wanted to feeded with the word of God ,good teachings and preaching which has broken Satan rooms and build the good foundation in Jesus Christ the son of the living God .
In the Sabbath many came to Jesus ,and the lame kid was being prayed, is something which was not as usual became happy and started playing by shaking head wonderful .
On the same day the orphans shared their love to their fathers Chad and John ,also Rev.John taught them how to speak in English and gave them some of the small balls and sweets ,his children were happy and he shared his love at length Luke 18:16.
On Sunday ,many people come as usual to the church service and two of our brothers gave us heavenly food ,brother John preached first sermon and brother Chad preached last sermon ,therefore ,me walked as we sing to the River and many were baptized in fire (water) for elimination of sins ,and 29 person were baptized in the name of the Father ,the son and the Holy Ghost .Amen .
On Monday we tried to visit three of my churches and they managed to preach ,and encourage the church members to trust Jesus Christ and leaving everything to Him ,many people including old and youth children were happy to hear the word of God .
We hope that God will sustain them and add the years to win the many lost souls as we hope that,the left agap of which they are supposed to fill it by next year.
We give thanks to the board and friends there for your support to our dear brothers and know that we love all of you and whatever you decide to do,do it knowing that you are doing for the lord.Soon and very soon we are going to see the king (Jesus).Give our love to all the saints and tell them we love them and we need them here again.
Yours In Christ,
Pastor Charles chair person
Pastor Simion -treasurer
Evangelist Daniel - secreatery
To: Foreign Mission
Subject: Thanks and comments.
Dear Pastor,
First I thank God for coming to visit us here in Kenya and i belief you were blessed as we were blessed from what you taught us from the Bible.
I wish you to include Pastor Samuel in the list I gave you as he has still called to ask for it.
The following are my comments:-
I have indeed been blessed by very much by the word of Gods that you brought to mus which contains the true doctrine of the Bible, God and Jesus Christ Himself and by this let our lord and savior Jesus Christ bless you indeed.
Also Jesus brought you and has connected us with a purpose that the world may see the truth about salvation because what you taught us truly is full of salvation and how to stay in the lord .I thank the lord through you for the mighty work He did by using you to teach the church about the completed work in the cross .I individually was blessed by the teachings concerning Creation, Redemption Sanctification and finally the Lord's prayer.
Also the sermons were a great Revelation to my life as a christian since i was encouraged by what you said concerning a potter and the temptations which comes to us as fire which makes us strong in faith and after that we are able to see Jesus shining in our hearts.
I was encouraged by the sermon which you preached and said that as we travel the christian life there are rocks on the way but we should focus only to Jesus Christ who is the perfecter of everything.
The word of God is pure and the promises given are true i am now able to to come out of any temptation through Him who strengthens me Jesus Christ.
It is my request that my dear brother you come back again to continue to teach us and the churches we have this very good word as we wait for the coming of our lord Jesus Christ.Greet all of our brethren in Jesus name.Amen.
It is another good time i want to thank our lord Jesus who has answered our prayers in our country Kenya,Kisii at large through His mighty power He has given His servants from USA pastor Chad and John who have really encouraged us and sharpened us spiritually by teaching us the biblical truths and denying heresy and false teachings.
As they came they started teaching us topics like Creation, Redemption Sanctification and gave sermons as many as they could and by this i saw that desobedience led to the fall of Adam and Eve and thus made us all sinners but by Jesus coming to earth we are redeemed.
was encouraged to be taught that God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth and this is very powerful .John 4:23-24.
In conclusion i saw the hand of God through our brothers thr5ough the teachings and the sermons they preached and taught us and was encouraged by the yrs of our brother Chad which have given me a challenge that i should serve the lords strongly and without ceasing.Thank you and may you come back again .
Be blessed in the name above all names of Jesus Christ.Amen.
I greet you in the name of Jesus.Brothers i belief that you are doing well in the lord Jesus.I want to give thanks to God who sent you to Kenya and may i say that it is God's hand for sure .
According to the teachings i have received i have been so much blessed by our lord through you brothers .The teachings by my brother John concerning Creation ,Redemption and so forth have indeed lifted me up spiritually.More so the teaching on lord's prayer was so encouraging on how to get to pray properly.
I want to assure you that i must share the teachings with my family and the church members plus doing the work of God without ceasing until His second coming.
Please brethren remember us in your daily prayers and may our heavenly Father bless you and don't miss to come back again.Remain blessed in Jesus name .Amen
First of all i give thanks to the lord for the good work you have done here in our country Kenya for the gospel and teachings you had wit us while you were here.
Secondly your coming has blessed my heart very much since you are indeed men of God sent by Him to do His work here and help us and our people to grow in the knowledge of God.
Another point is when i try to look at the yrs of my brother Chad am very encouraged and challenged to have great respect to the word that they shared with us and as you gave us the word then i have to fulfill the book of 1Timothy 5:17.
I was very much blessed by the teachings and the sermons you gave us continuously because they pointed directly about the salvation done by our lord Jesus Christ and His completed work in the cross.
I am sure the work you started while you were here sent by Jesus will grow as we prepare ourselves to meet Him in the air as He comes back as a great Judge and will be with Him forever.
Greet all pastors ,leaders and your families for me .Be indeed blessed in the name above all names of Jesus Christ .Amen
N/B Thank you and wish to be hearing from you as we preach the whole word to the whole world AND AS WE FULFILL THE GREAT COMMISSION MY DEAR BROTHER JOHN.
Much love .
Pastor Fredrick
Dear beloved,
Praise be to God!
We greet you in Jesus name the son of the living God.
Millions of blessings to you all,we thank God for you all allowing our two brothers and innermost heart brothers for coming and heal the broken hearts,many people received Christ as their personal savior as they accepted and loved them so much for the work God send them to do here in kenya,we shared the love together and many were baptized in fire and even we wanted them to be with us even one year but due to some avoidable circumstances,we leave the lest to God,Now they are back to you while they are well and next we need them and you add more brothers and sisters to come,there is more work of harvesting souls.Give our love to all the saints and tell them that hairs of the family of God,and we hope to see you all here in Kenya.
Am going to write more what God has done through them.
God bless you all.
We hope to hear from you as soon as they arrive.
Pastor Charles
Here are some notes sent from the Kenyan's since we arrived home!
Read 1 John 3:1-10
Dear beloveds,
Grace to you and peace be multiplied .We are so happy to hear that you arrived safely at your place well, we give thanks be to God ,for this love he has to you and us ,we are praying God to take of your health and give you a lot of energy upon your bodies and souls .
We give thanks to the board of the ministry in U.S.A. to allow our beloved brothers to come and hear the wounded hearts and bring them back to life .And as Moses uplifted up the serpent in the wilderness,even so our dear Rev.John and Chad uplifted the son of God here in the nation of Kenya .And many we believe that the word of life to our hearts now as they ministered to us in the congregation .
We also thank God for the entire community ,church believers and well wishers from the USA for the great support for making this trip very successful here in Kenya ,we a lone we couldn’t make it but through your hand of mercy God made the trip very successful .
We can not forget to thank the family of our dear and loving brothers allowing them to come and minister here in our nation ,may God bless their families abundantly .Rev. John and Chad they shared your faith with us and it became very effective by the acknowledgement of every good which is in you in the name of our savior Jesus since we were been like orphans but we have parents now .
Nevertheless, God used our brothers in the first day every one opened their hearts to allow the spirit of God to move into their hearts, how beautiful God is ! for we know that this a stand to our salvation through prayers and the supply of Jesus Christ as they were preaching and teaching the large multitude here in the church .
God is God ! and all His promises are through ,Yes ,wonders and miracles were perfomed by God ,by using our Rev. John and Chad through their preaching’s and teachings the congregation of which more and more members were coming to receive the word of healing from God .And the third day our beloved brothers in one faith prayed for the sick ,the lame and the non believers to confess their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior .
In the second day our dear brother John managed to preach the gospel in my parent’s house where believers and other pastors were gathering and sharing the word of God and he pared for them for everyone `s burdens to be loosened from the chains of Satan .Again the following day they ministered at night in the church which is made of three branches .During the day times we experienced how the spirit of God led among us through their teachings ,blessings and prayers ,and every face smiled of love ,also the same days at night brother Chad minister to some leaders ,on how they should be strong in faith and how one to be called in ministry .
If you could be here you could have seen on how busy our brother Chad and John ,because many wanted to feeded with the word of God ,good teachings and preaching which has broken Satan rooms and build the good foundation in Jesus Christ the son of the living God .
In the Sabbath many came to Jesus ,and the lame kid was being prayed, is something which was not as usual became happy and started playing by shaking head wonderful .
On the same day the orphans shared their love to their fathers Chad and John ,also Rev.John taught them how to speak in English and gave them some of the small balls and sweets ,his children were happy and he shared his love at length Luke 18:16.
On Sunday ,many people come as usual to the church service and two of our brothers gave us heavenly food ,brother John preached first sermon and brother Chad preached last sermon ,therefore ,me walked as we sing to the River and many were baptized in fire (water) for elimination of sins ,and 29 person were baptized in the name of the Father ,the son and the Holy Ghost .Amen .
On Monday we tried to visit three of my churches and they managed to preach ,and encourage the church members to trust Jesus Christ and leaving everything to Him ,many people including old and youth children were happy to hear the word of God .
We hope that God will sustain them and add the years to win the many lost souls as we hope that,the left agap of which they are supposed to fill it by next year.
We give thanks to the board and friends there for your support to our dear brothers and know that we love all of you and whatever you decide to do,do it knowing that you are doing for the lord.Soon and very soon we are going to see the king (Jesus).Give our love to all the saints and tell them we love them and we need them here again.
Yours In Christ,
Pastor Charles chair person
Pastor Simion -treasurer
Evangelist Daniel - secreatery
To: Foreign Mission
Subject: Thanks and comments.
Dear Pastor,
First I thank God for coming to visit us here in Kenya and i belief you were blessed as we were blessed from what you taught us from the Bible.
I wish you to include Pastor Samuel in the list I gave you as he has still called to ask for it.
The following are my comments:-
I have indeed been blessed by very much by the word of Gods that you brought to mus which contains the true doctrine of the Bible, God and Jesus Christ Himself and by this let our lord and savior Jesus Christ bless you indeed.
Also Jesus brought you and has connected us with a purpose that the world may see the truth about salvation because what you taught us truly is full of salvation and how to stay in the lord .I thank the lord through you for the mighty work He did by using you to teach the church about the completed work in the cross .I individually was blessed by the teachings concerning Creation, Redemption Sanctification and finally the Lord's prayer.
Also the sermons were a great Revelation to my life as a christian since i was encouraged by what you said concerning a potter and the temptations which comes to us as fire which makes us strong in faith and after that we are able to see Jesus shining in our hearts.
I was encouraged by the sermon which you preached and said that as we travel the christian life there are rocks on the way but we should focus only to Jesus Christ who is the perfecter of everything.
The word of God is pure and the promises given are true i am now able to to come out of any temptation through Him who strengthens me Jesus Christ.
It is my request that my dear brother you come back again to continue to teach us and the churches we have this very good word as we wait for the coming of our lord Jesus Christ.Greet all of our brethren in Jesus name.Amen.
It is another good time i want to thank our lord Jesus who has answered our prayers in our country Kenya,Kisii at large through His mighty power He has given His servants from USA pastor Chad and John who have really encouraged us and sharpened us spiritually by teaching us the biblical truths and denying heresy and false teachings.
As they came they started teaching us topics like Creation, Redemption Sanctification and gave sermons as many as they could and by this i saw that desobedience led to the fall of Adam and Eve and thus made us all sinners but by Jesus coming to earth we are redeemed.
was encouraged to be taught that God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth and this is very powerful .John 4:23-24.
In conclusion i saw the hand of God through our brothers thr5ough the teachings and the sermons they preached and taught us and was encouraged by the yrs of our brother Chad which have given me a challenge that i should serve the lords strongly and without ceasing.Thank you and may you come back again .
Be blessed in the name above all names of Jesus Christ.Amen.
I greet you in the name of Jesus.Brothers i belief that you are doing well in the lord Jesus.I want to give thanks to God who sent you to Kenya and may i say that it is God's hand for sure .
According to the teachings i have received i have been so much blessed by our lord through you brothers .The teachings by my brother John concerning Creation ,Redemption and so forth have indeed lifted me up spiritually.More so the teaching on lord's prayer was so encouraging on how to get to pray properly.
I want to assure you that i must share the teachings with my family and the church members plus doing the work of God without ceasing until His second coming.
Please brethren remember us in your daily prayers and may our heavenly Father bless you and don't miss to come back again.Remain blessed in Jesus name .Amen
First of all i give thanks to the lord for the good work you have done here in our country Kenya for the gospel and teachings you had wit us while you were here.
Secondly your coming has blessed my heart very much since you are indeed men of God sent by Him to do His work here and help us and our people to grow in the knowledge of God.
Another point is when i try to look at the yrs of my brother Chad am very encouraged and challenged to have great respect to the word that they shared with us and as you gave us the word then i have to fulfill the book of 1Timothy 5:17.
I was very much blessed by the teachings and the sermons you gave us continuously because they pointed directly about the salvation done by our lord Jesus Christ and His completed work in the cross.
I am sure the work you started while you were here sent by Jesus will grow as we prepare ourselves to meet Him in the air as He comes back as a great Judge and will be with Him forever.
Greet all pastors ,leaders and your families for me .Be indeed blessed in the name above all names of Jesus Christ .Amen
N/B Thank you and wish to be hearing from you as we preach the whole word to the whole world AND AS WE FULFILL THE GREAT COMMISSION MY DEAR BROTHER JOHN.
Much love .
Pastor Fredrick
Dear beloved,
Praise be to God!
We greet you in Jesus name the son of the living God.
Millions of blessings to you all,we thank God for you all allowing our two brothers and innermost heart brothers for coming and heal the broken hearts,many people received Christ as their personal savior as they accepted and loved them so much for the work God send them to do here in kenya,we shared the love together and many were baptized in fire and even we wanted them to be with us even one year but due to some avoidable circumstances,we leave the lest to God,Now they are back to you while they are well and next we need them and you add more brothers and sisters to come,there is more work of harvesting souls.Give our love to all the saints and tell them that hairs of the family of God,and we hope to see you all here in Kenya.
Am going to write more what God has done through them.
God bless you all.
We hope to hear from you as soon as they arrive.
Pastor Charles
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Greetings from beautiful Kenya! Please continue to pray for us, as we minister in the highlands and jungles here in Kenya! We (Chad K. and John R.) have been so amazed by the sincere desire to hear God's Word that the people here have.. They are going to their neighbors to let them know that men of God are hear preaching the Way of Salvation through Jesus Christ....!! God has blessed us here with so many new friends, that are taking wonderful care of us. (this the an exploratory 1st trip here for the FM, and it surely has been wonderful so far!!!)
I have not been able to post, because we have been living in mud huts and only after 1 week we got to where we could take a shower and have a regular bathroom! However, all the love and joy we have had sharing God's Word, so much makes up it, that it feels like time is flying by! Please look for more postings the Tuesday after Thanksgiving! (only an internet cafe every many days here!)
Please continue to Pray! May God Bless you all! John R.
I have not been able to post, because we have been living in mud huts and only after 1 week we got to where we could take a shower and have a regular bathroom! However, all the love and joy we have had sharing God's Word, so much makes up it, that it feels like time is flying by! Please look for more postings the Tuesday after Thanksgiving! (only an internet cafe every many days here!)
Please continue to Pray! May God Bless you all! John R.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
November Foreign Mission News Report
(If you are looking for the Dennis Hilman article on Ghana, it is right after this one!)
November 2010 Foreign Mission News Report
(Note: Please feel free forward this email to your friends.)
Dear monthly readers! God’s Peace!
Romans 10: 13For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
14How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
15And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things.
Let us go forth together to bring this gospel of peace to the world!
Below in an updated list of mission trips with new information to help you decide if coming along on any of these trips is an option for you. Please always remember, these trips are mission trips, not vacations. The focal point of all trips taken, is the spoken Word of God!
Updated trip information
End of November and Early December 2010: Ghana (complete) Liberia 1st 2 weeks in December, Kenya (November 9-23) Russia (Nov. 18th – December 9th.)
Late January 2011: Philippines, Vietnam (January 17 – Jan. 28) NOTE: DEADLINE FOR SIGNUP IS DEC. 1st.
Late January and into Feb. 2011: India (Jan. 25 – Feb 14) NOTE: DEADLINE FOR SIGNUP IS DEC. 1st.
April to June 2011: 2 trips by Dennis Hilman to areas To Be Announced (as the doors open up!)
Dates TBA but probably early 2011: Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
Russia (2nd trip): August 16 to Sept 6th (Youth trip)
Late August 2011: South Africa - dates TBA.
The Foreign Mission is looking forward to being joined in the Vineyard of the Lord by Christians with a heart for this important work.
Feel free to email John at foreignmission@comcast.net for more trip details.
The Foreign Mission Monthly News and Prayer Requests
• We are so thankful that Pastors Bob Maki and Dennis Hilman have safely returned home from Ghana. This particular trip was challenging, since there were some congregational situations to contend with. However, God’s presence was there, and the problems were resolved through many meetings that allowed both love and fellowship to be restored! Forgiveness was asked for and received by all parties involved, and for this we are so very thankful! An article on this trip is posted at http://www.foreignmissionnewsblog.blogspot.com/
• Leona Matson will be completing her tour in South Africa before the December report. Please pray that God would continue to be with her as she reintegrates back into western society, (a drastic change) and that God would reveal to her what she should do next!

• Chad Kuivanen will be going to Kenya on November 9th. There has been a last minute change in traveling partners since Dennis Hilman, who was scheduled, could not go at this time. Therefore, John R. will be going to Kenya with Chad, as time remaining to arrange this trip was only one week. Thankfully, all the arrangements have fallen into place! However, the yellow fever shots, although required, may not work due to the lead time being so short. Please be in prayer for even the health dangers posed. You prayers are urgently requested for this trip, since this is an exploratory 1st trip to this area, so we do not fully know what lies in wait there for us! (picture is of the Kenyan’s receiving Bibles from the FM.)
• Pastor Dennis Hilman and Paul Somero are Lord willing going to Liberia soon. They leave at the very end of November for about 2 weeks. While there, besides the preaching of the Gospel, they will be distributing books and Bibles that were donated by individuals though the newly set up Book Fund.
• Gregory Greve is scheduled to go to Russia on November 18th. His partners on this trip will be Brian Niemitalo and Shane Juuti. We look forward to hearing reports from this trip!
• Skype sermons are planned again for November to at least India. More countries are requesting these now. This is an inexpensive way to spread the Gospel!
• We are very encouraged by the fact that some of our young people and many of our Sunday Schools have stepped forward to support orphan children. …. Train up a child……… Jesus loves the little children…….
• The Lead Foreign Pastors that we work with, are each filing monthly reports, and have recently completed an annual survey to give us feedback. Your Foreign Mission desires to have spiritual wisdom and discernment, and be good stewards of the Lord’s resources.
• Please remember the FM store, which can be found at www.themissionsite.com for CD’s, books, and other gift ideas.
• Other options to think about while deciding upon your gift giving during the upcoming Christmas season of love and sharing, are listed toward the end of this email.
Emails of interest received by the FM!
(edited for length)
……..We are still praying for you that God lay the day of your coming to Kenya to share with us the word of God. My church members wants to see you brother, face to face and share with them the heavenly food on one table. Pastor Charles KENYA, Africa
Dear Brothers and sisters in the lord,
I am happy for you writing to me and always blessed to hear from you . I do understand that you are not a financial helping organization and also i know that we need to work for Him has called us to the ministry of reconciliation to reconcile the world to Him, our lord.
The gospel is needed to reach all parts of the earth so that no one will say he never heard of it.
May the will of our Father be done as we connect with each other in the gospel, not In any other business.
I wish to hear from you, Much love, Pastor Fredrick KENYA, Africa
Dearest friends in Christ,
In April 2010 I went to one of our congregations and found that the journey took us 3 days to reach. The people were then so happy to see us because I went there for Christ’s Words. Therefore, I let you know that it is very difficult to me to visit people because of no transportation. Please let me know if you can help with a bicycle which will help us to spread the Word of Life………………God Bless you, Pastor Daniel, Malawi, Africa
Dear most respected Sir in Christ,
God’s peace Greetings to you in the most precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We as Church in India thank you so much for your prayers and support. As you continue to pray for PERSECUTED CHURCH in India, I would like to place the miserable situation of the Congregations in India. To pray for a shelter (Church) to worship the Lord .
We have a Congregation where we gather in Open place to worship the Lord. This Congregation has been existing for the last 10 years. These believers were converted from very strict Hinduism. Unfortunately, all the Christian converts were very POOR People. When they received Jesus, they were excommunicated from the society, they were not called to work in the fields, were not allowed to drink water, sent out of the village. This congregation has been gathering in rainy season, summer season with temperature over 120 degreesF, and also in the winter season, in an open place.
There is a service on Every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, 4 SERVICES ON SUNDAY. Many times people STAND in the rain with rain pouring from ABOVE , WET RAIN water below. In summer Burning Sun with Temperature above 120 degrees F above and burning heat below their feet.
This year, In this rainy season almost it was rained every day for the last 3 months, we have Cyclone(Depression) had heavy rains for more than 4 days on 29th, 30th,31st October and 1st November still it will rain., but believers were gathered to worship the Lord in pouring rain and wet ground under the feet. Because they had faith for the Lord. When OLD PEOPLE, CHILDREN, WEAK PEOPLE are gathering they are getting sick. By your fervent prayers, One HINDU LADY WHO WAS HEALED FROM CANCER WHEN WE PRAYED CAME FORWARD TO DONATE A PIECE OF LAND FOR THE CHURCH CONSTRUCTION. We humbly request you to pray for a Church SHELTER to worship the Lord for all these poor believers. PLEASE KINDLY PRAY FIRST AND SUPPORT THIS POOR CONGREGATION THE WAY THE HOLY SPIRIT GUIDES YOU.
Thanking you,
Yours in Lord Jesus Christ,
Regular Support Options and Programs
Here are various ways that you can help in the mission field!
• Foreign Mission General Fund. (any amount welcomed!)
• 12 Month Pledge Program ($10 per mo. and up)
• Indigenous Pastor support ($30 per month per pastor) Names and pictures given.
• Full time Missionary support ($200 per quarter) Dennis Hilman
• Orphan and children support ($30 per month.) in ALC Home in India Pictures and videos supplied.
• Bible and other book purchases ($30 min.)
• Bicycles for pastors ($80 ea. picture given)
• Memorial Funds
• Endowment Funds
• Mission Hospital in India
Email: for more info if desired at foreignmission@comcast.net
To donate automatically by PayPal or PaySimple, just go to http://www.themissionsite.com/ and click on the button of your choice!
To Donate by check in response to this email: The Foreign Mission 1601 NW 4th Avenue, Battle Ground, WA 98604
Website: www.themissionsite.com
Please help by emailing about this report to all of your Christian friends!
May God Bless your Month!
November 2010 Foreign Mission News Report
(Note: Please feel free forward this email to your friends.)
Dear monthly readers! God’s Peace!
Romans 10: 13For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
14How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
15And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things.
Let us go forth together to bring this gospel of peace to the world!
Below in an updated list of mission trips with new information to help you decide if coming along on any of these trips is an option for you. Please always remember, these trips are mission trips, not vacations. The focal point of all trips taken, is the spoken Word of God!
Updated trip information
End of November and Early December 2010: Ghana (complete) Liberia 1st 2 weeks in December, Kenya (November 9-23) Russia (Nov. 18th – December 9th.)
Late January 2011: Philippines, Vietnam (January 17 – Jan. 28) NOTE: DEADLINE FOR SIGNUP IS DEC. 1st.
Late January and into Feb. 2011: India (Jan. 25 – Feb 14) NOTE: DEADLINE FOR SIGNUP IS DEC. 1st.
April to June 2011: 2 trips by Dennis Hilman to areas To Be Announced (as the doors open up!)
Dates TBA but probably early 2011: Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
Russia (2nd trip): August 16 to Sept 6th (Youth trip)
Late August 2011: South Africa - dates TBA.
The Foreign Mission is looking forward to being joined in the Vineyard of the Lord by Christians with a heart for this important work.
Feel free to email John at foreignmission@comcast.net for more trip details.
The Foreign Mission Monthly News and Prayer Requests
• We are so thankful that Pastors Bob Maki and Dennis Hilman have safely returned home from Ghana. This particular trip was challenging, since there were some congregational situations to contend with. However, God’s presence was there, and the problems were resolved through many meetings that allowed both love and fellowship to be restored! Forgiveness was asked for and received by all parties involved, and for this we are so very thankful! An article on this trip is posted at http://www.foreignmissionnewsblog.blogspot.com/
• Leona Matson will be completing her tour in South Africa before the December report. Please pray that God would continue to be with her as she reintegrates back into western society, (a drastic change) and that God would reveal to her what she should do next!

• Chad Kuivanen will be going to Kenya on November 9th. There has been a last minute change in traveling partners since Dennis Hilman, who was scheduled, could not go at this time. Therefore, John R. will be going to Kenya with Chad, as time remaining to arrange this trip was only one week. Thankfully, all the arrangements have fallen into place! However, the yellow fever shots, although required, may not work due to the lead time being so short. Please be in prayer for even the health dangers posed. You prayers are urgently requested for this trip, since this is an exploratory 1st trip to this area, so we do not fully know what lies in wait there for us! (picture is of the Kenyan’s receiving Bibles from the FM.)
• Pastor Dennis Hilman and Paul Somero are Lord willing going to Liberia soon. They leave at the very end of November for about 2 weeks. While there, besides the preaching of the Gospel, they will be distributing books and Bibles that were donated by individuals though the newly set up Book Fund.
• Gregory Greve is scheduled to go to Russia on November 18th. His partners on this trip will be Brian Niemitalo and Shane Juuti. We look forward to hearing reports from this trip!
• Skype sermons are planned again for November to at least India. More countries are requesting these now. This is an inexpensive way to spread the Gospel!
• We are very encouraged by the fact that some of our young people and many of our Sunday Schools have stepped forward to support orphan children. …. Train up a child……… Jesus loves the little children…….
• The Lead Foreign Pastors that we work with, are each filing monthly reports, and have recently completed an annual survey to give us feedback. Your Foreign Mission desires to have spiritual wisdom and discernment, and be good stewards of the Lord’s resources.
• Please remember the FM store, which can be found at www.themissionsite.com for CD’s, books, and other gift ideas.
• Other options to think about while deciding upon your gift giving during the upcoming Christmas season of love and sharing, are listed toward the end of this email.
Emails of interest received by the FM!
(edited for length)
……..We are still praying for you that God lay the day of your coming to Kenya to share with us the word of God. My church members wants to see you brother, face to face and share with them the heavenly food on one table. Pastor Charles KENYA, Africa
Dear Brothers and sisters in the lord,
I am happy for you writing to me and always blessed to hear from you . I do understand that you are not a financial helping organization and also i know that we need to work for Him has called us to the ministry of reconciliation to reconcile the world to Him, our lord.
The gospel is needed to reach all parts of the earth so that no one will say he never heard of it.
May the will of our Father be done as we connect with each other in the gospel, not In any other business.
I wish to hear from you, Much love, Pastor Fredrick KENYA, Africa
Dearest friends in Christ,
In April 2010 I went to one of our congregations and found that the journey took us 3 days to reach. The people were then so happy to see us because I went there for Christ’s Words. Therefore, I let you know that it is very difficult to me to visit people because of no transportation. Please let me know if you can help with a bicycle which will help us to spread the Word of Life………………God Bless you, Pastor Daniel, Malawi, Africa
Dear most respected Sir in Christ,
God’s peace Greetings to you in the most precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We as Church in India thank you so much for your prayers and support. As you continue to pray for PERSECUTED CHURCH in India, I would like to place the miserable situation of the Congregations in India. To pray for a shelter (Church) to worship the Lord .
We have a Congregation where we gather in Open place to worship the Lord. This Congregation has been existing for the last 10 years. These believers were converted from very strict Hinduism. Unfortunately, all the Christian converts were very POOR People. When they received Jesus, they were excommunicated from the society, they were not called to work in the fields, were not allowed to drink water, sent out of the village. This congregation has been gathering in rainy season, summer season with temperature over 120 degreesF, and also in the winter season, in an open place.
There is a service on Every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, 4 SERVICES ON SUNDAY. Many times people STAND in the rain with rain pouring from ABOVE , WET RAIN water below. In summer Burning Sun with Temperature above 120 degrees F above and burning heat below their feet.
This year, In this rainy season almost it was rained every day for the last 3 months, we have Cyclone(Depression) had heavy rains for more than 4 days on 29th, 30th,31st October and 1st November still it will rain., but believers were gathered to worship the Lord in pouring rain and wet ground under the feet. Because they had faith for the Lord. When OLD PEOPLE, CHILDREN, WEAK PEOPLE are gathering they are getting sick. By your fervent prayers, One HINDU LADY WHO WAS HEALED FROM CANCER WHEN WE PRAYED CAME FORWARD TO DONATE A PIECE OF LAND FOR THE CHURCH CONSTRUCTION. We humbly request you to pray for a Church SHELTER to worship the Lord for all these poor believers. PLEASE KINDLY PRAY FIRST AND SUPPORT THIS POOR CONGREGATION THE WAY THE HOLY SPIRIT GUIDES YOU.
Thanking you,
Yours in Lord Jesus Christ,
Regular Support Options and Programs
Here are various ways that you can help in the mission field!
• Foreign Mission General Fund. (any amount welcomed!)
• 12 Month Pledge Program ($10 per mo. and up)
• Indigenous Pastor support ($30 per month per pastor) Names and pictures given.
• Full time Missionary support ($200 per quarter) Dennis Hilman
• Orphan and children support ($30 per month.) in ALC Home in India Pictures and videos supplied.
• Bible and other book purchases ($30 min.)
• Bicycles for pastors ($80 ea. picture given)
• Memorial Funds
• Endowment Funds
• Mission Hospital in India
Email: for more info if desired at foreignmission@comcast.net
To donate automatically by PayPal or PaySimple, just go to http://www.themissionsite.com/ and click on the button of your choice!
To Donate by check in response to this email: The Foreign Mission 1601 NW 4th Avenue, Battle Ground, WA 98604
Website: www.themissionsite.com
Please help by emailing about this report to all of your Christian friends!
May God Bless your Month!
Monday, November 8, 2010
On October 13, 2010 Pastor Bob Maki and I embarked on a three week mission of peace, unity and reconciliation in the Apostolic Lutheran Church of Ghana. The four congregations involved had been badly split. Already the day after our arrival a meeting of all the church leaders was called to address the issues. Imagine 20 vociferous Ghanaians trying to be heard, often at the same time.
But progress was definitely made. A surprise election had been held replacing the former president (chairman of the board) Pastor Frank Famiyeh and voting in a new board. It was finally decided that the elections had been held legitimately and that the new board would be installed in ten days with Pastor Mike Basie as the chairman. Later a formal apology was given to Pastor Famiyeh for the way the elections had been handled and a great deal of respect and appreciation for his time of service was expressed. He will remain as the Senior Pastor.
But progress was definitely made. A surprise election had been held replacing the former president (chairman of the board) Pastor Frank Famiyeh and voting in a new board. It was finally decided that the elections had been held legitimately and that the new board would be installed in ten days with Pastor Mike Basie as the chairman. Later a formal apology was given to Pastor Famiyeh for the way the elections had been handled and a great deal of respect and appreciation for his time of service was expressed. He will remain as the Senior Pastor.
Installation of four new board members where I was asked to deliver the sermon and Pastor Bob Maki officiated. Senior Pastor Frank Famiyeh, on the left, is translating - and then from left to right, new board chairman Pastor Mike Basie in white alba with the red stole, Mr. Ben Green, Mrs, Joselyn Ackwood, and Rev. Asari. This installation service by all accounts contributed greatly to the unification process in the ALC in Ghana. We have met with the board and they seem resolved to lead the church in a more peaceful and constructive direction.

Pastor Bob Maki teaching students at the Good News Theological Seminary in Accra. The pastors in our ALC congregations in Ghana have mostly come through this seminary. Pastor Frank Botchley, who invited us to the seminary and is a lecturer there, also invited us to preach and teach at his congregation the following Sunday. This was a gesture of goodwill since his congregation has been split from the others for some time.
Emmanuel Apostolic Lutheran Church in the Liberian Refugee Camp near Accra. Speaking of reunification!! To the right in this picture we have a lady called Elizabeth with her four children beside her. Her husband David (who of course is not pictured) just happens to be a member of Pastor Bob's congregation back home in Worcester, Massachusetts!! His family had a great reunion with Bob, though!
We also held a very intensive reunification meeting in that congregation together with their Pastor Billy (holding the Bible) and Mr. Freeman (behind him) who is chairman of the congregation and many others including Pastor Frank Famiyeh (center, in the tie and smile). That meeting took almost 4 hours and if you think the Ghanaians are vociferous you should hear the Liberians. Bob chaired the meeting and I was the whip! But it all came to a peaceful conclusion. God was clearly in control.
Posing with a couple of lovely Christian ladies from the Lakeside ALC Congregation in Accra, Ghana. Dig those hats!
I have now returned to Finland temporarily to be with my family for some pressing reasons, but I should be back in Africa and on my way to Liberia at the end of this month.
Your prayers are coveted.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Up Comming Trips
On October 8 & 9th The Foreign Mission had their annual planning meeting for mission activity and trips. Please be with us in prayer that the Lord will continue by His Great Grace to allow us to be of use in His Vineyard. Men make plans, but it is God who decides what and where His work gets done. We are comforted to know that all the mission work that God wants done, will get done, so we just pray that God would allow us to be part of it!
The FM would once again like to place an open invitation for interested people to join us in the mission field, as we endeavor to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature…
Here is the schedule of trips, most of which have room for fellow Christians to come along! (all trips are self funded, except for the Pastors)
End of November and Early December 2010: Ghana, Liberia, Kenya, Russia
Late January 2011: Philippines, Vietnam
Late January 2011: into Feb. 2010 India
April to June 2011: 2 trips by Dennis Hilman to areas To Be Announced (as needs arise)
Russia (2nd trip): either May – June, or August 2011 TBA
Dates TBA but probably early 2011: Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka (1 trip for leaders, but group can choose 1 to 3 destinations.)
Late August 2011: South Africa
The Foreign Mission is looking forward to being joined in the Vineyard of the Lord by Christians with a heart for this important work.
Feel free to email John at foreignmission@comcast.net for more details.
The FM would once again like to place an open invitation for interested people to join us in the mission field, as we endeavor to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature…
Here is the schedule of trips, most of which have room for fellow Christians to come along! (all trips are self funded, except for the Pastors)
End of November and Early December 2010: Ghana, Liberia, Kenya, Russia
Late January 2011: Philippines, Vietnam
Late January 2011: into Feb. 2010 India
April to June 2011: 2 trips by Dennis Hilman to areas To Be Announced (as needs arise)
Russia (2nd trip): either May – June, or August 2011 TBA
Dates TBA but probably early 2011: Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka (1 trip for leaders, but group can choose 1 to 3 destinations.)
Late August 2011: South Africa
The Foreign Mission is looking forward to being joined in the Vineyard of the Lord by Christians with a heart for this important work.
Feel free to email John at foreignmission@comcast.net for more details.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Recent trips
The Foreign Mission is so thankful that two more Foreign Mission trips have been blessed by the Lord, and all involved have returned safely home.
Scott Niemitala and Carl Niemitalo have just returned from Guatemala. It was indeed special that Carl was able to go there for the first time in a while, after having so faithfully served in the Lord's vineyard in that country for about 40 years.
Dennis Hilman just returned from 2 weeks in Latvia. This was the first time back in many years for Dennis, who has been there some 40 times in past years. An article on this trip will be posted here soon!
Scott Niemitala and Carl Niemitalo have just returned from Guatemala. It was indeed special that Carl was able to go there for the first time in a while, after having so faithfully served in the Lord's vineyard in that country for about 40 years.
Dennis Hilman just returned from 2 weeks in Latvia. This was the first time back in many years for Dennis, who has been there some 40 times in past years. An article on this trip will be posted here soon!
Friday, September 17, 2010
September 2010 Foreign Mission News Report
(for emailed version, which has better quality and some pictures, email foreignmission@comcast.net)
Dear monthly readers! God’s Peace!
According to the Lord’s abundant grace and mercy, He has seen fit that we are now moving into the fall of the year! Summer plans were laid, summer events have taken place. Some of the events we had planned in each of our lives perhaps did not happen. We lay out our plans, but God decides what actually gets done.
It will be this way even as we go forward into this new season. Let’s be prayerful that we will always be subject to the Lord’s plans for our lives, since He knows what is best for each of His own.
God gives each person special gifts and talents, and it ought to be our desire to use these gifts to His Glory! Let’s be together in a spirit of prayer that each of us will have a keen ear for the voice of the Good Shepherd. Let us not run ahead of God’s Will, but willingly be subject and obedient unto it, and use the gifts He gives to His glory! Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
Please pray that your Foreign Mission would always wait on the Lord to decide which paths to embark upon, and that we would follow the Good Shepherd, the Shepherd of our Souls, the Lord Jesus Christ! We truly desire your prayers and participation as together we go about the work in His Kingdom.
The Foreign Mission Monthly News and Prayer Requests
• Please pray for Pastors Bob Maki and Dennis Hilman as they leave for Ghana, Africa on October 12th. Pray that the Lord would give them the wisdom and the words to preach, and that God would allow His Word to go forth in that country, not only while these missionaries are there, but after they leave. Pray for the preparation of the hearts of the people so they would be receptive to the Word.
• Leona Matson is now in South Africa, where she will be for 3 months. She went there with the help of the Foreign Mission (special earmarked donations) upon request from the SA congregations. They desired that she would come to organize and teach Sunday school children and teachers, which is an area that needed much attention. Please keep her in your prayers. Here are recent notes from Leona. They show how she is spending some of her time during the week: * Leona Matson is currently teaching grade four in South Africa, but next week will be teaching grades 10, 11 and 12. (ALSO)
* Hi from South Africa. I'm currently staying with members of the Ikageng congregation and helping out in the public schools. Tomorrow I'll lead an assembly for the 900+ students at the local primary school. I'll probably talk about Daniel in the Lions Den and how we can always trust God.
The Foreign Mission is thankful for these wonderful opportunities and thanks Leona for answering the call to go!
• Dennis Hilman will be going to Latvia on September 22nd and will be staying until October 4th. It has been some time since Dennis has been to Latvia, where many opportunities to share the Gospel exist. We will be sharing a report from this trip with you in October, Lord willing.
• Pastor K and his wife Ruth from India arrived home on August 31st. They were the last of our guests to arrive home in their own country. Please pray that these pastors will now have renewed vigor and energy to continue the faithful work that they do in their countries, much of the time under very difficult circumstances. These pastors and their associate pastors’ minister tens of thousands of people on weekly basis.
• Final preparations, budgets, and information are being assembled for the Foreign Mission Board meeting to be help in NH on October 8th and 9th. At this meeting the board will set the directives, trip plans, and other details for the next 12 months of Foreign Mission Work. As suggested in the opening statement of this monthly report, we will prayerfully rely on guidance from Almighty God. After October 12th, Please check the green latest news blog on the website www.themissionsite.com to see which trips are scheduled. You can also email: foreignmission@comcast.net for trip information.
• Many new sponsors for children at the ALC Home in India have come forth over the summer. These children make wonderful subjects of support from Sunday schools, which many are already doing.
• A special Thank You to the many Christians who have supplied financial support for water wells in India for the very poor Christians. 10 wells have been funded with 8 of these already completed. Lord willing, inspection and feedback on these wells will be made available to you after our planned trip there in Jan/Feb of 2011. Note: projects such as this are NOT funded out of regular Foreign Mission funds or donations. These projects are funded only by specially earmarked donations sent in by people so moved by hearing of poor Christians without water that they decided to act upon their hearts feelings.
• That thousands of languages still do not have the Word of God due to lack of translation available? Many of these languages have no written script at all, so it is a huge task to get the Word of God to them. Thankfully many are working on this problem. Pray that the work would continue to go forth!
• That many people are still unreached by the preaching of the Gospel? Here are some statistics to think about. (understand that these numbers are very hard to be exacting, so you may find another list with different numbers)
The point is that there is a lot of preaching and reaching out still to be done.
865 million unreached Muslims or Islamic followers in 3330 cultural sub-groupings
550 million unreached Hindus in 1660 cultural sub-groups
150 million unreached Chinese in 830 groups
275 million unreached Buddhists in 900 groups
2550 unreached tribal groups (which are mainly animistic) with a total population of 140 million
17 million unreached Jews scattered across 134 countries
• That Your Foreign Mission is always open to your input? To get a dialog started just email foreignmission@comcast.net
Special Projects for this Month
Donations can be specially earmarked for these special causes.
Note: Projects listed in this section are funded only by earmarked special donations. Money does not come from Foreign Mission general funds for these projects.
• The church building project continues as funds allow in Juan Ponce, Guatemala. Construction is about 75% complete.
• A motor bike is still needed for The Philippines for church expansion into the Igpit area.
• Due to flooding, repairs are needed on several churches in India.
• A special earmarked fund for Bible supply is growing. As this fund grows it enables your FMB to supply God’s Holy Word to people that do not have the blessing of owning a Bible. Email foreignmission@comcast.net for more info on this or anything else!
May God Bless your Month!
Regular Support Options and Programs
Here are various ways that you can help in the mission field!
• Foreign Mission General Fund. (any amount welcomed!)
• 12 Month Pledge Program ($10 per mo. and up)
• Indigenous Pastor support ($30 per month per pastor) Names and pictures given.
• Full time Missionary support ($200 per quarter) Dennis Hilman
• Orphan and children support ($30 per month.) in ALC Home in India Pictures and videos supplied.
• Bible and other book purchases ($30 min.)
• Bicycles for pastors ($80 ea. picture given)
• Memorial Funds
• Endowment Funds
• Mission Hospital in India
Email: for more info if desired at foreignmission@comcast.net
Website: www.themissionsite.com
Dear monthly readers! God’s Peace!
According to the Lord’s abundant grace and mercy, He has seen fit that we are now moving into the fall of the year! Summer plans were laid, summer events have taken place. Some of the events we had planned in each of our lives perhaps did not happen. We lay out our plans, but God decides what actually gets done.
It will be this way even as we go forward into this new season. Let’s be prayerful that we will always be subject to the Lord’s plans for our lives, since He knows what is best for each of His own.
God gives each person special gifts and talents, and it ought to be our desire to use these gifts to His Glory! Let’s be together in a spirit of prayer that each of us will have a keen ear for the voice of the Good Shepherd. Let us not run ahead of God’s Will, but willingly be subject and obedient unto it, and use the gifts He gives to His glory! Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
Please pray that your Foreign Mission would always wait on the Lord to decide which paths to embark upon, and that we would follow the Good Shepherd, the Shepherd of our Souls, the Lord Jesus Christ! We truly desire your prayers and participation as together we go about the work in His Kingdom.
The Foreign Mission Monthly News and Prayer Requests
• Please pray for Pastors Bob Maki and Dennis Hilman as they leave for Ghana, Africa on October 12th. Pray that the Lord would give them the wisdom and the words to preach, and that God would allow His Word to go forth in that country, not only while these missionaries are there, but after they leave. Pray for the preparation of the hearts of the people so they would be receptive to the Word.
• Leona Matson is now in South Africa, where she will be for 3 months. She went there with the help of the Foreign Mission (special earmarked donations) upon request from the SA congregations. They desired that she would come to organize and teach Sunday school children and teachers, which is an area that needed much attention. Please keep her in your prayers. Here are recent notes from Leona. They show how she is spending some of her time during the week: * Leona Matson is currently teaching grade four in South Africa, but next week will be teaching grades 10, 11 and 12. (ALSO)
* Hi from South Africa. I'm currently staying with members of the Ikageng congregation and helping out in the public schools. Tomorrow I'll lead an assembly for the 900+ students at the local primary school. I'll probably talk about Daniel in the Lions Den and how we can always trust God.
The Foreign Mission is thankful for these wonderful opportunities and thanks Leona for answering the call to go!
• Dennis Hilman will be going to Latvia on September 22nd and will be staying until October 4th. It has been some time since Dennis has been to Latvia, where many opportunities to share the Gospel exist. We will be sharing a report from this trip with you in October, Lord willing.
• Pastor K and his wife Ruth from India arrived home on August 31st. They were the last of our guests to arrive home in their own country. Please pray that these pastors will now have renewed vigor and energy to continue the faithful work that they do in their countries, much of the time under very difficult circumstances. These pastors and their associate pastors’ minister tens of thousands of people on weekly basis.
• Final preparations, budgets, and information are being assembled for the Foreign Mission Board meeting to be help in NH on October 8th and 9th. At this meeting the board will set the directives, trip plans, and other details for the next 12 months of Foreign Mission Work. As suggested in the opening statement of this monthly report, we will prayerfully rely on guidance from Almighty God. After October 12th, Please check the green latest news blog on the website www.themissionsite.com to see which trips are scheduled. You can also email: foreignmission@comcast.net for trip information.
• Many new sponsors for children at the ALC Home in India have come forth over the summer. These children make wonderful subjects of support from Sunday schools, which many are already doing.
• A special Thank You to the many Christians who have supplied financial support for water wells in India for the very poor Christians. 10 wells have been funded with 8 of these already completed. Lord willing, inspection and feedback on these wells will be made available to you after our planned trip there in Jan/Feb of 2011. Note: projects such as this are NOT funded out of regular Foreign Mission funds or donations. These projects are funded only by specially earmarked donations sent in by people so moved by hearing of poor Christians without water that they decided to act upon their hearts feelings.
• That thousands of languages still do not have the Word of God due to lack of translation available? Many of these languages have no written script at all, so it is a huge task to get the Word of God to them. Thankfully many are working on this problem. Pray that the work would continue to go forth!
• That many people are still unreached by the preaching of the Gospel? Here are some statistics to think about. (understand that these numbers are very hard to be exacting, so you may find another list with different numbers)
The point is that there is a lot of preaching and reaching out still to be done.
865 million unreached Muslims or Islamic followers in 3330 cultural sub-groupings
550 million unreached Hindus in 1660 cultural sub-groups
150 million unreached Chinese in 830 groups
275 million unreached Buddhists in 900 groups
2550 unreached tribal groups (which are mainly animistic) with a total population of 140 million
17 million unreached Jews scattered across 134 countries
• That Your Foreign Mission is always open to your input? To get a dialog started just email foreignmission@comcast.net
Special Projects for this Month
Donations can be specially earmarked for these special causes.
Note: Projects listed in this section are funded only by earmarked special donations. Money does not come from Foreign Mission general funds for these projects.
• The church building project continues as funds allow in Juan Ponce, Guatemala. Construction is about 75% complete.
• A motor bike is still needed for The Philippines for church expansion into the Igpit area.
• Due to flooding, repairs are needed on several churches in India.
• A special earmarked fund for Bible supply is growing. As this fund grows it enables your FMB to supply God’s Holy Word to people that do not have the blessing of owning a Bible. Email foreignmission@comcast.net for more info on this or anything else!
May God Bless your Month!
Regular Support Options and Programs
Here are various ways that you can help in the mission field!
• Foreign Mission General Fund. (any amount welcomed!)
• 12 Month Pledge Program ($10 per mo. and up)
• Indigenous Pastor support ($30 per month per pastor) Names and pictures given.
• Full time Missionary support ($200 per quarter) Dennis Hilman
• Orphan and children support ($30 per month.) in ALC Home in India Pictures and videos supplied.
• Bible and other book purchases ($30 min.)
• Bicycles for pastors ($80 ea. picture given)
• Memorial Funds
• Endowment Funds
• Mission Hospital in India
Email: for more info if desired at foreignmission@comcast.net
Website: www.themissionsite.com
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Thank you!
This note is to thank all the prayer supporters of The Foreign Mission.
So many trips and events for the summer months have been safely concluded, and these events have been so blessed to attend. A few such events are listed below.
* ALC Conventions July
* Travel to said conventions by Foreign Pastors and wives. (Pastor K and Ruth and Doctor Kumar and Jean Mary from India. Lyton and Iona Sylva from Sri Lanka. Pastor Giovanni from Guatemala
* Multiple church visits by FM Administrator
* Watersmeet Youth Camp with 220 young people. Foreign Missionary Pastor Dennis Hilman was the guest pastor. An FM presenation was given during this time as well.
* Many new people have asked to join the mission, while countless others have offered prayers and support. Thank you so much for this.
Please email foreignmission@comcast.net if you desire any information at any time. Mission trips from October 2010 to October 2011 will be published upon approval after the Foreign Mission meeting on October 8&9th.
Please check back here often for updates.
So many trips and events for the summer months have been safely concluded, and these events have been so blessed to attend. A few such events are listed below.
* ALC Conventions July
* Travel to said conventions by Foreign Pastors and wives. (Pastor K and Ruth and Doctor Kumar and Jean Mary from India. Lyton and Iona Sylva from Sri Lanka. Pastor Giovanni from Guatemala
* Multiple church visits by FM Administrator
* Watersmeet Youth Camp with 220 young people. Foreign Missionary Pastor Dennis Hilman was the guest pastor. An FM presenation was given during this time as well.
* Many new people have asked to join the mission, while countless others have offered prayers and support. Thank you so much for this.
Please email foreignmission@comcast.net if you desire any information at any time. Mission trips from October 2010 to October 2011 will be published upon approval after the Foreign Mission meeting on October 8&9th.
Please check back here often for updates.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
August Update
Here are some update items. Look for more information to come at this site!
August 12- 15 Ironwood ALC Youth Camp in Watersmeet (Foreign Mission presentation on the 14th at 11AM)
August 13-15 Fall Services in Tapiola Michigan
August 20-22 Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada fall services. Pastor Dennis Hilman (full time missionary with The Foreign Mission) and Pastor K (full time pastor in India with the Foreign Mission) will both be in attendance.
Trips up coming that have room for a few interested people to join with us:
The Philippines (Jan. 2010)
India (Late Jan. 2010)
More trips to be announced.
In October will be the annual Foreign Mission board meeting. At this meeting schedules and budgets will be finalized, afterwhich more announcements can be made of up coming trips.
Please remember to pray for your Foreign Mission!
August 12- 15 Ironwood ALC Youth Camp in Watersmeet (Foreign Mission presentation on the 14th at 11AM)
August 13-15 Fall Services in Tapiola Michigan
August 20-22 Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada fall services. Pastor Dennis Hilman (full time missionary with The Foreign Mission) and Pastor K (full time pastor in India with the Foreign Mission) will both be in attendance.
Trips up coming that have room for a few interested people to join with us:
The Philippines (Jan. 2010)
India (Late Jan. 2010)
More trips to be announced.
In October will be the annual Foreign Mission board meeting. At this meeting schedules and budgets will be finalized, afterwhich more announcements can be made of up coming trips.
Please remember to pray for your Foreign Mission!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
July Monthly Report
Our annual convention now complete! It was a huge blessing to be at these services! May God continue to bless our church and country so that we could continue to meet like this into the future.
Thank you to the Hockinson congregation for the wonderful job of hosting the convention. So many people worked so hard to make it all happen. They were so very friendly and easy to work with. Also, thanks to the many people from other western congregations that joined in the work as well. May God Bless you all for you kindness!
It was wonderful to have our many foreign guests with us. They reported that they were warmly received and welcomed. This is greatly appreciated.
The youth gatherings were huge at this year’s convention. Hundreds of youth gathered to listen to messages, sing, and be together. We are so thankful for our youth, as they ARE a FULL PART of our church today, not only in the days ahead.
The Foreign Mission Monthly News and Prayer Requests
• Dennis Hilman is finally getting some rest time in Finland after many months of being in the mission field. The plan is for Dennis to be in America and Canada at the end of July and August. Keep an eye open for him in Michigan (Ironwood youth camp in Watersmeet) and perhaps quick visits to congregations and individuals in the UP. Also, Lord willing, he will be attending the fall services in Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada.
• Following this trip, Dennis heads back into the mission field, most likely to destinations in Africa. Exact dates and places to be determined soon.
• This is the time of year that the Foreign Mission has completed the scheduled yearly cycle of trips around the world. They will be meeting to set up a budget and schedule for a new cycle of similar mission trips. Please check the green latest news blog on the website in the coming months to see which trips are scheduled. You can also email: foreignmission@comcast.net for trip information.
• Please be aware that you can read all of the blogs and the Where He Leads newsletter on our main website at www.themissionsite.com
• Pastors please note: “The Weekly Diner” Pastors and other Christians are encouraged to contribute articles for this weekly email publication that goes throughout the world! Articles are in short supply during this busy summer season.
• Church visits are being fully enjoyed by the administrator of the FM. All Sundays are booked until September, as well as certain week nights.
• Thank you to all that visited the Foreign Mission table at the convention. It is always so enjoyable to chat with Christians from around the USA.
• Please remember to pray for the hundreds of congregations and pastors that your Foreign Mission works with, visits and fellowships with across the world. So many desire your prayer support, and they would love to fellowship with you if it were possible. Congregation in India. (Size of congregation 400 No church building, street meetings are held. Very impoverished people. In this congregation a pastor was beheaded about 4 years ago during the service)
Special Projects for this Month
Donations can be specially earmarked for these special causes
• South African Sunday School Teaching with Leona Matson. We are about half way to our goal for funds for Leona’s trip and supplies. Thank you to all who have helped so far. For more info email foreignmission@comcast.net Leona will be in SA from September until November. Please pray for her.
• Juan Ponce, Guatemala. Progress is going well. Continued church building fund. About 60 to 70% complete.
• Bibles, altar books, Sunday school material, Principles of the Doctrine, and other books are being sent out to various countries as needed. The FM desires to continue to do this.
• Thank you to The Masters Mission and individuals for help with the funding of a church building in India. This project is about to enter the 3rd and final phase of construction.
Note: Due to the travel schedule around the USA from late June until the end of August by the author of these reports, they will be shorter during this time frame. Please pray for safe travels! Visiting with many of you has been enjoyed, and with others it is being looked forward to!
May God Bless your summer!
Regular Support Options and Programs
Here are various ways that you can help in the mission field!
• Foreign Mission General Fund. (any amount welcomed!)
• 12 Month Pledge Program ($10 per mo. and up)
• Indigenous Pastor support ($30 per month per pastor) Names and pictures given.
• Full time Missionary support ($200 per quarter) Dennis Hilman
• Orphan and children support ($30 per month.) in ALC Home in India Pictures and videos supplied.
• Bible and other book purchases ($30 min.)
• Bicycles for pastors ($80 ea. picture given)
• Memorial Funds
• Endowment Funds
• Wells in India: $500 per well
• Mission Hospital in India
Email: for more info if desired at foreignmission@comcast.net
You can very easily donate to any above cause, and even set up for automatic monthly payments by clicking on PaySimple below:
To Donate by check in response to this email: The Foreign Mission 1601 NW 4th Avenue, Battle Ground, WA 98604
Website: www.themissionsite.com
Thank you to the Hockinson congregation for the wonderful job of hosting the convention. So many people worked so hard to make it all happen. They were so very friendly and easy to work with. Also, thanks to the many people from other western congregations that joined in the work as well. May God Bless you all for you kindness!
It was wonderful to have our many foreign guests with us. They reported that they were warmly received and welcomed. This is greatly appreciated.
The youth gatherings were huge at this year’s convention. Hundreds of youth gathered to listen to messages, sing, and be together. We are so thankful for our youth, as they ARE a FULL PART of our church today, not only in the days ahead.
The Foreign Mission Monthly News and Prayer Requests
• Dennis Hilman is finally getting some rest time in Finland after many months of being in the mission field. The plan is for Dennis to be in America and Canada at the end of July and August. Keep an eye open for him in Michigan (Ironwood youth camp in Watersmeet) and perhaps quick visits to congregations and individuals in the UP. Also, Lord willing, he will be attending the fall services in Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada.
• Following this trip, Dennis heads back into the mission field, most likely to destinations in Africa. Exact dates and places to be determined soon.
• This is the time of year that the Foreign Mission has completed the scheduled yearly cycle of trips around the world. They will be meeting to set up a budget and schedule for a new cycle of similar mission trips. Please check the green latest news blog on the website in the coming months to see which trips are scheduled. You can also email: foreignmission@comcast.net for trip information.
• Please be aware that you can read all of the blogs and the Where He Leads newsletter on our main website at www.themissionsite.com
• Pastors please note: “The Weekly Diner” Pastors and other Christians are encouraged to contribute articles for this weekly email publication that goes throughout the world! Articles are in short supply during this busy summer season.
• Church visits are being fully enjoyed by the administrator of the FM. All Sundays are booked until September, as well as certain week nights.
• Thank you to all that visited the Foreign Mission table at the convention. It is always so enjoyable to chat with Christians from around the USA.
• Please remember to pray for the hundreds of congregations and pastors that your Foreign Mission works with, visits and fellowships with across the world. So many desire your prayer support, and they would love to fellowship with you if it were possible. Congregation in India. (Size of congregation 400 No church building, street meetings are held. Very impoverished people. In this congregation a pastor was beheaded about 4 years ago during the service)
Special Projects for this Month
Donations can be specially earmarked for these special causes
• South African Sunday School Teaching with Leona Matson. We are about half way to our goal for funds for Leona’s trip and supplies. Thank you to all who have helped so far. For more info email foreignmission@comcast.net Leona will be in SA from September until November. Please pray for her.
• Juan Ponce, Guatemala. Progress is going well. Continued church building fund. About 60 to 70% complete.
• Bibles, altar books, Sunday school material, Principles of the Doctrine, and other books are being sent out to various countries as needed. The FM desires to continue to do this.
• Thank you to The Masters Mission and individuals for help with the funding of a church building in India. This project is about to enter the 3rd and final phase of construction.
Note: Due to the travel schedule around the USA from late June until the end of August by the author of these reports, they will be shorter during this time frame. Please pray for safe travels! Visiting with many of you has been enjoyed, and with others it is being looked forward to!
May God Bless your summer!
Regular Support Options and Programs
Here are various ways that you can help in the mission field!
• Foreign Mission General Fund. (any amount welcomed!)
• 12 Month Pledge Program ($10 per mo. and up)
• Indigenous Pastor support ($30 per month per pastor) Names and pictures given.
• Full time Missionary support ($200 per quarter) Dennis Hilman
• Orphan and children support ($30 per month.) in ALC Home in India Pictures and videos supplied.
• Bible and other book purchases ($30 min.)
• Bicycles for pastors ($80 ea. picture given)
• Memorial Funds
• Endowment Funds
• Wells in India: $500 per well
• Mission Hospital in India
Email: for more info if desired at foreignmission@comcast.net
You can very easily donate to any above cause, and even set up for automatic monthly payments by clicking on PaySimple below:
To Donate by check in response to this email: The Foreign Mission 1601 NW 4th Avenue, Battle Ground, WA 98604
Website: www.themissionsite.com
Friday, June 18, 2010
Russia - At last!
(Pictures inserted into article below!)
Four long years. No possibility to visit brothers and sisters in Christ, friends, acquaintances or congregations there. Then a visa was issued, and like faith that admits us through the very gates of heaven, I was suddenly being admitted through the passport control of the beautifully new Ekaterinburg airport. Christian friends met me at the gate and I was back in Russia!! Seven years I had served there from 1999 to 2006. Since then I had often been filled with doubt, trepidation and even fear about returning since my visa had been cancelled. The nightmare of being pulled off that train by the militia just inside the border on my way back to Russia in July 2006 was still very real. But now that was all dispersed, like stepping out of a dark cloud.
(Note: This is quite a long article with many pictures, so please get yourself a cup of coffee or your favorite glass of juice and just relax with me. I am quite confident that you will enjoy it!)
Within a few days after I arrived in Ekaterinburg Greg Greve and Bruce Ruotsala joined me. Greg is a dear friend and most seasoned Russian missionary and Bruce is the 19 year old son of our Foreign Mission administrator John Ruotsala. They were indispensible to making the month we spent in Russia a blessed and successful one. The key to a Russian missionary effort, we have found, is individual contacts. In places like India, for instance, one tends to think in terms of groups - large groups of pastors and thousands of people attending outdoor meetings. In Russia it is contacts with individual people that really make the difference. For instance our congregations that existed before in Ekaterinburg and Izhevsk simply exist no more. But the people still do and therefore one must be armed with the Russian language and a cell phone filled with personal numbers. Greg and I come prepared. Thankfully the German Lutheran Church in Ekaterinburg under the leadership of Pastor Waldemar Yesse (who issued me the official invitation so I could get a visa) has proved to be a spiritual home for many of our former congregation members. It was there I preached on Sunday and we had a reunion of some of these dear brothers and sisters.
A second touching reunion was held in the village of Gagarka. Many of you will remember Marat from Gagarka and how he led a village revival from the age of 13 when he converted from Islam and was baptized with his younger brother Dima. Even their mother came to faith at that time. Imagine singing songs of praise to God ten years later in that same humble room where they were baptized - praying and preaching as we acknowledged the power and grace of Jesus Christ to keep people in the way, the truth and the life. With joy we can testify that Marat and his family are still confessing faith.
Too numerous to mention are the amount of people with whom we had contact in Ekaterinburg but we should definitely acknowlege here the amount of work that Misha Ustuzhanin did to arrange things for our stay. Misha was the teenager who was invited to the Christmas celebration at our church back in 2001 for the first time. That evening he experienced how Jesus was born in his heart and ever since then he has remained with us. Also Denis Zhevlakov, the 17 year old who was the first of many young internees to repent and come to faith at the boys prison in that city back in 2000 is still with us. He is a taxi driver, has his own cars, and drove us many places - like to Gagarka twice. And Lena Ilyenkova, a faithful sister who served as Sunday School teacher and music leader for our congregation there is still an active sister. Our first Sunday School students from ten years ago, Julia and Roma, are still serious Christians. Julia is married and just had her second baby while we were there. After some years of testing his own wings Roma has returned to the faith in a deep and positive way.
In general the spiritual climate was good in the Ekaterinburg area and we are pleased with the work of the German Lutheran Church to provide a home for many of our dispersed congregation. Of course some go to other churches but in most cases the faith has been preserved.
By the new Cathedral of the Blood in Ekaterinburg with my dear friend and travelling brother Greg Greve - the man responsible for most of the pictures with this article. This cathedral was built on the place where the last Czar of Russia and his family were shot in 1918. (Ekaterinburg is more than 1000 miles east of Moscow, behind the Ural Mountains in Asian Russia).
Together again - at the German Lutheran Church with (from left) Nona, Lena, "little Lena" and Roma, the first boy in our Sunday School ten years ago.
Several of our original congregation gathered after the Sunday service. Denis Zhevlakov on the left.
Lena Ilyenkova a dear and faithful sister, originally Sunday School teacher and music leader in our congregation. Ekaterinburg's skyline in the background.
Heartfelt reunion. Seeing Marat again after almost five years.
Together with Marat, his mother Nadya and brother Dima
Typical village home like Marat's in Gagarka.

Greg with Misha Ustuzhanin, the main coordinator of our stay in the Ekaterinburg area
Bruce Ruotsala by the ruins of an old Orthodox church in the village of Galkinskoye, 65 miles from Ekaterinburg.
Greg with Vasily Melnichenko and his son Sasha, our friends and brothers in Galkinskoye who promote living and sustainable villages in Russia, starting in their home area. - 2 hours drive east of Ekaterinburg.
Happy send-off by precious friends from Ekaterinburg as we headed for Izhevsk by train.
Greg and Bruce talked me into taking the "plats carte" car on the overnight train to Izhevsk - about 14 hours to the west. This is an open sleeping car with bunks accommodating six people in each area. Usually I have taken a sleeping compartment with 4 bunk-beds each and a closing door. But no, they wanted "more contact with the Russian people". I was OK until about 3:00 a.m. when the conductor woke me up and told me that a lady who was leaving the train had stored her bag in the box under my bed so I had to get up. It was a bit difficult to go back to sleep after this "contact" but I did manage.
The time in Izhevsk was again very people oriented. Our faithful sister Diana opened her home for the three of us while we were there. She is the professor of English at the university whose home we visited the first time many years ago because she was interested in speaking English with us. God then touched her heart deeply with the Gospel and she has become one of the most true servants of the living God since then. Some of you remember our dear old "matching babushkas", sisters Raiya and Klava, who are both still doing quite well. We got to see them on more than one occasion, especially when we visited Sasha (Klava's son) and Katya Tumanov. We also had a short but meaningful visit with Sasha Smirnov, the former pastor who since has been removed because of irregularities in his service. Unfortunately this means that there is no shepherd for this flock in Izhevsk, but we did mange to have a fairly well attended Sunday service at a local Christian bookstore.
On Saturday we hired a van and took a group of people on quite a long journey to the village of Verkh Uni where we used to have an active congregation and regular services. Anatoly, the man responsible in that area was only able to gather very few people for the service. It was the first communion service there in five years. The other village we visited later, Gureis Pudga had a well attended service because there is a full-time pastor trainee there who serves the local church most conscientiously. Very encouraging! This man, also named Marat, is sponsored so far by the Ingrian Lutheran Church but would definitely need our support since he is also trying to revive the congregation in Izhevsk, 1½ hours away.
Teatime in our open "plats carte" sleeping accommodations on the train to Izhevsk.
Diana, professor of English, our faithful hostess and Christian sister in Izhevsk.
Sunday evening church service in Gureis Pudga. An active little rural congregation whose church was built by Finnish Christians.
And speaking of people, Shekino, our next stop south of Moscow, is a lovely people place. Here is where Bruce Selin got a congregation started some years ago together with Misha and Natasha Krupinov. Bruce has been the driving force behind most of our congregations in Russia. Now one of the first members, Vitaly Praslov, who initially vociferously maintained that the only church necessary in Russia was the Orthodox Church, is now the ordained pastor there. Pyoter and Irina Bagrayntseva are still probably the main anchors in Shekino. Pyoter and Vitaly took us to the boys' detention center where every one of the 15 boys who attended our service humbled themselves before the mighty hand of God and asked to hear the blessed gospel of the forgiveness of sins. We blessed each one personally in the mighty name of Jesus and the power of His blood.. What joy and peace there was then in the room - a room that they had all entered rowdy and laughing, and now where they were completely gripped by the Spirit!

Archive photo from the boys' detention center in Shekino with Pyoter and Greg. This time only 15 of the oldest boys were able to attend our service.
With friends in Shekino.
Placing flowers on the monument commemorating the thousands of victims of Stalin's repression - for many a reign of terror - in the Shekino area.
Lastly we come to Rzhev, about 150 miles northwest of Moscow. Here Pastor Valery Antipov and his wife Natasha have served for many years. Here also is a beautiful church which was completed about four years ago and basically sponsored by the Russia Project Ministry, again spearheaded by Bruce Selin. The congregation has not grown noticeably but it is still very much alive. The thing that really interests Greg and me in all of these areas, but maybe especially Rzhev, are the lost and faltering sheep. We often work the fringes of these congregations.
Let me tell you about one particular little sheep. Maybe some of you remember an article I wrote from Rzhev about six years ago called "Little Prince of the Streets" about a small Gypsy beggar boy Roma. Since leaving Rhzev almost five years ago I have had no contact with this boy but I have prayed for him regularly through the years. Gypsies - also often "despised and rejected of men" - are not people who live in one place. I knew that Roma and his family would have moved all over the place since then, begging for their livelihood. When I returned to Rzhev I just prayed that in some miraculous way I would find him and let him know that God still loves him and his family. One day Greg and Bruce and I decided to just go out and comb the streets and bazaars of the city in the remote chance of finding him. We prayed as we returned to our hotel from the church by car to begin this mission. As we pulled up to the hotel and I looked up - there was Roma coming around the corner!! I just gasped and cried out, "Look who we have here!!" It was totally incredible! But there he was, now grown to a boy of 14 but easily recognizable. In the days that followed we spent many times together, at the church, at his home or just sharing time together. He really hit it off with Bruce and now he wants to be baptized. Then his family packed their bags and were off to a new destination. We had met like satellites in the realm of space and just as suddenly he was gone again. God's miraculous hand is, however, not shortened.
While in Rzhev we attended the church on many occasions. Once they asked me to show my mission pictures with a testimony of faith. On two occasions we attended a concert of spiritual music there and on Sunday I preached at the Holy Communion service. On Sunday evening I spoke and showed my slides at the Baptist Church where our dear friend and brother Mikael Soloviov is pastor. All in all we had a very active time in Rzhev - especially among the weak and straying sheep.
Roma the little gypsy boy as he looked when I first found him six years ago.
.......and now "our miracle" as he looks today.
Roma with his little brother Artur and sister Maria.
Congregation gathered after the Sunday service in the Rzhev Lutheran Church.
The church in Rzhev as it stands today. It is the direct result of support that was channelled from brothers and sisters in America through the Russia Project Ministry, which has since become a part of the Foreign Mission of the ALCA.
The month in Russia was a truly meaningful and uplifting experience - except for the constant need to register and re-register our visas as we travelled from city to city which caused us more than its share of headaches. But all in all it was just great to be in that huge country again and to travel with Greg and Bruce Ruotsala. Greg is such an incredible missionary communicator. His Russian has improved very much and his blessed people skills just get better. Bruce, the novice, quickly found his way around, picked up Russian like it was seeping through his pores and was an avid student of my communication lessons on our long train rides. I believe God blessed us all and now I look forward once more to another mission trip to Russia sometime in the future.
I so well remember how Bruce Selin first said to me years ago, "Dennis, I want you to go with me to Siberia." How that invitation changed my life. On this trip I often thought of Bruce and how he trail-blazed the way to Russia for so much of our mission there.
In God's love and peace,
Dennis Hilman
Four long years. No possibility to visit brothers and sisters in Christ, friends, acquaintances or congregations there. Then a visa was issued, and like faith that admits us through the very gates of heaven, I was suddenly being admitted through the passport control of the beautifully new Ekaterinburg airport. Christian friends met me at the gate and I was back in Russia!! Seven years I had served there from 1999 to 2006. Since then I had often been filled with doubt, trepidation and even fear about returning since my visa had been cancelled. The nightmare of being pulled off that train by the militia just inside the border on my way back to Russia in July 2006 was still very real. But now that was all dispersed, like stepping out of a dark cloud.
(Note: This is quite a long article with many pictures, so please get yourself a cup of coffee or your favorite glass of juice and just relax with me. I am quite confident that you will enjoy it!)
Within a few days after I arrived in Ekaterinburg Greg Greve and Bruce Ruotsala joined me. Greg is a dear friend and most seasoned Russian missionary and Bruce is the 19 year old son of our Foreign Mission administrator John Ruotsala. They were indispensible to making the month we spent in Russia a blessed and successful one. The key to a Russian missionary effort, we have found, is individual contacts. In places like India, for instance, one tends to think in terms of groups - large groups of pastors and thousands of people attending outdoor meetings. In Russia it is contacts with individual people that really make the difference. For instance our congregations that existed before in Ekaterinburg and Izhevsk simply exist no more. But the people still do and therefore one must be armed with the Russian language and a cell phone filled with personal numbers. Greg and I come prepared. Thankfully the German Lutheran Church in Ekaterinburg under the leadership of Pastor Waldemar Yesse (who issued me the official invitation so I could get a visa) has proved to be a spiritual home for many of our former congregation members. It was there I preached on Sunday and we had a reunion of some of these dear brothers and sisters.
A second touching reunion was held in the village of Gagarka. Many of you will remember Marat from Gagarka and how he led a village revival from the age of 13 when he converted from Islam and was baptized with his younger brother Dima. Even their mother came to faith at that time. Imagine singing songs of praise to God ten years later in that same humble room where they were baptized - praying and preaching as we acknowledged the power and grace of Jesus Christ to keep people in the way, the truth and the life. With joy we can testify that Marat and his family are still confessing faith.
Too numerous to mention are the amount of people with whom we had contact in Ekaterinburg but we should definitely acknowlege here the amount of work that Misha Ustuzhanin did to arrange things for our stay. Misha was the teenager who was invited to the Christmas celebration at our church back in 2001 for the first time. That evening he experienced how Jesus was born in his heart and ever since then he has remained with us. Also Denis Zhevlakov, the 17 year old who was the first of many young internees to repent and come to faith at the boys prison in that city back in 2000 is still with us. He is a taxi driver, has his own cars, and drove us many places - like to Gagarka twice. And Lena Ilyenkova, a faithful sister who served as Sunday School teacher and music leader for our congregation there is still an active sister. Our first Sunday School students from ten years ago, Julia and Roma, are still serious Christians. Julia is married and just had her second baby while we were there. After some years of testing his own wings Roma has returned to the faith in a deep and positive way.
In general the spiritual climate was good in the Ekaterinburg area and we are pleased with the work of the German Lutheran Church to provide a home for many of our dispersed congregation. Of course some go to other churches but in most cases the faith has been preserved.
By the new Cathedral of the Blood in Ekaterinburg with my dear friend and travelling brother Greg Greve - the man responsible for most of the pictures with this article. This cathedral was built on the place where the last Czar of Russia and his family were shot in 1918. (Ekaterinburg is more than 1000 miles east of Moscow, behind the Ural Mountains in Asian Russia).
Together again - at the German Lutheran Church with (from left) Nona, Lena, "little Lena" and Roma, the first boy in our Sunday School ten years ago.
Several of our original congregation gathered after the Sunday service. Denis Zhevlakov on the left.
Lena Ilyenkova a dear and faithful sister, originally Sunday School teacher and music leader in our congregation. Ekaterinburg's skyline in the background.

Together with Marat, his mother Nadya and brother Dima
Typical village home like Marat's in Gagarka.

Greg with Misha Ustuzhanin, the main coordinator of our stay in the Ekaterinburg area
Bruce Ruotsala by the ruins of an old Orthodox church in the village of Galkinskoye, 65 miles from Ekaterinburg.
Greg with Vasily Melnichenko and his son Sasha, our friends and brothers in Galkinskoye who promote living and sustainable villages in Russia, starting in their home area. - 2 hours drive east of Ekaterinburg.
Happy send-off by precious friends from Ekaterinburg as we headed for Izhevsk by train.
Greg and Bruce talked me into taking the "plats carte" car on the overnight train to Izhevsk - about 14 hours to the west. This is an open sleeping car with bunks accommodating six people in each area. Usually I have taken a sleeping compartment with 4 bunk-beds each and a closing door. But no, they wanted "more contact with the Russian people". I was OK until about 3:00 a.m. when the conductor woke me up and told me that a lady who was leaving the train had stored her bag in the box under my bed so I had to get up. It was a bit difficult to go back to sleep after this "contact" but I did manage.
The time in Izhevsk was again very people oriented. Our faithful sister Diana opened her home for the three of us while we were there. She is the professor of English at the university whose home we visited the first time many years ago because she was interested in speaking English with us. God then touched her heart deeply with the Gospel and she has become one of the most true servants of the living God since then. Some of you remember our dear old "matching babushkas", sisters Raiya and Klava, who are both still doing quite well. We got to see them on more than one occasion, especially when we visited Sasha (Klava's son) and Katya Tumanov. We also had a short but meaningful visit with Sasha Smirnov, the former pastor who since has been removed because of irregularities in his service. Unfortunately this means that there is no shepherd for this flock in Izhevsk, but we did mange to have a fairly well attended Sunday service at a local Christian bookstore.
On Saturday we hired a van and took a group of people on quite a long journey to the village of Verkh Uni where we used to have an active congregation and regular services. Anatoly, the man responsible in that area was only able to gather very few people for the service. It was the first communion service there in five years. The other village we visited later, Gureis Pudga had a well attended service because there is a full-time pastor trainee there who serves the local church most conscientiously. Very encouraging! This man, also named Marat, is sponsored so far by the Ingrian Lutheran Church but would definitely need our support since he is also trying to revive the congregation in Izhevsk, 1½ hours away.
Teatime in our open "plats carte" sleeping accommodations on the train to Izhevsk.
Sunday evening church service in Gureis Pudga. An active little rural congregation whose church was built by Finnish Christians.
And speaking of people, Shekino, our next stop south of Moscow, is a lovely people place. Here is where Bruce Selin got a congregation started some years ago together with Misha and Natasha Krupinov. Bruce has been the driving force behind most of our congregations in Russia. Now one of the first members, Vitaly Praslov, who initially vociferously maintained that the only church necessary in Russia was the Orthodox Church, is now the ordained pastor there. Pyoter and Irina Bagrayntseva are still probably the main anchors in Shekino. Pyoter and Vitaly took us to the boys' detention center where every one of the 15 boys who attended our service humbled themselves before the mighty hand of God and asked to hear the blessed gospel of the forgiveness of sins. We blessed each one personally in the mighty name of Jesus and the power of His blood.. What joy and peace there was then in the room - a room that they had all entered rowdy and laughing, and now where they were completely gripped by the Spirit!

Archive photo from the boys' detention center in Shekino with Pyoter and Greg. This time only 15 of the oldest boys were able to attend our service.
With friends in Shekino.
Placing flowers on the monument commemorating the thousands of victims of Stalin's repression - for many a reign of terror - in the Shekino area.
Lastly we come to Rzhev, about 150 miles northwest of Moscow. Here Pastor Valery Antipov and his wife Natasha have served for many years. Here also is a beautiful church which was completed about four years ago and basically sponsored by the Russia Project Ministry, again spearheaded by Bruce Selin. The congregation has not grown noticeably but it is still very much alive. The thing that really interests Greg and me in all of these areas, but maybe especially Rzhev, are the lost and faltering sheep. We often work the fringes of these congregations.
Let me tell you about one particular little sheep. Maybe some of you remember an article I wrote from Rzhev about six years ago called "Little Prince of the Streets" about a small Gypsy beggar boy Roma. Since leaving Rhzev almost five years ago I have had no contact with this boy but I have prayed for him regularly through the years. Gypsies - also often "despised and rejected of men" - are not people who live in one place. I knew that Roma and his family would have moved all over the place since then, begging for their livelihood. When I returned to Rzhev I just prayed that in some miraculous way I would find him and let him know that God still loves him and his family. One day Greg and Bruce and I decided to just go out and comb the streets and bazaars of the city in the remote chance of finding him. We prayed as we returned to our hotel from the church by car to begin this mission. As we pulled up to the hotel and I looked up - there was Roma coming around the corner!! I just gasped and cried out, "Look who we have here!!" It was totally incredible! But there he was, now grown to a boy of 14 but easily recognizable. In the days that followed we spent many times together, at the church, at his home or just sharing time together. He really hit it off with Bruce and now he wants to be baptized. Then his family packed their bags and were off to a new destination. We had met like satellites in the realm of space and just as suddenly he was gone again. God's miraculous hand is, however, not shortened.
While in Rzhev we attended the church on many occasions. Once they asked me to show my mission pictures with a testimony of faith. On two occasions we attended a concert of spiritual music there and on Sunday I preached at the Holy Communion service. On Sunday evening I spoke and showed my slides at the Baptist Church where our dear friend and brother Mikael Soloviov is pastor. All in all we had a very active time in Rzhev - especially among the weak and straying sheep.
Roma the little gypsy boy as he looked when I first found him six years ago.
.......and now "our miracle" as he looks today.
Roma with his little brother Artur and sister Maria.
Congregation gathered after the Sunday service in the Rzhev Lutheran Church.
The church in Rzhev as it stands today. It is the direct result of support that was channelled from brothers and sisters in America through the Russia Project Ministry, which has since become a part of the Foreign Mission of the ALCA.
The month in Russia was a truly meaningful and uplifting experience - except for the constant need to register and re-register our visas as we travelled from city to city which caused us more than its share of headaches. But all in all it was just great to be in that huge country again and to travel with Greg and Bruce Ruotsala. Greg is such an incredible missionary communicator. His Russian has improved very much and his blessed people skills just get better. Bruce, the novice, quickly found his way around, picked up Russian like it was seeping through his pores and was an avid student of my communication lessons on our long train rides. I believe God blessed us all and now I look forward once more to another mission trip to Russia sometime in the future.
I so well remember how Bruce Selin first said to me years ago, "Dennis, I want you to go with me to Siberia." How that invitation changed my life. On this trip I often thought of Bruce and how he trail-blazed the way to Russia for so much of our mission there.
In God's love and peace,
Dennis Hilman
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